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When I opened my eyes, I had a bandage around my chest, and there was a searing pain in my back by my shoulder blade, running all the way down to my mid back. I sat up slowly, and looked around.

I seemed to be in some kind of hospital room; clean and white, but clearly old.

"Bee?" My voice came out as not much more than a croak and even though my body felt weak, I pushed myself as upright as I could, and slowly slid my legs off the bed, "Bee?" I called a little louder this time, concerned that she wasn't with me.

"She can't hear you," 

My head snapped to the doorway when I heard a voice, and my eyes narrowed when I saw Daisy leaning up against the frame, her arms crossed.

"She's locked up at the moment, but if you both behave I'll bring her here,"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, standing up with pure willpower, "Why did you save us? You tried to kill me, before, why did you rescue me, this time?"

Daisy just stared at me for a moment, before sighing and pushing herself off of the door frame, "I guess I'll get your little girlfriend," She said, turning away.

"Answer my question!"

Daisy strode to me and poked me in the chest with a finger, "You don't get to order me around anymore, Jimin. I am not beneath you,"

"Just answer my God damn question," I snapped, ignoring her. I needed to know that Bee was safe.

"It was nothing personal, Jimin," She said, "But now isn't the time for explanations. Do you wanna see the girl or not?"

I couldn't help but glare at her, but nodded, "Of course I want to see her,"

Daisy paused as she once again headed out of the door, "What's your relationship with her?"

"None of your business,"

"It is," Daisy said, "I removed her collar. I liberated her. She's a free woman now, she doesn't belong to you, or any other man,"

I paused, my frown disappearing as I thought about what she said, "She doesn't belong to me... I think.. I belong to her. Please just let me see that she's okay,"

"Wow, Jimin," Daisys eyebrows raised in surprise, "You're in love. So quickly,"

I was silent and she smiled a little, "I hope that she's the right one for you, this time,"



I was still seated at the desk with the empty plate in front of me when Daisy and Yoongi came back through the door of the building.

"Lover boy's awake, Bee," Yoongi drawled, "You gunna behave enough to walk to the hospital wing?"

I nodded enthusiastically and stood up, rushing to the door. I was used to being obedient, and even though I didn't like Daisy very much, I would do whatever she asked if it meant I could go to the General.

Daisy sighed, "I was kind of hoping she'd put up a fight,"

Yoongi laughed, "Don't lie, you like mellow girls,"

Daisy tutted, "But we locked her up, I want her to be angry because we took away her freedom,"

This woman had no logic behind her thinking, and it was making me angry, "That makes no sense!" I cried, holding on to the bars, "You said I'm free but you keep me locked up! Take me to see the General!"

Daisy smiled widely, "That's better!" She said happily, before unlocking and opening the door, "Come on, he's been asking for you since he opened his eyes,"

I was so angry and fed up and confused, that as I stepped out, without thinking, I lashed out and punched Daisy right in the face. She yelped and staggered backwards, holding her face as I stared at her angrily.

Yoongi took a step towards me, but Daisy held out her hand, "I deserved that," She said, a slight smile on her face, "And as long as she doesn't do it again, we can let her off," She looked at me, "You're not going to do it again, are you?" It wasn't a question. It was more like an order.

"If you stop messing with my mind, I won't," I said, feeling so overwhelmed again that I just wanted to cry.

She stared at me for a moment and nodded, "Alright. Come on, let's take you to see him,"

Yoongi placed a hand on her arm gently, "I'll take her. You go put some ice on your face before you swell up and no one knows who you are anymore,"

Daisy nodded and once we went outside, she turned right and headed down the stairs to the lower level. Yoongi took me left and we walked up the gently sloping path towards our destination.

"You know," Yoongi said as we walked, "As much as I don't agree with you hitting out leader, I think it probably worked in your favour,"

I looked at him in confusion, "Well," He explained, "You just proved to her that you're not a mindless slave that's been brainwashed by the men from your city. You can think for yourself, and because of that, she probably won't keep you locked up anymore. She can trust you,"

"Her logic is not right," I muttered, and Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah, she's a bit twisted. But in a good way. She's a good person, Bee, you just don't understand her, yet,"

I sighed and shook my head. We fell into silence as we continued the walk up the path, until we came to a large structure, with a worn red cross hanging from the wall.

"This is the upper right hospital," He said, opening the front door, "We don't use it all that often because it's so high and far away from where we actually live, so we decided to treat Mr lover boy here. It's also more of a clinic, really, it's so small,"

As the door closed behind us, I looked at him, "Is he okay?" I asked softly, "I know you said he was awake, but, is he.. Okay?"

Yoongi smiled a little and pushed on my back, "See for yourself. He's in room two,"

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