Extra Chapter 4

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"Fucking idiot!" I heard a voice as I closed my eyes, "Don't leave her now, after everything! I still need you to help look after your nephew when he's born. Wake up, General Park Jimin. You need to tell Bee you love her some more. While you're at it, tell Hannah I'll always watch over her,"

"Yoongi?" I could barely make a sound, but he must have heard me, as I heard a sigh.

"Weren't you listening to me?" I felt a hard smack on my back, throwing me forwards, "Wake up, idiot! It's not your time yet!"

I opened my eyes as I was jerked upright by hands on my chest and arms underneath my arms. I could hear someone grunting in effort, and my head lolled weakly to there side, where I could see Namjoon and his regiment furiously battling the flames, focusing on one area where there was none.

"Hurry up!" Namjoon cried, "We can't keep this up!"

"Come on, Jimin!" I heard Taehyungs voice behind me, "Come on, wake up, damnit, I can't carry you down there!"

"I'm awake," My voice came out as a husky croak, and I felt Taehyung tighten his grip as he lifted me to my feet.

"Thank God," He muttered, "Come on, Jimin, move,"

Taehyung supported me as I staggered down the only area of charred wood that was free of flames. He shoved me as I reached the edge, and Namjoon caught me before I fell, and dragged me away from the pile, before letting me sink the the ground and returning to fighting the flames.

"Jimin!" I was hit so hard by a body that I collapsed backwards onto the floor, my arms automatically wrapping around Bee to protect her. I held her close to me as she sobbed into my chest, her small hands gripping my blackened shirt.

"I'm okay," I gasped, "I'm okay. Are you hurt? Are you hurt, Bee?!" I sat up, still holding her as I suddenly remembered that she had been tied to a wooden stake, about to be set on fire.

"I'm fine, you stupid man," She sobbed, still clinging to me, "Don't ever do something so stupid again!"

"I'm sorry," I said softly, prising her hands off of my shirt and pushing her back slightly. I cupped her tear stained face in my hands, "I'm sorry, Bee. I love you, so much, I just didn't want to-"

She cut me off by pressing her lips against mine. I was so shocked that I just about remembered that I was supposed to kiss her back, and I did so until we were interrupted by Jin, who wanted to check me over for injuries.

Once he was satisfied, I headed over to Hannah and Jungkook, who had hold of Hobi.

"Is he okay?" I asked moving to pat my loyal ponys strong neck. Jungkook nodded, before dropping the reigns and pulling me into a hard hug.

"Thank you," He said quietly, "For saving her,"

I pulled away, "You should thank Hannah," I said, "She did just as much,"

Hannah was crying, one hand resting on her rounded stomach, the other holding Tams hand as the taller woman comforted her.

"I think you two should go home," Daisy said quietly, "Let us deal with this. You both need to rest,"

I nodded and pulled Bees hand, "Yeah, alright. Come on, Bee," As I began to walk, I had a sudden thought.

"Hannah," She turned to face me as I smiled at her, "Yoongi said it's a boy. He said he'll always watch over you,"

Hannahs eyes widened to huge, round orbs, before she burst into tears, her hand gripping the scarf around her neck.


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