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The next day, I woke up next to Jimin again, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him looking at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and he grinned.

"You know, that blush of yours is actually really cute," He said, making me blush even harder, "And if it means what I think it means, I'll be really happy,"

"What do you think it means?" I asked, chewing on my lip. I wasn't even sure myself what it meant; I just knew that he was affecting me a lot.

"Maybe I worded it wrong," He said, propping himself up on his elbow and looking down at me, "If it means what I hope it does, I'll be really happy,"

I smiled, "You're stalling, Jimin,"

He nodded, "I know. I'm just worried that I'll be wrong," He leaned down a bit closer, "I hope it means that you feel the same as me?"

He didn't wait for me to answer. Instead, he lowered himself back down over the top of me, leaning down until I felt his lips gently brush my own. Without thinking, I reached my arms up around his neck, and just as he began to press down harder, there was a knock at the door.

Jimin sighed and pulled away, "Don't move," He ordered, standing up and pulling his trousers on. 

I could feel my face flushing, so snuggled under the blankets, covering my face, but poked back out when I heard voices.



"Couldn't pick a better time?" I grumbled as Jin greeted me from the door.

"Was I interrupting something?" He grinned, "I came to check your wound, and then Daisy wants us to go to the meeting room," He lifted his first aid box, "Sit down, please General,"

I rolled my eyes and sat down, realising that I was pouting a little from being taken away from Bee. There was hardly any pain when Jin inspected me this time, and I heard him humming in satisfaction.

"How's it looking?" Bee came out of the bedroom, fully dressed, and I pouted a little again. I didn't get to hear her answer, and I desperately wanted to kiss her again. I was pathetic, but I was able to admit that, now.

"Does it hurt?" She said, looking at my face and coming to peer over my shoulder, "It looks like it's healing up really well,"

"It is," Jin agreed, "I can probably remove the stitches already," I heard him rustling about behind me, picking something out of the box, and then I felt some pressure on my wound, before he pulled away, "All done," He said, "I don't need to put any dressing on it now, either, it's healed really well," 

He stepped away and I stood up with a sigh, "Daisy wants us up there now?"

Jin nodded and I resisted the urge to sigh, "Alright, let me just get my shirt on,"

I headed back to the bedroom, pecking Bee on the cheek on the way. The flush on her cheeks cheered me up, so once I was dressed, I took her hand and we followed Jin up to the conference structure we were in before.

"Morning," Yoongi said as we walked in. He looked tired, but was still smiling, "How are you, Bee?"

I squeezed Bees hand and she shrugged. Understandably, she was not okay, but she was pushing through her grief for the sake of her mother, and those around her. I was indescribably proud of her. 

We both sat down at the table, and Bee turned to Yoongi.

"You look tired," She said quietly, "Are you alright,"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Well, I live next to Daisy, and the walls are very thin. Her and Tam were getting re-acquainted again last night,"

"We've been apart for a long time," Daisy entered the room, Tam behind her, and they were both carrying trays. They placed them down on the table, and passed out cups of juice and plates of pastries.

"Now we're all here," Daisy said, sitting down with Tam by her side, "We need to plan the take-over,"

"We might have a slight issue," I said sipping the juice, "The guard knows it was me who took Tam,"

Daisy nodded, "I thought about that, too. They would expect the three of you in your house, but the army doesn't even know you're back yet,"

"That's right," I said, "It complicates things. Unless I sneak back in, and-"

"What about your friend?" I heard Bee speak, and everyone looked at her.

"My friend?" I asked, confused, and she nodded, clearly uncomfortable about all the attention that was suddenly on her.

"Well, I know I'm not cut out for this kind of thing," She said, "But I thought maybe your friend could help you,"

"My- You mean Taehyung?" The brilliance of what she said shocked me momentarily. I knew she was smart; I didn't even think of asking my childhood friend for help.

"You mean the Lieutenant General?" Daisy said, her eyes narrow, "I don't know if we can trust him,"

I wasn't surprised at the lack of trust from Daisy; Taehyung had always been unpleasant to women. As far as I knew, he hadn't hurt a woman, but he definitely agreed with the system we had in place.

"I trust him," I said firmly, "I can talk to him and win him over,"

"Jimin," Daisy sighed, "Taehyung isn't the same kind of person as you,"

I nodded, "I know. But I've known him my whole life. We need him, Daisy, at the moment, he's the only person who can help us,"

"How do we know he won't tell everybody about us?" Tam finally spoke for the first time. She had a serious look on her face, and in contrast to how she was with me when we got her out, she was looking at me directly in the eyes.

"She's got a point," Jin said, "He's the Lieutenant General,"

"And I'm the General," I said, "Yet, here I am,"

"You're here for a reason!" Daisy said, "You love Bee, and you were never fully committed. I've met Taehyung, I know what he's like!"

"I trust Jimins judgement," Bee spoke up from beside me and the arguing died down. She looked up at me, and my eyes widened, "I trust you,"

"Well then," Yoongi said seriously, "How about we figure this out another way," He pulled a knife from his pocket and slammed it into the table, "Let's go convince the bastard that we are the right side to be on,"



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