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Document 7

A Brief Summary of Article 54



1. Upon birth, males are to be taken immediately to the nearest Child home.
    a. To be nursed by Wet nurse Care girls
    b. To be placed upon the age of two
        years im a suitable home with a new
        Father to be raised
2. Males are to receive the highest education and once graduating can chose livelihood out of given choices depending on their exam results.
  Examples can include:

    a. Farmer/Animal carer
    b. Teacher/Academic
    c. Sciences/Medicine
    d. Retail/Manufacturer
    e. Army/Police/Fire Service

All males will be given option (e). Each option given to each Male will be carefully constructed and prepared for each individual. Males may change profession or accept promotions after one (1) year.


1. Upon birth females will be given a medical check and will then be left with their mothers.

2. A female must receive a basic education from their mothers on the following subjects:
    a. Reading/Writing
    b. Basic maths ie addition and
    c. Sewing
    d. Cleaning
    e. Respect
    f. The care of children

Coming of age


1. Males may purchase a woman once they are twenty (20) years of age.

2. Checks will be done to assure that the woman being purchased is not in relations to the male if he wishes to produce children.


1. Females must not be touched before eighteen (18) years of age. This is to ensure that her body is healthy and ready to produce children. This is also to ensure that there are no inbred children.
Note: The previous owner of the female (The father) may purchase the female if he signs paperwork agreeing to not breed her and submit to inspections every six (6) months

2. A female under the age of eighteen (18) must not be seen unclothed except by other females or a qualified doctor.

3. Females will be given to the local council on their eighteenth (18th) birthday and will be put up for auction at the next available date.

4. Once purchased, Females will be cleansed for their new master and once checks on the Male have been made, will move to their new home.

5. A Females virginity may only be taken once in a permanent new residence and by only the new Male master. Any who break this law will be severely punished; both the Female and Male in question. After the initial ceremony, the Master may do as he wishes.

6. Once a Female is purchased, a locked collar around her neck as well as tags will be proof of age and ownership.


AN: A small clip from the law book, I hope it cleared up some confusion (even though it's triggering). Don't worry, there is still a lot to explain, amd if you check the prologue, it explains how the world became like this!

Also, thanks for the well wishes. My son was in hospital today but hopefully now he's on the mend!

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