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The week went by much faster than I was expecting. We spent one of the days planning every tiny detail of the infiltration, and the rest of the time we spent preparing every other person in the cavern. 

The day before the plan was to take place, Jin talked Daisy into letting everyone take a break, so Jimin and I were in the bed still. He was laid on his back, with his arm outstretched, and I had my head resting on his bicep. His other hand was holding mine, gently rubbing his thumb across my skin.

I didn't know when we got so close, it was like we were in a proper relationship, but we didn't have any clear outline of when it began. It was if overnight, we were different people, with different roles in the world.

"I'm worried," He admitted quietly, disturbing the peaceful quiet of the bedroom. I turned my head to face him, but he kept looking up at the ceiling.

"About what?" I asked.

"You," He answered, "I know I told everyone I trust you to do what we need doing, and I do, but I'm still worried,"

I propped myself up and looked down at him, and he finally turned to face me.

"You are strong, and tough, but you're not a soldier,"

"Daisy taught me some stuff," I said, pointing to the little dagger that was sitting on the small table next to the bed. As well as being taught how to ride properly, Daisy taught me how to fight with a knife properly, in case I was cornered. She also had Hannah teach me and Tam how to use a bow and arrow, just in case.

"I know," Jimin said, staring into my eyes with his beautiful brown orbs, "But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be worried. If something happens, you'll be going up against trained soldiers,"

"Yoongi will be with us," I said.

Jimin sighed, "Alright. Just promise me that if anything happens, you'll come to find me, or you'll jump on Hobi and get away,"

I hesitated and he tightened his grip on my hand very slightly, "Please, Bee, promise me,"

"Okay," I said seriously, "If something happens, I'll do my best to run,"

Jimin seemed satisfied with my answer, and a mischievous smile grew on his plump lips.

"Now we got that out of the way, and we don't have to get up yet," He said, using the arm that was under my head to pull me down towards him, "I've been wanting to do this all week,"

Our lips met gently as he guided me on top of him, his hands running up and down my back. The kiss slowly deepened and he rolled us over so he was pressing me into the bed, kissing me more passionately than he had ever kissed me before.

I felt his hand slide up my thigh, and then up my stomach underneath the vest top I had been wearing to bed. His skin was hot against my own, but sent shivers down my body, and I arched up a little into his touch.

I could feel my heart rate speed up as he tore his lips away from mine and kissed along my jaw and down my neck, and as my fingers gripped him, I had an instant thought about how perfect this moment was with Jimin, and how I was glad I was going to spend this time with him.

Until there was a knock at the door.

"You're fucking kidding me!" Jimin cried, pulling away from me and looking over at the open bedroom door.

I tried to hold back a laugh, but failed. Jimin glared at me, and then rolled his eyes with a smile, "Looks like we won't get any peace after all,"

He climbed out of the bed and put his jumper on, pulling it down so it covered his hips, and headed out of the door.



"I'm coming calm down," I muttered as I moved to the front door, wishing that I was coming in a different way with the girl I loved.

"Hey, Jimin," Jin said brightly as I opened the door. He ignored my death stare and just kept smiling.

"What do you want, Jin?" I snapped, annoyed.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, a sly smile on his face.

"Yes, actually," I said, "What is it?"

I turned when I heard footsteps behind me. Bees arm wrapped around my waist and she peeked around me at Jin. I groaned when I saw she was fully dressed.

"Hello, Jin," She said with a smile, and I glared at her, too. She clearly thought my frustration was funny. I was getting so desperate for her that as soon as Jin left, I was planning on taking her right back to the bed.

"Hello, Bee," He said, "The plans been put forward," 

I gaped at him, praying that he wasn't about to say what I knew was coming.

"It's been moved to tonight,"

"Great," I forced a smile, "The sooner the better, right?"

Jin nodded, "That's what Daisy thought. Come on, they want to get prepared. Daisy has some stuff for you both,"

I was expecting Jin to leave and give me even just ten minutes, because right at this second, that was all I was going to need, but he didn't. He stood and waited.

I sighed, "Alright," I went back to the bedroom to grab my boots and my sword, and Bee followed suit.

As soon as she was out of sight of Jin, I moved to her, pressing her gently into the wall, making her gasp.

"As soon as we are back," I whispered in her ear, "Nothing is going to hold me back anymore. Is that okay with you?" I looked up, pleased to see that she was blushing.

"I'll take that as a yes," I said smugly, swinging my sword up so it rested on my shoulders, "Come on, Bee, let's go and see what Daisy wants,"


AN: Oh ho ho ho~

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