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"I didn't know there was a door there," Jimin said as he looked at where Daisy was pointing, "How is there a door there? The wall is solid!"

"I found it when I was young," Daisy said, "It's behind where I used to live,"

Jimin nodded, "So we sneak in and then what?"

Yoongi shook his head, "No, we aren't going in, Jimin. You and Bee are,"

"I see," Jimin said, nodding, "That's a better idea,"

I looked back and forth between everyone in the room, before lifting my hand a little.

"I don't understand," I said. I was a little embarrassed that I couldn't keep up with the plans, but I wasn't a general, and I wasn't running my own community of rebels. 

"If we go in, it won't be suspicious," Jimin said to me gently, "And I have clearance to go anywhere and request a Care girl at any time I wish. We can be in and out in no time,"

I nodded a bit awkwardly, and jumped a little when I felt something touch my hand that was resting on my lap. I looked down to see a hand holding mine. The hand squeezed and I glanced back up to see Jimin. He smiled briefly at me, before turning his attention back to the table and map in front of us.

I felt my heart flutter in my chest; he understood how I was feeling and actually went out of his way to make me feel better.

"So you will wait outside the wall for us to come back out," Jimin said and Daisy nodded.

"And then we can ride back to here,"

"It's a two day ride," Jimin said, "If you want to do this, we need to leave as soon as possible,"

"It's not a two day ride," Yoongi grinned, "We have a short cut through the mountains. It will take just under a day, and then we ride back through the night,"

"What about horses and other animals?" I asked, the images of the beasts that attacked us in the snowstorm previously flashing across my mind. I couldn't help my eyes from drifting to Jimins injured shoulder. He was obviously trying to hide his injury, but despite the brave face he was putting on, he was clearly in pain.

"I won't let them hurt you," Jimin said, squeezing my hand again, "My sword arm is still strong,"

Daisy smiled, "Didn't you notice them run from the horn? We taught them that when that sounds, one of them dies. The learned very quickly to avoid us. Besides, if we're going through the mountain passes, we don't have to worry about horses,"

"Only giant cave bears, cave spiders and bats as big as wild rabbits," Yoongi said cheerfully, "No worries,"

"Shut up, Yoongi," Jin sighed, "You're not helping,"

"The passes are clear," Daisy said firmly, "There are barriers up for the path, there are no animals in there,"

I chewed my lip nervously, "So what do we do?"

"Unfortunately, Bee," Daisy said, "You'll have to wear a collar again, just in case people get suspicious," I nodded, and she smiled apologetically, "Yeah, I know, I cut it off, sorry. Anyway, you'll go to wherever she is and request her. Bring her to the wall, get your mother, and then we all go together,"

"Simple," Jimin said, "Good. So, when do we go?"

Yoongi grinned, "No time like the present. I've had the ponies prepared. Also, General," His smile widened, "I've had a complaint from the stables. Apparently, this fully tacked up pony we caught outside is actually completely wild. Not a tame bone in his body,"

Jimins eyes widened and a smile grew on his face, "You caught Hobi?"

"Yeah," Yoongi stood up, "He took out three people before we got him in the stable. Just like you, huh?"


Daisy had lent me some new clothes, and a dress to pack on the pony for when I went back in to the city. Once I was ready, Jimin and I followed Jin down to the bottom level and towards the stables, and as we got there, a dark haired, tiny woman was swearing as she came out of the entrance.

I had never heard a woman talk like that before, and was shocked; but was even more surprised when she stomped over towards us.

"You're General Park?" She asked, her eyes narrow. Jimin raised an eyebrow and nodded, and the woman stepped closer to him, jabbing a finger in his chest, "You don't know how to train a goddamn pony?!" She said, "He's a menace! I've never had a pony I couldn't handle before, but this one," She shook her head, "I hope he throws you for being so irresponsible,"

"He's a war pony," Jimin said, "He's supposed to be feisty. Besides, he likes me, and he never snapped at Bee,"

The woman huffed and waved her hands, "The other ponies are ready. You want to ride him, go get him yourself. I couldn't even get his tack off him,"

She grumbled to herself as she walked away, kicking at a bucket that was in her way in anger as she went.

"She swears more than Taehyung," Jimin muttered before turning to me, "Wait here, I'll bring him out,"

Jimin went into the stables, and I heard a whinnying. A moment later, Jimin came out with his pony, a smile on his face as the animal butted him with his head affectionately.

"I thought we lost him," He said a bit sheepishly, "This stupid animal got me worried," He laughed, and then turned to me, his face heating up. He quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat, "Let's go to the others,"

I smiled a little, "You held my hand and cuddled me while I slept, but you don't want to laugh in front of me?"

"It's not that," He muttered, "It's a weakness to be fond of an animal,"

I sighed and took his hand in my own as we walked towards the others, "It's not. It shows compassion, and I like that you are attached to your pony,"

Jimin cleared his throat again, "Yes, well, I suppose you're right. Anyway, turn around," Jimin placed his hands on my hips, but Jin called over.

"Don't even think about lifting her up," He said, "You'll tear your wound open again. There's a mounting block right next to you, she's a big girl, she can use it,"

"But I like lifting her," Jimin sighed, before pulling the pony to the side a little. He helped me to the block and then onto the ponys back, before swinging up himself with practiced ease.

"Let's go," Daisy said, touching her heels to her own ponys flank. She took off at a gallop, hooves stirring the dirt floor as we all followed suit towards the back of the cavern.


AN: Quadruple update!

I'm posting because someone commented something mean about me and this book so I wanted to cheer myself up by hopefully making you guys happy :)

unedited as usual

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