Extra Chapter 3

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"What do you mean, she just vanished?" Jungkook said as Jin and Taehyung checked out my garden, "No one just vanishes, Jimin,"

I was pacing back and forth around the kitchen, wishing that they would just let me go out and look for her; but according to Jin, that wouldn't work, as first I needed to find some sort of tracks to follow.

"There are footprints here," Jin said suddenly, leaning his head through the back door, "It's dark, so they're hard to make out, but there are some faint prints leading to the back gate,"

"That doesn't help at all!" I cried, "It's obvious that if they came through the back door, they would have used the gate!"

"Calm down, Jimin," Daisy said, placing her hand on my arm, "Don't yell at Jin, he's just trying to help,"

I took a deep breath and nodded, "I know, I'm sorry, but-"

"It's fine," Jin cut me off, "I understand. Anyway, it does help. Someone bring me a light,"

Taehyung took a small lamp from the table in the kitchen and took it out through the door and into the garden, "Male," He said as he held the light up and Jin crouched down, "Definitely male. These prints are too big for a woman,"

"So she was kidnapped?!" I cried, "That's it. I'm going to hunt him down and ki-"

"Jimin calm down!" Daisy snapped at me, "You're not killing anyone! Now take a deep breath. We will find her, don't worry!"

"I'll go get some ponies," Jungkook said, quickly heading to the front door, "We can split up and look for her quicker that way,"



The mad man, who I remembered that Jimin had called Hoseok, had been gone for roughly half an hour. I struggled the best I could in the bonds that held me to the chair, but to no avail. I could not get even a single knot to loosen up.

The rag tied around my face was making my jaw ache, and the spikes inside the collar were digging painfully into my neck every time I moved, but I didn't give up. I had to free myself, and get back to Daisy and warn her what his plan was.

However, Hoseok had come back into the house before I could get myself free.

"We are going to have a little celebration," He said, undoing the ropes that bound me to the chair. I stood up quickly, trying to escape, but he yanked on the collar, making me yelp in pain. I realised that my hands were still tied behind my back, and turned to glare at him.

Hoseok simply pulled a gun from his hip, and pointed it at me, "Make a single sound, and I'll shoot you, and then go to your pregnant sisters house, and shoot her, too,"

I gasped through the gag, and decided that the second I got a chance, I would kill him. There was no way I was going to let him get away with this. 

He pressed the gun to my head, and pushed me out of his front door and into the street. After a short walk, we reached the Town Hall, where Daisys office was during the day. I was shocked to see that in front of it, pressed against the wall a little further back from where the auction stage used to be, was a long post, surrounded by wood and hay. 

I wasn't sure how he had set it up so fast, but I knew that it was for me. I froze in fear, but he yanked on the collar hard, and pressed the gun into my head until I started walking again.

He pushed me over the pile of wood and up to the pole, where he tied me tightly so I was facing away from the hall.

"I will burn you, witch," He spat at me, "And set the General free of your spell. And once he is free, he will help me liberate the City so we can once again be great!"

I began to scream through the gag, struggling as hard as I could to get free, but he had tied me too tightly.

"Bangtan City!" He boomed next to me, aiming to wake the entire town, "Wake, and join us as we purge the city of evil!"



I had just mounted Hobi when a runner from Namjoons regiment charged towards me, only slightly out of breath.

"General Park, Sir," He panted, "Major General Kim calls for your assistance. There is a bad disturbance in front of the town hall,"

I narrowed my eyes, "Details," I ordered, and the man nodded.

"A man has a woman tied to a stake and is preaching about ridding the City of witches. We can't shoot him, he is using the woman as protection,"

I felt my blood run cold, "Shit, Bee!" I spurred Hobi into a run, and vaguely registered the sounds of hooves on the cobble behind us, indicating that the others were following. 

As I reached the Town Square, I could see a lot of civilians, yelling in the direction of the Town Hall. In front of them, keeping them back, was Namjoons troops; half of them were holding back the civilians, and the other half had guns trained towards a mound of wood.

The crowds of yelling people parted as we charged through on our ponies, and I dismounted with a shout when I saw Jung Hoseok standing behind Bee, who was tied to a long wooden stake.

"Hoseok!" I yelled as he lit a huge torch on fire, and began waving it around in one hand, with a gun in the other, "Stop it, now!"

"General," His face had a deranged smile, and he reached out, yanking on Bees blonde hair and making her yelp, "I will save you from the spell of this witch! I will help you regain control of our city!"

"No!" Daisy cried, dismounting and rushing forward, "Don't do this, Hoseok!"

"Witch!" He screamed back at her, "Be gone, foul demon!"

I pulled my gun free, aiming at his head as I walked forwards, "Hoseok, enough," 

"Jimin!" Bee whimpered. She knew I couldn't get a clear shot of him, and I could see the fear in her eyes.

"I will shoot her dead," Hoseok said, lifting the gun to her head, "And then I will burn her body and free us all,"

I screamed as he cocked the gun, but suddenly, he was falling, a shocked look on his face. He looked down, dropping the gun and torch to grasp at the arrow sticking out of his chest. Hannah was standing next to me, a bow in her hand and a furious look on her face.

As he fell, Hoseoks torch tumbled down the mound of hay and fire to land at the bottom, where it suddenly erupted in flames.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was back in Hobis saddle, kicking him into a gallop. I ignored the shouts and screams of the people around me as we charged towards the growing flames. In one great leap, Hobi swept over the flames, hooves scrabbling to find anchorage on the piles of hay on the other side. 

I was off of his back and by the stake before anyone could blink.

"Jimin," Bee sobbed, still fighting to get free, "Get out of here with Hobi, the fire-"

"Shut up!" I cried, "Just let me get you out!" My fingers were hurting from trying to undo the knots, and as I finally started to get them free, Hobi was already pushed up next to us because of the flames.

Once I had got her out of the ropes, I threw her onto Hobis back, but there was no more time. With barely a thought, I slapped Hobis rump as hard as I could, and he immediately charged forward, once again leaping over the flames with Bee hanging over the saddle, screaming as she looked back at me, her hand outstretched, reaching for me.

I could feel my energy being drained from the heat, and felt my legs collapse underneath me, before everything went dark.




Sorry about the pace, but I don't want this longer than necessary, as it's just a small side story.

Unedited, what a surprise~

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