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We reached the edge of the wall fairly quickly, and Daisy moved to the lead to locate the hidden door.

"Here," She said once she found it, "It opens outwards, so I'll need some help," Both Yoongi and Jin moved to the door and pushed their fingers into the groove of where the door met the wall and helped Daisy pry it open. 

Jimin handed the reigns of his pony to Daisy, "He bites, sometimes," He warned, "Everyone keep close to the wall. We'll be back as soon as possible,"

He turned to me and took my hand, "Let's go,"

"Jimin, wait," Jimin turned back and Yoongi pressed a gun into his palm, "Just in case," Jimin nodded and Yoongi stepped back. He took a deep breath and pulled me through the gap of the door.

We stepped back into the city, and the door closed over behind us. We were standing in a dark, dirty alley behind some houses, and Jimin immediately pulled me towards a gap that led to the street.

"I'm sorry," He said, taking hold of the handle of the lead that was dangling down my front, "I don't want to do this anymore,"

"You have to, let's just go," I said, pulling him into a walk. It was quiet and empty in the streets, thankfully, and we made it quickly to the more rich area of the city. As we passed Jimins home, however, I stopped.

"Jimin," I whispered, I want to get my scarf. I had left it behind when we left in fear of it getting ruined, but now I knew I wasn't going to be coming back to live here, I wanted it with me.

Jimin just nodded and unlocked the door. I rushed in as quickly as I could, and grabbed the scarf. As an after thought, I grabbed a pile of clothes for Tam. She might have been taller than me, but it was better than being naked in the snow.

After I was outside again, Jimin closed the door behind me, and we made out way to the city hall where Tam was being held.

"Shit," Jimin stopped outside the front door, and I looked up at him questioningly, "I don't know her number," He muttered, "How am I going to request her?"

I chewed my lip, and my eyes widened, "I think I remember it," I said, "It's 0917,"

Jimin smiled, "Thanks. Let's go in, then,"

I followed Jimin into the building, and unlike before, there was no one at the desk. He kept walking and went through the door to the right that led to the Care girls. 

"Oh, General Park," A guard that was clearly snoozing at his station stood upright, quickly, "Welcome back, we weren't expecting you for another week,"

"We hit complications," Jimin said. I stood nervously behind him, but Jimin had been pretending to be someone he wasn't for so long, that he was a natural, "I'm here to request,"

"Of course, Sir," The guard said, grabbing his keys from his belt, "Do you know who?"

"0917," Jimin said, his eyes flickering to me quickly.

The guard paused, "She's in isolation, sir,"

I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest. Maybe we wouldn't be able to get her out without a fight.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"She wass bleeding, Sir," The guard said sheepishly.

I felt myself begin to get angry. She was in isolation because she was on her period?! Before I could say anything and break my character, Jimin spoke.

"Take me to her. She will be coming with me to cleanse my woman. I just registered her as mine, I won't be selling her on,"

"Oh, in that case," The guard said, opening a door to the right, "Follow me, Sir,"

He led us into a separate room that was lit by a dim bulb on the ceiling. There were four cages, smaller than the ones I saw in the other rooms, and curled up on a tiny bed in one of them, was the Care girl who had bathed me when I was sold.

"0917, get up," The guard said, kicking the bar roughly. He unlocked and opened the door widely, before stepping to the side. Tam immediately sat up, and I was glad to see that she was wearing underwear, at least, "You've been requested,"

"Leave while I get her ready," Jimin said, and the guard bowed, before exiting the room.

Tam stood up and bowed, and came forward, and I rushed forward, holding out the pile of clothes for her.

"Good thinking, Bee," Jimin said, "I didn't even think of that,"

Tam frowned a little in confusion, and Jimin smiled a little, "Don't worry, you're safe,"

Tam quickly pulled on the dress, and it was shorter on her than me, but at least it was going to keep her warm. Jimin took the lead from the bars of the cell and clipped it on her collar, "Let's go, quickly," He said, and we both followed him wordlessly.

We decided before coming in that it would be safer to get Tam out first, and then go back for Mama, so we walked as quickly as possible back to the stone door in the wall. Jimin pushed on it a little and waited for some assistance from the other side.

"What's going on?" Tam whispered quietly at me, "Bee, what's happening? What's the General doing?"

I smiled at her, "You'll see,"

The door opened, and before anyone could react, Daisy came barreling in.

"D-Daisy?!" Tams eyes opened widely, and then she was staggering backwards from the force of Daisys hug.

"Take it outside!" Jimin hissed, "We can't get caught!"

Daisy dragged Tam out through the door, and I could see that both of them were crying. Tam had gotten over her initial shock, and was clinging to the smaller woman, sobbing as she was pulled out.

"Be quick," Yoongi said, sticking his head through the gap, "I saw guards starting to patrol,"

Jimin nodded and we headed back into the city, going straight to where my mother was.


AN: Double update~

Not edited, what a surpriiiiiise

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