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"This is a stupid idea," Jimin muttered as we came to the opening of the cave. I was still riding with him, because I wasn't confident to ride alone yet; and I liked the feel of his arms around me.

"It's a good idea," Yoongi said with a grin, "I like this idea,"

"You just want to threaten someone," I muttered, "He won't want to work with us if you threaten him. Why do you hate him so much?"

Yoongi went quiet for a moment, "No reason," His voice was clipped and quiet, and he hopped down to open the ivy covered gate.

"Taehyung caught his girlfriend," Jin said quietly while Yoongi was preoccupied with opening the gate, "Yoongi and his girlfriend were out gathering supplies and were caught by a group of soldiers. As they were running, Taehyung caught her and she told him to go without her. He still regrets leaving to this day,"

"That's horrible," I gasped, looking up at Jimin, "He didn't hurt her, did he?"

Jimin looked down at me, his eyes sad, "I don't know, Bee. I honestly don't know,"

"Here's the plan," Yoongi said once the gate was open, "We go in, knock him out and bring him to us, yes?"

"No," Jimin said, "I'll go first and talk to him, and if it doesn't work, then you can knock him out,"

Yoongi frowned at him, but Daisy spoke up, "That's a better idea,"

After a moment of silence, Yoongi tutted angrily, and mounted his pony. Without a word, he touched his heels to its flanks, and took off towards the city.

I looked up at Jimin, who sighed and followed him, Jin and Daisy followed behind.

Jimin turned my head and kissed me quickly on the lips, shocking me as I wasn't expecting it. He then dismounted and handed me the reigns to the pony. Yoongi followed suit, and together, they worked the door open.

"If we aren't back in an hour," Jimin said quietly, "Leave without us,"

Daisy nodded and the two crept quietly through the hidden door that led them back into the city once again.



We walked quietly but confidently through the dark street of Bangtan City, for the second time this week. As we walked, I could tell that Yoongi was not his usual self. His body was tense, and he had his hand resting on the handle of the short sword hanging from his hip. His other hand was hanging loosely by his side, but his fist was clenched, and every now and then, he'd reach up and touch the gun in it's holster.

"You can come in after me," I said, "He can't know you're there until we're ready,"

Yoongi just nodded his head once, without speaking. I took a deep breath and we continued walking in silence until we reached Taehyungs house.

Although it was late, there was a light on in the front room, and I could see a figure moving about through the curtains.

I looked at Yoongi, who nodded and went to see if he could get in through the back door, while I rapped my knuckles against the front door.

A woman answered, and I was a little shocked, as I did not know Taehyung had a woman with him. She was wearing a thick purple collar with a tag on the front that read "0892 Hannah". Just the look of the collar on her slender neck made me angry.

"General Park," He voice was quiet as she bowed to me, "I'll fetch my Master,"

"No need," I said gruffly, still mad at the sight of the collar on her neck. It was surprising how much things changed, "Please just take me to him and go and wait in your room for now,"

She nodded, "Yes, Sir,"

I followed her inside and she opened the door to the front room, where the light was, "Master, General Park is here to see you," She bowed again, before heading straight upstairs, like I asked her to.

"Jimin?" I entered the room and Taehyung stood up, a look of surprise on his face, "I wasn't expecting you back yet, we didn't get a runner or anything!"

I shook his hand and took a deep breath, "We hit complications," I said, "A herd of horses ambushed us,"

"Oh no," Taehyung said, "Were you hurt? How did you escape?" 

I was a bit annoyed that he didn't ask after Bee, but I should have known that he wouldn't.

"Yeah," I said, "I got hurt. But we were rescued,"

"By who?"

I chewed my lip. And then let it go; I was picking up on Bees habit.

"I came here to talk to you about them," I said, "I need you to listen," Taehyung narrowed his eyes, but nodded, "Daisy saved me," I said, and his mouth dropped open.

"Daisy?!" He exclaimed, "She isn't dead?!"

I shook my head, "No. She's the leader of the 'rebels'. They took us in and cared for us. Tae, it's amazing, the place they live, it's like a paradise,"

"What are you saying?" He said suspiciously, "Jimin, what's going on?"

I took a deep breath, "They need our help," Taehyung tilted his head, a frown on his face, but I continued speaking, "The place they live is beautiful, Tae. There's no fighting, no chains and no beaten women. They're equal, all of them. I've never seen such happy people, and Bee, she's-"

"Bee?" He said angrily, "This is about that woman?! Jimin I told you! I warned you not to do this, but you fell in love again, and now you're deserting us?! Betraying your City, your government? Your entire region?"

"It's not like that!" I cried, "Tae, it's not like that! I love Bee, and I want her to be happy, but I want everyone to be happy! Women shouldn't have to live like this! We treat them worse than animals! How is that justified?"

"General Park!" He yelled at me, "You're forgetting your position! Wipe this nonsense from your mind, and I'll forget you ever came to see me tonight! Go back home and show up to your office tomorrow morning, and everything will be fine,"

I shook my head, "No, Taehyung. I won't,"

"Then I have no choice. I'm sorry, Jimin, but I'm going to have to report you," He drew his sword and pointed it at me, "Please, Jimin," He said softly, "I don't want to do this,"

There was a gunshot by the door, and Taehyung Jumped, whirling around to face where it came from.

"Yoongi, wait!" I called, but he fired again, and again, barely missing Taehyung with each shot. He rushed Yoongi, ducking under the gun and hitting him in the stomach, making him drop his weapon, but as he reached for it, I was already there, my own gun pointing at his chest.

"Tae, please," I begged him, "Come with us, jut see what it's like,"

"You've gone mad," He said quietly, "They brainwashed you," Before I could react, he was gone, dashing out the front door and heading in the direction of the army HQ.

"We need to leave," Yoongi grunted, "Before he sends his soldiers,"

"Good idea," I helped Yoongi to his feet, "I'm sorry," He just grunted at me and picked his gun up.

However, just as we were heading out the front door, we heard the womans voice again. But it sounded different to when she had spoken to me.


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