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"This is not the right pony to teach someone how to ride on," Kim, the woman who ran the stables huffed as I led Hobi out. He snapped at her with his teeth, and she jumped back, barely escaping a bite.

"He's a war pony," I said, "And I know him very well. He's calm and he's very well trained. He's perfect,"

"How is he well trained if he keeps trying to kill me?" She muttered, "I have some perfect ponies in there. How about Mang? Shes gentle and easy going. Or Koya? He loves people. I can teach her on one of those, it might be better,"

"Hobi is best," I insisted, "Bee's been riding him with me for a while now, he knows her,"

Bee stood nervously by the paddock next to the stables. She was wearing a pair of riding boots that Kim lent her, and was watching Kim argue with me with wide eyes.

"This one?" She asked, "But wouldn't it be better to learn on one that isn't so.. tall?"

I patted Hobis neck, and he bashed me with his head affectionately, "You don't trust us?"

She chewed her lip, a habit that I'd seen her do a lot. It was very cute, and made me want to just cuddle her worries away. Even though that wasn't a very manly thing to think. But times were changing.

"Of course I do," She said. She was quiet for a moment, and then nodded, "Okay, I've been riding him, anyway,"

I smiled and opened the gate to the paddock. I took the long line that Kim had already laid out for me, and clipped it onto Hobis bridle, before leading him to the mounting block. I helped Bee swing up into the saddle, and once she was up, instructed her on how to hold the reigns.

Bee learned very fast, and was soon galloping around the paddock without me holding the long line. When she finally came back to where I was, I saw the most pure, beautiful smile that I had ever seen.

"That was amazing," She said, slightly breathless, "He's wonderful, I've never felt so.." She trailed off.

"Free?" I finished for her, and she nodded.

"Yes, free," 

I reached up and helped her out of the saddle, and handed the reigns to Bee. She immediately took them and led Hobi back towards the stable, me at her side.

Hobi had never trusted someone so quickly; I know it was probably due to the fact that she had been riding on him with me quite a lot over the past week, but I also think that he could see how pure of heart she was.

She thought so little of herself, and I thought at that moment, as I watched her take Hobi back into his stable; that as the one who loved her, it was my duty to bring her up, and let her see the truth about herself.

She was strong, she was adaptable, and she had a way with the people around her that made them open up. Without her, I wouldn't be where I was now. Without her, my life would have been nothing but a lie.



Once I had put the pony back in his stable, I headed back out to Jimin. He was relaxing up against the fence of the paddock, and I hadn't seen him so relaxed before (apart from when he was asleep), and it brought a smile to my face.

Until I remembered what he had told me the previous night.

"That's because I love you, Bee," 

I felt my face heat up and stopped walking. Jimin pushed himself off the fence and came towards me, a smile on his face.

"You feeling hot? Come on, let's go and eat. Kim said that they sent some food to our home,"

He slipped his arm around around my waist and guided me away from the stables and up towards our home.

When we were nearly there, we were stopped by Daisy and Tam, who were clearly extremely happy.

"Bee, Jimin," Daisy said, throwing her arms around me, "Thank you so much," She pulled away, "And I'm sorry about your mother. I really am. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen,"

I felt my eyes fill with tears at the mention of my Mama, but pushed them back with pure will power. I was not going to wallow in despair. I was going to make her proud by being strong.

"Thank you," I said quietly. I looked up at their worried faces and smiled, "I'm happy I could help you get back together,"

Daisy beamed and put her arms around Tams waist, "And I've never been happier,"

"Really, General, Bee, thank you for getting me out. Thank you!"

Jimin smiled and nodded, before pulling me towards our door, "We'd love to stay and chat, but I want to watch Bee try new foods again. It's entertaining,"

"Creep," Daisy laughed, tugging at her girlfriend, "Come on, Tam, I'll show you everything,"

I followed Jimin inside, and my eyes opened in wonder at the huge platter of food on the coffee table.

"That's so much food!" I gasped, "We can't eat all of that!"

"I think they're thanking us," Jimin said, pulling me to sit down, "And I'm pretty sure we can eat it all. I'm starving,"

He was not wrong.


AN: Sorry, this chap is a bit of a filler, so it's not very good DX

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