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I spent the next few days in the hospital with Hannah. I missed the moment when Daisy freed all the women in the city, and when Taehyung locked up those who resisted the change. It was a moment that would go down in history, but I missed it, because all I wanted was to be with my sister.

She woke up after third day, and although still heartbroken about Yoongi, she was strong.

The day after, we all gathered to give Yoongi a proper send off, and although there were tears, there was also laughter.

Yoongi was a member of the society that people respected. He was very well loved, and although his body was gone, and his soul had moved on, his memory would always be in our hearts.


"So we finally get to you," Jin said, slapping a pile of paper on the desk. He had taken over one of the offices at the town hall and had been spending the last few weeks reuniting families that were torn apart by the law. It had been going pretty well, and finally, it was our turn.

"Two brothers," Jin said, reading from the paper, "One, Yongguk, unfortunately died at age eighteen. Killed by a wolf while on patrol. He was a Sergeant in the army. The other," He flipped the page over, "Is still alive and well, and actually runs the stables,"

Jin picked up the paper and placed it in a little briefcase, before standing up and smiling at us, "Ready to go?"

Hannah and I looked at each other, and nodded. We followed Jin out of the town hall and down the street in the direction of the stables. It was turning to spring now, so most of the snow had cleared up, and just like every other day I had been outside since Daisy took over the town, I was happy.

There were men and women walking in the street with no restrictions. There were only a few black eyes, and those were on the men who had refused to accept the change, but now, even they had changed.

The town was peaceful, and there were men and women working together now to help rebuild the poorer areas of the city.

As we got closer to the stables, I could hear Jimin laughing, and couldn't help but smile. We had moved back into his old home, and I had never been happier. He had even asked me, if I would join with him like in the days before the explosion; something called marriage. It meant that we would belong to one another as equals for the rest of our lives. There was no hesitation when I answered yes.

"Oh, Jin," Jimin was outside the stable, holding the reigns to Hobi, "What's brought you here?"

"Work," Jin said, lifting his briefcase, "I come with two lovely ladies,"

"Hi, Jimin," I smiled, waving at him. He immediately handed the reigns to a man I recognised from when we first came to the stables all that time ago, and came to me, kissing me on my lips and then turning to face Jin.

Jin rolled his eyes and turned to the man holding the reigns, who dodged a bite from Hobi.

"Jeon Jungkook?" He said, opening the briefcase and pulling out the paperwork.

The man nodded and came towards us, before glaring at Jimin and slapping the reigns back into his hand.

"I'm happy to say that I have found your family," Jin said, "Your real family. These are your younger sisters, Hannah and Rebecca,"

Jungkooks mouth dropped open and he stared at us for a moment, "I have sisters?!"

Jin nodded and both Hannah and I smiled at him.

"Hi," She said, offering her hand, "I'm Hannah,"

Jungkook took her hand, shock still on his face, before turning to me, "Bee is my sister?" I smiled at him and the shock on his face changed into his own smile. He pulled both Hannah and I to him, and enveloped us both in a hug.

"I want to know everything!" He said, hugging us so tightly that we almost choked, "I want to know all about you, and our mother,"

Jimin smiled from where he was standing, "Good for you, Bee," He said, "You finally have your family,"

While Jungkook was hugging us, from the corner of my eye, I saw Jin elbow Jimin, "He's quite cute, isn't he?"

Jimin laughed, "Go for it, Jin. I'm sure you can win him over,"



"Are you okay?" 

I found Hannah standing by Yoongis grave, which is always where I found her when she went missing. Next to him, was a memorial for our mother, that Taehyung had made beautifully for us once everything had calmed down

"Everyone's waiting for you,"

Hannah smiled sadly and gently rubbed her swollen stomach with her hand, "I'm alright," She said. We found out she was pregnant not long after we met our older brother, and although she was happy, she still missed the babys father.

"I was just talking to Mama and Yoongi,"

I smiled and took her hand, "I'm sure they are watching over you right now," I said, "They both loved you so much,"

She sighed and nodded, "Come on. I know Daisy and Tam have been preparing for this dinner all week,"

We slowly made our way back to where Daisy and Tam were now living. It was starting to get cold again, so I wrapped my Mamas scarf tighter around my body, as Hannah gripped onto her scarf, that belonged to Yoongi.

We were greeted by familiar faces, and as we sat down to eat a gentle atmosphere came across the table.

"I'm happy things turned out this way," Jimin said, as he loaded things on to my plate, "We can finally relax and be happy,"

"That's where you are wrong," Daisy said, standing up, "We have only conquered this city. There are still plenty of cities out there, who will not stand for this."

She looked around the table as she spoke, "It is not the end. It is just the beginning,"




I'm sorry that the ending is a bit of a let down, I suck with endings DX

I really, truly enjoyed writing this series, and it was so much longer and took a lot more time than I expected it to. It also had so many more readers with their wonderful comments than I was expecting, so thank you so, so much!!!!

Please keep an eye on this book, as Daisy and I are looking into printing a few copies for a give away, and maybe to sell. I will post another chapter after this once we have decided, for more details, so if you would like to buy one or win one, please keep this book in your library so that you can be notified when I post! It will take a while, though because I have to actually edit everything, and then plan the book!

If you are interested in buying one, please let me know, so we can look into that aspect as well.

There will be extra chapters in the printed version, like POVs of Yoongi and Daisy, but before any of you ask, I won't be writing any smut, as it will just ruin the whole atmosphere of the book. Please don't ask me!

I am thinking of a second book but please don't pressure me because I have a lot of work to do

So, for now...


Bee xxxx

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