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When I woke up in the morning, I was not well rested. I had dreamed awful things while I was asleep; all revolving around 1216. They started with the sound of her giggling as we were beyond the walls, but they quickly morphed into nightmares. I had horrible images of her being swept off the pony behind me and being dragged away by huge, new mutations of animals. I dreamed that even though I tried to save her, I was too slow, as if I was running in slow motion. I couldn't protect her, and the sounds of her blood curdling screams in huge contrast to the heart warming laughs before hand were enough to throw me into consciousness covered in a cold sweat.

Once I managed to get back to sleep, the nightmares returned, but slightly different. I was standing in my kitchen, may arms around a black haired girls waist, and my chin resting on her shoulder. I could almost feel her smiling as she cooked with me hanging off her. But like before, they quickly changed, and the girl was suddenly spinning in my arms, her face like the ancient drawings of demons and devils as she lunged at me, the kitchen knife in her hand.

I headed into the bathroom, not realizing that it was so early in the morning, and when I opened the door, I lifted my head when I heard something crash to the floor.

Bee and I stood frozen, staring at each other for a moment in shock. She was in the process of getting dressed, and was wearing the leggings that I had purchased earlier, and a plain white bra. And nothing else. It was then I realised that I was also just wearing a pair of loose trousers that I usually slept in.

Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to pull a jumper on over her head, before she knelt down to pick up whatever it was that she had dropped previously.

I stepped back and closed the door, before heading calmly back to my own room. As I stood in the doorway, my heart pounded loudly in my chest, and I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

I had not seen the bare skin of a woman in a while; after Daisy, no matter how many Care Girls were sent to me, none of them excited me enough to even get my pulse to increase, so I told them to stop bothering.

However, after seeing Bee; even though she was covered in places, my heart rate rocketed through the roof.

"Shit," I swore, running my fingers through my hair. She was only with me temporarily. I was not supposed to see her unclothed. If anyone found out, I would be in so much trouble.



I did not expect The General to be up so early, and in my haste to get to the bathroom before making breakfast, I had forgotten to lock the door. Luckily, I was already in my leggings and my breasts were covered by my bra, but he was still the first man to see me in so little.

A quick look in the mirror proved that my cheeks were more red that a fire, but he was clearly not phased by me. In fact, he just stepped back out of the room and closed the door. He was also half dressed, wearing nothing but some loose fitting trousers.

I had never seen a man without a shirt before; even my old Master kept his shirt on around the house. The Generals body was well proportioned and muscled, and he had smooth, golden skin, marred only by a raised, pure white scar over his chest, and what looked like large claw marks on his side.

I took a deep breath and gently tapped some cold water onto my hot cheeks with my hands, before pulling the dress over top of the jumper and leggings. It took a little fidgeting with it to get the bodice to sit well over the thick material, but once I was satisfied, I headed quickly downstairs to prepare the breakfast.

The General appeared not long after, fully dressed and calm as he sat in the dining room, waiting for me to serve him.

I knew we were going to have a busy day in the cold, so despite the fact that it might have been considered a poor mans food, I served the General a bowl of porridge, with some fruit that I found in the fridge.

The fruit was so good; juicy and full of a sweet flavour that I had never tried before. I wasn't sure what kind of fruit it was, as I wasn't familiar with many fruits, but I knew I wanted to eat it again.

Once we had both eaten, I washed up the bowls, and got myself ready to leave. The General handed me the basket from the day before, that was still filled, and clipped on the lead.

As we got outside, there was already a car waiting, and Taehyung was leaned up against the bonnet wearing a heavy winter coat and hat.

"You picked a good time to go," He said once the General had put him at ease, "It's going to get colder, Jimin,"

"They wanted me to make it now, so now is when I go," The General said darkly, before climbing into the back seat, pulling me with him. He strapped me in before clipping himself in, and Taehyung climbed into the passenger seat at the front.

"We need to stop off before the stables," The General said as the car pulled away, "Need to make a delivery,"

"A delivery?" Taehyung said, looking back, "What do you mean?"

The General didn't look at me as he spoke, "Where does your mother live?" He asked, making Taehyungs eyes widen in shock.

"Section Five, Sir," I said quietly, my eyes filling with tears already.

"That's on the way to the stables," He said, leaning back into the seat, "Tell me when we reach the outskirts to Section Five so she can guide us there," He addressed the driver.

Taehyung shook his head and turned back to the front. I heard him mutter something about it 'happening again', but I didn't understand what he meant.


AN: Double update~ Not edited, obviously

My son is still very sick, but thank you everyone for the well wishes, it really does mean a lot to me. He's resting, though, so I am able to write a bit.

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