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Although I was hungry, the rest of the day went fairly quickly without anything else that made me angry. When we got home, the General sent me straight to the kitchen to make dinner.

As soon as he unclipped me from the lead and I made my way to do as I was told, he grabbed my arm again swung me back around to face him again.

"If I found out you've eaten anything, I'll make you sleep outside tonight with no clothes,"

I could feel my temper rising again, but looked away and nodded. He let me go and I moved quickly to the kitchen to begin cooking.

I decided, as I wasn't going to be able to eat the remainder of the stew, to instead turn it into a pie, so set about making a pie crust. After putting it in a suitable tin and placing the pie lid on top, I slid it into the oven and washed my hands at the sink. My stomach was grumbling, but I ignored it and took a sip of water as I stared out the window into the Generals garden. I was used to going hungry, after all.

Some movement in the grass caught my eye, and I watched as a pair of young kittens came out from the long grass into the shorter area near the window. I watched in fascination as they began to play together, and couldn't hold back a laugh as one jumped up and landed right on top of the others head. I had never seen anything so cute.



I just finished my final list for my trip to region seven when my stomach reminded me that it was time to eat. I placed the list on the top of the pile and stood up, stretching my muscles.

I was hoping that 1216 wasn't sneaking food, because if she was, I would have to step up my punishments, and I didn't want to do that. She needed to learn to stop being so defiant, but she didn't seem to be aggressive or outright rude. If she had behaved, then I would allow her to eat dinner. I didn't want her to lose any weight as then her price would decrease; she needed to be healthy so she could have healthy children.

As I neared the kitchen, however, I heard something I hadn't heard ever before. I moved as quietly as I could, and my eyes widened at what I saw.

1216 was standing over the kitchen sink, staring out the window. And she was giggling.

I couldn't see what she was laughing at, but that sound was so pure and innocent; and so private, that I wanted to know more. In this moment on her own, she was relaxed and comfortable as she observed whatever it was that was amusing her so much.

I hadn't even heard Daisy make that sound when she was with me, and for some reason, that sound made me feel warm and slightly weak.

I watched her for a little longer, before I moved up behind her.

"What's funny?"

She jumped, dropping the glass in her hand into the sink. It made a loud clunking noise, but it didn't smash, much to her obvious relief. I didn't mean to startle her, and was slightly disappointed when she stopped laughing in favour of turning to pay me attention.

"Sorry, Sir," She said, her eyes low. Usually I would have taken that as a sign of submission, but with her, I took it as her trying to hide her firey eyes, "Dinner is almost ready,"

I sighed quietly and looked out the window over her shoulder. I could see a couple of small kittens playing in the grass, and realised she was laughing at them.

"Did you eat?" I asked, still peering out the window at the kittens. They were a little amusing, but not enough to make me laugh. I wondered what kind of person could laugh so easily at such a simple thing.

"No, Sir," She replied, slipping on a pair of oven gloves and opening the door. I could feel the heat from the oven from where I was standing, but 1216 didn't even flinch. She just reached inside and pulled out a dish of food.

She closed the oven door with her foot and placed the dish on a cork disk on the counter, so the heat wouldn't ruin the marble.

"What is that?" I asked as she grabbed a plate and put a helping of green beans on the side, before placing the plate next to the dish.

"A pie, sir," She said, using a serving spoon to cut through a golden top and into the dish. I had never eaten a pie before, as it was considered a poor mans food, but it looked delicious, and the smell was making me salivate.

I grabbed myself a glass of water and headed into the dining area, pausing as I reached the door, "You may eat," I said. I was telling myself that it was because she did as she was told, and that I didn't want her to lose weight, but In actuality, I guess I was rewarding her for the gift of her laugh before.

Such a beautiful sound should be heard more often. I didn't want to loosen up too much and spoil her, as I knew that would end badly, but I just couldn't help but wish to hear her laugh again.

But I knew that just wasn't possible. We would be leaving the safety of the walls in a few days to head to region seven, and that was no laughing matter.

Ordinarily, women would not be permitted to leave the walls, even Red zone women. But as I would be staying in region seven for a few weeks, there was no choice; she had to go with me. There was no one else licensed to keep her for me.

And after I heard that beautiful sound from her, I wasn't sure I wanted anyone else to keep her while I was gone.

She would go with me, whether she liked it, or not.


AN: Thank you guys for your well wishes, it really means a lot.

Yes, I'm still in agony, and great news! My son is mega sick today DX

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