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As we were making our way carefully down the corridor, I heard a scream. And then I heard gunshots, followed by more screaming and gunshots.

"Bee!" I yelled, taking off in the direction of the sounds, ignoring Taehyung and Daisy yelling behind me.

I skidded to a halt when I saw four soldiers in the doorway of a room in front of us. I saw one of them raise his gun, and without thinking, I rushed forward, swinging my Katana so fast that it was just a blur of silver. I rushed into the room, and stopped in my tracks in shock.

On the floor by the door, was Yoongi. He was covered in blood and his eyes were closed. And by the window, was Bee, sat on the floor with her sister on her lap, screaming in pure agony.

"Bee," I staggered towards her and she looked up at me with eyes so filled with pain I didn't even know what to do.

"Hannah!" I heard Taehyung behind me, and he rushed past me, dropping to his knees before he even reached Bee and reaching for Hannah. He pulled her limp body to his lap, leaning over and holding her tight.

"Shit, no, Hannah!" He cried. He lifted his head to Bee, "Where was she hit?" He yelled at her, "Where was she hit? We need to-"

"Don't yell at her!" I shouted, finally rushing to her, "Fuck, Bee,"

I heard another broken wail behind me, and turned to see Daisy rush in, also dropping to her knees by Yoongi.

"Yoongz, no, please, oh God!" 

I turned my attention back to Bee, and noticed that Hannahs chest moved a little.

"Tae, she's still breathing!" I exclaimed, "She's alive!"

Tae reached out and ripped down the front of Hannahs shirt, revealing the same bullet proof vest that Bee and I were wearing. She was bleeding from her shoulders, where the vest left her unprotected, and now we could see that she had been hit in the leg, too, but she was alive.

"Bee!" I reached out, pulling her into my body as she trembled, "Hannahs alive, she's alive!"

"We need to get her to a doctor," I heard Daisy behind me, and we turned to look at her. Her face was red and wet from crying, but she stood up, a determined look on her face, "I won't let Yoongi's death be for nothing. This ends now!"



I was probably in shock from what happened, but we still had a job to do, so once I knew my sister was still alive, I got to my feet, ignoring the shaking in my legs. Jimin scooped Hannah up in his arms to carry her to a doctors; he didn't want to leave me, but I promised that I would go straight back to Jin at the town hall, and he  left as quickly as his legs would carry him.

Daisy and I didn't want to leave Yoongi, but we had no choice; we just couldn't carry him. So, after an apology and a promise to give him a proper burial, we also left the military headquarters with Taehyung.

Daisy and Taehyung took Yoongis pony to the gate to find Namjoon, and I rode Hobi back to the town hall as quickly as I could.

Jin saw me coming and opened the door, and I went straight in, throwing my arms around him.

"Bee, what- you're covered in blood, what happened?"

I couldn't hold back my tears, and cried into Jins shoulder. I felt him hesitate before he reached up to rub my back gently, and once I had finally calmed down, I pulled away.

"Yoongi's dead," I said, trying to control my breathing, "He saved Hannah,"

Jins eyes widened, "No, Yoongi can't be- fuck!" I could see his eyes fill with tears, but he grit his teeth and tightened his grip on his gun, "Then for Yoongi, we will win this, no matter what. He believed in this as much as Daisy, and we will honour his memory,"

 We stood in silence for a while, only talking when we explained to Tam what had happened. Half an hour later, Daisy walked up to the door, and Jin opened it for her.

"Daisy," Daisy looked down when she heard Tams voice, but the second that  she wrapped her arms around her, Daisy broke down in to tears.

"He was my best friend," She said softy, "And I would never have survived if it wasn't for him. Most of us would have perished ages ago,"

"And I know he's watching now," Tam said softly, "His death was not in vain,"

Daisy took a deep breath and pulled away, "Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon have taken down the government soldiers," She said quietly, "The city belongs to us. We won,"


AN: This is a shorter chapter, sorry! I'ts not very good either gah

But the next chapter is the last!

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