Fanart notice

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Hey guys! 

I want to thank everyone for the fanart that they've sent in! They're brilliant! 

So I've had a few more questions, and here is some examples of what you can draw:

-The Name of the book

-The Characters, but please don't write their names

-The animals

-The cavern

-The walls/town


-Anime style

-A Manga strip of a scene


-Anything else you can think of!

If possible, please scan them in and send to me, as they're better quality. If not, make sure that the picture is taken from directly above the picture, and it is not blurry. It is also best if drawn with a dark outline, that makes it easier to see. However, if the picture is clear, then it's fine!

There is now a deadline, which is the 5th of April.

I will be choosing a few of the arts to actually print in the book!

Please send them to my email chimchimicorn@

Please keep sending them in, I love them so much!

I am still editing though, so please be patient!

The next thing I post will be some teasers from the book.

The very next notice I put up, will be the details of the competition for winning a book, and to take note of any who want to buy the book.

I'm so thankful for all the support! 

I wonder if anyone can guess the names of the new characters? ;)

See if you can!





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