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"Oh good, you're here," Daisy said as Jimin, Jin and I walked up to her by the stables, "I thought you'd come down later, but now is good,"

I swore Jimins eye twitched in frustration, but he covered it well and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What is it?"

"I got some stuff for you," Daisy said, lifting a box and placing it on the mounting block next to us, "For both of you,"

She reached into the box and pulled out two strange looking brown vests, "These are bullet proof," She said, "I had them made for you with our last lot of leather,"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "I appreciate that you had them made for us," He said, "But how is leather bulletproof?"

"They're made from Cave beat leather," Daisy said, "A bullet can't penetrate the hide,"

"Did you know," Jin piped up, "That to kill a cave bear, you have to slice the back of it's legs first, and then it's only other weak spot is its throat? It stands over seven foot tall, so that's why you have to take out the legs. Otherwise, it can kill you in one blow,"

"Is that so?" Daisy said, her voice dull.

"Yep," Jin said, "Also, they tend not to kill in one blow. They like to keep their meals alive for a while, so they commonly bury them in rock caves until they're ready to eat,"

"So," Jimin said, "If a cave bear catches me, I might not die straight away?"

"Nope," Jin said, you're likely to be buried and have your limbs ripped off one by one before it eats your tors-"

"Okay well, let's avoid cave bears then, right? Right, okay, moving on," Jimin said, clapping his hands together, "Bullet proof vests, great, what else?"

My attempt to hide a laugh worked this time. I actually found Jins facts about the animals quite interesting.

Daisy looked at me, "Bee, you'll have to wear your vest over your new jumper," She pulled out a small jumper, and Jimin frowned.

"That won't keep her warm," He said, "It's too thin,"

"Made out of cave spider silk," Jin said, "We gathered it from that grate where we saw it the other day,"

"Cave spider... Silk," I said, looking at the top with wide eyes.

"It's super strong, and because it's tight fitting, it won't get caught on anything in case you need to run," Daisy said, "It's also thin, but very warm. You, Tam, Hannah and I will be wearing one for safety,"

"What, I don't get one?" Jimin grinned, "That's a shame, I'd love to wear spider webs as a jumper,"

"There was only enough to make two, because Hannah and I already have one," Daisy said, "Otherwise you'd have one too. But you can defend yourself, so you don't really need one,"

Jimin smiled, "I was joking. That was sarcasm,"

Daisy ignored him, "And we have some new leggings," She said, pulling them out, "A pair for both of you. They're lined with fleece, so they'll be warm and protect your legs a little better,"

"Those look a little tight, Daisy," Jimin said, eyeing up the leggings, "I don't thing they'll fit,"

"They will," Daisy said, "They're stretchy. And they're better than your uniform, General, you'll be able to move more freely in these,"

Jimin took them from her a little dubiously, "Can I at least have a longer jumper?"

"Yoongi has a jumper for you," Daisy said, not looking up, "Its also tight fitting, so it won't hinder movement,"

"Great," I laughed at Jimins forced smile, and he looked at me, before bashing me with his hip, "Stop laughing at me,"

Daisy looked up, "Found it," She said, "Here, Bee, this is for you. It's a special holster that goes around your thigh and up around your waist. It enables you to carry three knives; one on your thigh, one on your hip, and one on your back,"

I took the pile of items from her and she pushed me into the stables, "Go find an empty stall and get changed. You too, Jimin,"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Yes, boss,"

He followed me into the stables, and went into the stall where Hobi was resting. I took the one next to him, as it was empty. Apparently, Hobi didn't even play nice with the other ponies.

I quickly changed clothes, pulling the skin tight jumper on and the new leggings before putting my feet back into my boots. I had to admit, they were comfortable, and the jumper fit me like a glove, so I felt like I would be able to move freely. It was also warm, like they promised.

I fiddled with the straps of the vest, and once that was on, it also fit me tightly, but not uncomfortably. The thigh and hip holster was difficult, but once I figured it out, I came out of the stall.

Jimin was already by the door to the stables, standing talking to Daisy, so I walked over to them.

"Daisy, have I put these on right?" Daisy had also gotten changed while I was gone, and she turned to look at me.

Jimin turned at the sound of my voice, but as soon as he saw me, his mouth dropped open and his eyes almost bugged out of his head.

"You're drooling," Daisy commenting, coming to me and tugging on the straps to the vest, and then for the holster, "Yeah, good job. I'll get you some knives, wait here,"

She jogged off, and Jimin was still staring at me.

"Um, Jimin," I said, feeling a blush coming to my cheeks, "You're staring,"

"I can't help it," He said, coming towards me, "You look- I mean I know you're dressed for war but, you look-"

"I'd pull your jumper down, if I were you," Jimin jumped and turned around. Daisy was grinning, holding a small pile of knives, "Actually, why don't you go and find Yoongi, so you can change your jumper. Maybe grab a cold shower while you're gone,"

Jimin narrowed his eyes at her then sighed, "Perhaps you're right," He muttered, turning and walking away.

"What was that about?" I asked as Daisy slipped the knives into the holsters, making sure that they were secure.

Daisy raised an eyebrow, "You honestly don't know? You affect him really badly, Bee," She said, "Even when he thought he was in love with me, he was never like this," She smiled and stepped back, "You really changed him, you know. And I don't mean you changed his personality; I mean that you've let him come to understand himself and be free. You've helped him a lot, and because of that, you've helped us a lot, too,"

My eyes widened at her words and she stepped back, slipping a knife up under her shirt to hide it.

"I know it seems counter productive of me to say this, Bee," She said, "But I'm glad he purchased you. And I'm glad that you didn't have to go through the pain of being intimate with someone you hate. When the time is right, and you and Jimin decide to complete your relationship, I know that at least you get to experience something beautiful. And that is the very least that you deserve,"

I didn't know how to respond, but luckily, I didn't have to. Jimin came back to us, and this time, he was accompanied by Yoongi, Hannah, Jin and Tam.

"Right boys and girls," Yoongi drawled, "Who's ready to go to war?"


AN: Guys... I've finished writing now! The end is near!!

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