Extra Chapter 1

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AN: By popular demand.. I give you.. Beemin! And I decided that I would give you guys a smut chapter if I reach 10k followers :)Sorry for those of you who were expecting it!



"This is ridiculous!" 

The Lieutenant General rolled his eyes as he let me out of the cell and clamped a thing iron ring around my neck. It was apparently to show women and the law enforcers that I was 'dangerous'. A ridiculous statement that made me feel completely humiliated.

"Don't be so dramatic, Hoseok," He huffed, "You used to put these on women. You have to wear this for now, because you were so against the new regime and are a known abu-"

"The women need to be locked up," I grunted, trying to pull the iron ring off, "I can't believe you let them do this to our perfect city!"

"The city was far from perfect," Taehyung said, shoving me out of the door, "But it's better now. You should be grateful, if it was up to me, I would have kept you in for longer. But Daisy said that everyone deserves a chance to change,"

I glared at him, before turning and walking out into the spring evening. It disgusted me to see so many women walking around so freely, as if they were equal to me, but when I saw General Park Jimin walking with that woman that I had wanted to purchase all that time ago, a shot of pure hate went through my heart. It was their fault that things had changed so much.

Because of them, the world was changing, and not for the better. Women were walking around wearing leggings instead of dresses, and they were unaccompanied! They were even talking to men and other women in public!

That woman with the General had corrupted the most powerful man in our city, and manipulated him into this heinous act. I would have to rectify this mistake and save the General from that witch, before moving on to the head of the witches herself; Daisy.



"It's nice to not have to wear a dress," I smiled at Jimin, before looking down at my leggings and boots. I was wearing a long jumper over the top that just covered my backside, and a light jacket over that. Wearing this was much less cumbersome, and I was able to move around as freely as I wished.

Jimin hummed, a smile on his own lips, "I agree. This outfit has much less layers to get through to undress you,"

I blushed and looked away. Jimin and I had still not been intimate yet; we had been far too busy trying to reorganize the city, and rewrite the rules. We had kissed, of course, but for some reason, whenever it felt like things were starting to go further, we were interrupted in one way or another.

Jin usually was the one to knock on the door, and lately, my new brother seemed to have appointed himself mine and Hannah's personal protector, so whenever Jimin tried to show me even the slightest form of affection when he was around, he would push himself inbetween us. It was cute, in a way, but I could tell that Jimin was extremely frustrated.

However, he had been speaking a lot more frankly to me, as if he enjoyed watching me squirm from the embarrassment.

"You know," Jimin said as we walked hand in hand down the street to our home. We were living in Jimins old house, but there had been a lot of changes. For example, he had all the bars removed from the windows, and he didn't lock the knives up any more. I still did most of the cleaning and cooking, but I didn't mind that, as Jimin had proved himself to be useless at those tasks; he was more suited for politics and the like.

"I think maybe tonight," He continued, "There is a chance of us not being interrupted?"

He grinned at me as my face turned even more red, "Why do you think that?"

"Well," He said, "Jungkook is helping Jin write his book, and Daisy and Tam won't be coming to interrupt us, they're too busy with the new border plans. And I know for a fact that Taehyung will be 'just checking' on Hannah," He chuckled to himself when he spoke about his friend. Lately, Lieutenant General Kim had been spending a lot of time checking on my sister. He was helping her with her cravings and rubbing her feet usually, but any excuse he could find to be with her, he would use.

"He really does care for her," I said, and Jimin nodded, putting his arms around my waist and turning me to face him.

"He does," He agreed, "So we will finally have the evening to ourselves," He pecked me gently on my lips and took my hand again, leading me into our home.

Once we were inside, we ate the dinner that I had prepared earlier, and headed up to the bedroom.

"I'm going to have a shower," He said, tugging his shirt off over his head and dropping it into the basket by the door. I watched him as he left the room, his muscles rippling under his golden skin as he moved, marred only by the claw marks in his shoulder from the attack of those horses before everything began.

I slipped my feet out of my boots and pulled my jumper off, before heading back downstairs to quickly grab a glass of water before settling in for the night.

However, as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could see that the back door in the kitchen that lead to the garden was slightly ajar.

"Jimin?" I called, heading to the kitchen, "I thought you were having a shower. Are you alright?"

As I stepped into the dark room, I froze when I heard the running water from the bathroom above me. Jimin wasn't the one in the kitchen.

I spun on my heel, dashing back towards the stairs, but felt a hand smack over my mouth, muffling my scream. I fought at whoever had me in their grip, but they were much stronger than me, and as the strong hand moved up to cover my nose as well, I felt myself grow light headed.

I caught a glimpse of a man in the dim light of the moon that filtered in through the open back door, and then everything went dark.


AN: That's right, guys! It's not just a one shot! XD I hope you enjoyed! Next part coming soon!

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