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"If you promise to behave, I'll let you walk and you can get a good view of where we are," The man whos shoulder I was hanging over said as we came out of the mouth of the tunnel. 

I saw Daisy come out after us, and she smirked at me before heading in a different direction. 

The thought of being carried like this made me feel even worse than being pushed around on a pole when I was taken to the Generals house, and I let out a sigh.

"I promise," I muttered, and yelped when I felt the world shift. My feet hit the floor, and I staggered a little from the blood rushing away from my head so suddenly. The man reached out, steadying me, and then he turned me around, a smile on his face.

"Welcome, Miss Stockholm syndrome, to our little area of paradise,"

I was momentarily stunned. We seemed to be inside an enormous cavern, as if someone had hollowed out the inside of a mountain. And a paradise it was. In front of us, stretching as the eye could see, were plots filled with fruit trees, and crops of all kinds of vegetables. To the far right there were huge paddocks; one with ponies, and the other with some kind of four legged animal I had never seen before. To the far left, there were kennels filled with happy looking dogs, all huge.

The path we were on split into three, one of them leading in to the allotments, paddocks and kennels. The others led to the right and left, and up. I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked around, and realised that the paths that led up were not aimless. Built into the walls of the mountain cavern were some kind of structures or dwellings, where I assumed the many people I could see walking around and working lived. The paths went up even higher, with more structures built into the walls, all the way up until I could see some kind of artificial lighting built into the ceiling that made it look like sunlight.

"Pretty, huh?" The man next to me said, looking around proudly, "I'll be honest, we didn't build it. We think people trying to survive after the explosions built it, but there was no gate, and we found a lot of bones in here. Probably animals got to them,"

That didn't make me feel great, but I couldn't get past the pure wonder of the place.

What astonished me more, was the fact that there were women walking around and talking to each other like they were men. It was then that I was hit with the fact that Daisy had ordered this man to take me somewhere, and he listened to her.

"What is this place?" I asked in awe.

The man laughed, "Home," He said, "But I guess you'll learn more about it at another point. I got to lock you up for a bit,"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the path on the right. Instead of going along the walkway populated with people, we climbed some steps and went up another level, where there were less people. He pulled me along the walkway, and all the way to the end, where we went up another set of stairs. 

"You'll have to stay here a while," He said, opening a door and pushing me inside, "Sorry it's a bit dusty, we don't actually use it very much,"

Inside was dimly lit through the open windows, and I could see various cells that looked a lot like the one I was locked up in before auction. 

"No, I don't want to be locked up again!" I said, panicking a little as he led me to one of them, "I need to see Jimin, please don't lock me up!"

"It's fine," He promised, "I'll be right back with something nice for you to eat, okay? The cell is fine, it's just got a lock," He pushed me inside and slammed the door before I could run out again, "I'll be back,"

He turned and left, and I leaned my head against the bars, tears streaming down my face. It was as if my entire life I had been locked up, and the one time I was allowed to be free, I was snatched and locked up again.

With a sigh, I turned to look inside the cell, expecting it to be exactly like the one I was in before. 

It was different, however, so I didn't feel as bad as I thought I was going to. It was fairly spacious, and had a bed up against the back wall, with a small desk attached to the wall with a chair underneath. There was also a toilet and sink in the corner, but I avoided that.

I sat down on the bed with a sigh, covering my face with my hands as I tried to control my tears.

My Mama had told me not to cry, but I was finding it harder to keep them in. 

"I'm back," The sound of the mans voice made me jump, and I looked up to see him standing by the door, a small smile on his face, "I didn't know what you liked, so I got you a variety of stuff,"

He lifted a small flap on the door that I hadn't noticed, and pushed a plate through, holding it out to me.

He sighed when I didn't move, "Look, I don't have lover boys muscles, I cant stand here all day holding my arm out,"

I got up slowly and went to him. The food on the plate looked delicious, so I took it off him and placed it on the desk, before pulling out the chair and sitting down. I heard the scrape of a chair being dragged, and looked up to see him sitting by the bars.

Now he was still and not dragging me anywhere, I could get a good look at him. He was probably about the same height as the General, but had paler skin, and jet black hair, just like Daisy. He had an amused look on his face, and relaxed back into the chair when he saw me staring.


I sighed and shook my head.

"Hey," He said, sitting up again, "I'm Yoongi. What's your name?"

"Rebecca," I said and he hummed.

"Rebecca, huh? Nothing shorter? That's a mouthful,"

I frowned, "Why does everyone hate my name?," I said, "My Mama called me Bee,"

"I don't hate it, it's just long. I'm lazy. What does lover boy call you?" He said, his eyes twinkling, "I bet it's cringey. Or does he call you by your number? That's not cool, you know,"

"He calls me Bee," I said, narrowing my eyes, "Why do you care?"

He laughed, showing a lot of gum and folded his arms over his chest, settling  back into the seat, "Just making conversation," He nodded his head at the plate of food, "Eat," He said, "You're hungry, right?"

I looked at the plate, and then back at him when I heard the chair scrape again.

"I'll go check in with your Master," He said, his voice a little less amused than before, "I'll be back in a minute. Eat,"

With a sigh, I looked back at the plate. The food did look delicious, even though I didn't know what half of it was, but I had lose my appetite.

I was too worried about Jimin.


AN: I posted because Daisy begged me too 😉

AN: I posted because Daisy begged me too 😉

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(A little insight to our relationship 😘)

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