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I carried out my usual morning routine when I woke up the next morning, and once I had eaten breakfast and gotten myself ready, the General clipped the lead on me and handed me a large basket, and we headed out like usual.

However, we didn't go the usual route to his work; instead, we went to an area filled with shops and stalls. It wasn't anything like the market place I was used to, and the first time I had gotten groceries with the General, it was at a small store near his office.

I was surprised at the hustle and bustle of the busy area, and even more so when the General led me into a clothes shop.

"Good morning," The man at the counter greeted the General, "How may I help you, General Park, sir?"

"Do you have my order?" The General asked, and the man nodded and snapped his fingers. A woman that I hadn't even noticed standing there behind him came out from behind the counter and disappeared through a door that was closed off by a curtain. A moment later, she came out with a tightly packed square package. The General took it from her hands and placed it in the bottom of the basket, before turning back to the man at the counter.

"I also need two winter dresses, two pairs of thick leggings and two thick jumpers," He paused for a second, "And a womens winter coat,"

"Of course, Sir. What sizes?"

The General looked me up and down, "I assume your mother is the same size?"

I nodded and he turned back to the clerk, "Small to Medium,"

The man nodded and the woman began to rush around the store, grabbing items before taking them to the counter and folding them up into one pile of compactly folded clothes.

"Wrap the leggings and jumpers in a separate package," The General said, and the woman immediately put the clothes into two piled before wrapping them in brown paper and tying them tightly with string. She carried the packages to me and placed them in the basket as well.

"Anything else, Sir?" The clerk asked, and the General shook his head and placed a few payment tokens on the counter next to him, "Pleasure doing business with you, General Park, as usual," The man bowed and the General pulled me from the store.

"Thank you, Sir," I said quietly as soon as the door closed. I know he didn't want me to speak, but I had to show my gratitude, even if it was just a few words. He paused for a moment, and looked at me.

"It's fine," He said, before leading me to another shop, "It didn't cost very much, anyway,"

I knew that was a lie. Each individual token that he had placed on the counter was worth more than what my old Master brought home each month. But either way, I was grateful.

After that, he purchased some blankets and some new winter-proof boots for both of us. He also stopped at a sword masters to pick up his freshly sharpened blade, but he hung that on his hip immediately, before finally leading me back to his office in the army HQ.

Instead of going to his office, however, we headed to another room, that had a plaque that read "Lieutenant General Kim Taehyung". The General knocked and there was a voice from inside telling us to enter.

"Tae," The General said as the door opened, "How're you?"

"Oh, General," Taehyung stood up and saluted as we entered the room and the General smiled.

"At ease. Since when do you salute me?"

"I'm on duty," Taehyung said, moving to the door and closing it, "The government have officials hanging around at the moment,"

"Oh yeah," The General said, "I forgot. Anyway, is everything prepared for tomorrow?"

Taehyung nodded and sat back onto his desk chair. The General sat opposite him, but was still holding the lead, so I had to follow and stand behind him.

"Everything's ready," Taehyung said, "Are there any extras you want to send before the morning?"

I was hoping he would take some of the things from the basket, as it was heavy, but he shook his head.

"No, just the personal packs that we'll have with us,"

Taehyung nodded, "That's good," He nodded at me, "Does she know the rules?"

"I'll tell her when we get home," The General stood up, "Which is where I have to go. We have to leave early,"

"I'll have the car ready at six," Taehyung said, also standing up, "See you in the morning, Jimin,"

The General smiled grimly, "Yeah. See you tomorrow, Tae,"

The General led me home and I cooked an early dinner. Once we had both eaten, he told me to sit at the table with him, so he could go through some important rules.

"These rules are very important, 1216," He said as soon as I was seated, "Our lives depend on you following these rules, do you understand?" I nodded my head and he continued to speak.

"You must obey me at all times," He said, "I have been out beyond the walls several times, so I know how to handle myself out there. But with an extra person, and an extra pony, we will be more vulnerable,"

I chewed my lip nervously. I didn't want to go beyond the walls, but from the sound of it, I had no choice.

"It's a four day journey, so each day we have to reach a safe house before dark. You have to make sure you don't make any loud noises, and we can only have small fires. Even in the cold, when we rest; unless it's at a safe house, we cannot have a fire,"

His eyes flickered to the collar around my neck, "For safety reasons, while we are riding, I won't be holding a lead. I need you to not try and run, because if you do, I will kill you. Understand?"

I nodded my head, eyes wide, "Yes, Sir, I won't try to run,"

He pursed his lips, "Good. I'm putting a lot of trust in you, and if you behave properly, you might even have a pleasant time. Outside the walls is very dangerous, but it is also very beautiful,"

I highly doubted that I'd have a pleasant time. I didn't want to go, but what he said was my law. And I was starting to hate that.

The General stood up and took a deep breath.

"Go to sleep, 1216," He said quietly, "You don't need to clean tomorrow, just make breakfast," He moved to the basket full of things that I had carried earlier, and pulled out one of the packages, "Wear these underneath your dress tomorrow and bring the other set back down and return it to the basket," He also lifted out my new pair of winter boots, "These, too. Goodnight, Bee,"

He left the dining room before I could reply, and with a sigh, I headed up to my bedroom. I might be setting out for my death tomorrow, but at least I didn't have to clean in the morning.

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