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We rode in silence for the rest of the day at a comfortable speed. I quickly got used to riding the pony, but to my surprise, the General kept his arm around me for the entire ride.

The sun began to hang low in the sky, making the world look orange and pink. I had never seen such a beautiful sight unhindered by the barricades and walls around the city before; or unmarred by buildings or soldiers standing guard.

It was breathtakingly beautiful, and the longer I stared, the more I got lost in the absolute pureness of the part of the world unhindered by humans and pollution. I was staring so long, that I didn't even realize that the General had halted the ponies and that we had arrived at our destination.

"We're here," He said, snapping me out of my wonder. He dismounted and reached up, putting his hands on my waist and lifting me down. I moaned very slightly at the pain in my legs from being in the saddle for so long, and stretched my body out, before taking a look around us.

We were standing outside of what looked like a huge iron cage with a gate built into it just large enough for the ponies to walk through. The cage had ivy and other plants I didn't recognise growing up and around the dark bars, all the way up to the roof of the cage, half concealing what was inside.

The General went to the gate and lifted a huge padlock. He twisted the bottom and it popped open; I realised that it was a number lock and he had put the correct combination into it. He pulled the gate open with a huge creak and tugged on the pony's leash, leading them inside.

"Come in, quick," He said, pulling the gate over, "It's getting dark," 

I quickly did as I was told, and he swung the gate closed, slipping the lock back on. Inside the the cage was smaller than I thought; there was a small garden with what looked like a vegetable patch, with a tiny log cabin with a stable attached to the side. Despite the plants over the top of the giant cage, there was still ice and snow everywhere.

I followed the General as he lead the two ponies to the stable and removed their tack and reigns. He poured some food for them from a nearby bucket into a feeder, and checked to see if there was water in the trough.

"The runners must have been through here," He muttered, almost to himself, before throwing the packs over his shoulder and coming out of the stable. I followed him and he closed the door tight, so that there wasn't even a gap for them to poke their heads through.

The General then turned to me, his eyes flickering to the lead that was still hanging from the loop on my collar. He reached out and unclipped it, rolling it up into his hand before walking towards the log cabin.

I followed him, noticing now that it was almost pitch black outside already. I jumped when I heard an unfamiliar sound from the other side of the gate, and the General reached out for me again; this time grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the cabin.

When he shut the door, he was still for a moment, as if he were listening. He then let out a huff of air and moved to the little windows, closing the curtains. It went completely dark inside; I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, but then I heard some rustling, and a fire suddenly burst to life at the other side of the room.

In the light, I was able to see my surroundings, and I was a bit apprehensive from what I could see. The room was small, so the fire on the other side lit it up fairly well. There was one door that led to what looked like some kind of basic bathroom, and next to that was a large cupboard and a table with two chairs. Up against the other wall, was one double bed. 

"Come by the fire," The General said, snapping me to attention. I immediately went to him and stretched my hands out, warming them by the dangerous heat.

I looked at the General in shock when I saw him removing his jacket, and then his shirt. He looked at me, and rolled his eyes, "You've seen me without a shirt before. You should take your coat off as well, and dry it. You don't want to get sick,"

"Yes, Sir," I said, shrugging my coat off and hanging it on a hook near the fire. I hesitated as I reached for the hem of my jumper, and glanced at the General.

"You don't have to take it off if you're not comfortable," He muttered, crouching down by the fire and going through one of the packs.

"Can I help, Sir?" I asked, moving to him. He just lifted the bag, and I took it and looked inside. It had various foods and I pulled some out.

"The pots are in the cupboard," He said, getting to his feet and walking across the room. I couldn't help but admire the way his muscles moved underneath his golden skin, and as he returned to me with a large pot and some utensils, my eyes were drawn to the claw marks on his side, and then up to the scar on his chest.

"I know you want to ask," He said, placing the pot on the table, "If you want to know, I'll tell you,"

I was shocked at how relaxed the General was being. I had never seen him like this before, and opened my mouth to ask, but nothing came out.

"I'll tell you," He repeated, "If you tell me something about yourself. When you were up for auction, they said you have a burn mark on the back of your thigh. How did that happen?"

I looked down at  my thighs, hidden behind the fabric of the thick leggings.

"The Master caught me warming my hands by his fire when he went out," I said quietly, "He used a poker. It was a punishment; to teach me not to go near his flames again,"I answered truthfully. There was no point hiding the fact that I had misbehaved in the past; I was labelled dangerous now, after all.

"His flames," The General scoffed quietly, "Fire belongs to man, huh?"

"How did it happen, Sir?" I asked, my eyes hovering over the two sets of scars he had on his torso.

"This one," He said, his fingers touching the claw marks on his side, "Was a Mountain lion. It attacked me as I was trying to get into the safe house two years ago. I killed it but it left its mark before it died,"

He lowered his eyes, fingers moving up to trace the scar on his chest, "This one," He said quietly, "Was from Daisy,"


AN: Not edited har har what a surprise.

I don't know if you can tell, I really am enjoying writing this fic. I actually LOVE writing this fic, and I hope it comes across in my writing. I know I have room to improve, but really, thank you for the support and I hope you're enjoying!

On another note, my son is still sick, but he is starting to get better, so I'm happy!

I'm just so exhausted from him being so sick, and with me being in pain, I might drop dead at any second XD

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