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I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall of the structure outside. I was glad that Bee was finally letting her feelings out. I know she wanted to be strong, but strength does not necessarily mean that you shouldn't cry or let your feelings out; strength was being able to feel those things and keep going. Bee, in her own way, had taught me that.

"Hey, Jimin," I looked up when I heard a voice, only to see Yoongi. 

"Hey," I greeted. He leaned up against the wall next to me, looking at his feet.

"Hey, I'm sorry," He said, "About what happened. It was my fault he got away. I was just so angry at him, I hated him so much, but thinking about it now, he only did what he did because he was taught to. Just like you,"

I huffed out a sound that was supposed to be a laugh, "Yeah," I said, "But I was too confident. I assumed that he'd just join me because of our history. But he's too loyal to the government,"

Yoongi shrugged, "Well, it's not entirely your fault. You were friends. He obviously doesn't value your friendship as much as he should. As much as... I do,"

I looked up in surprise and he grinned, showing a lot of gum, "Yeah, shocker, huh? But we do see you as on of us, now, Jimin. You and Bee. We always have your back, now,"

I laughed, "Cheesy,"

"Yeah, but it's true,"

We fell into silence for a moment. It wasn't awkward, it was peaceful, and I admitted to myself that I really did feel comfortable with these people. I felt like I was home; but that might just have been because Bee was here. I figured that anywhere she was, was home.

"Is Hannah with Bee?" Yoongi asked, breaking the silence, "She wasn't there when I woke up. I panicked, a bit, but Jin told me she had knocked on the door,"

"Yeah," I answered, "They're talking about their mother,"

"Good. I think Bee needed to let out her feelings, she was holding on too tight,"

"Who is?" We both turned around to see Hannah and Bee in the doorway to the structure. They both had red eyes, but they both looked fairly content. Yoongi immediately went to Hannah and kissed her.

"You left without telling me,"

She smiled up at him, "I needed to see Bee,"

Yoongi looked at Bee, "Do you feel better, now?"



I smiled and nodded at Yoongi, and he returned the smile, before pulling at Hannah's hand, "Come on, Daisy wants to hold a meeting,"

We all followed him up to the next level to the conference room, and I looked at Jimin when I felt him take my hand. He was being so open about his emotions now, that I was beginning to feel guilty about not telling him how I felt.

I was pretty positive that what I was feeling at this point was definitely more than just normal affection, but I had just no idea what love was. How could I tell someone that I loved them, if I didn't even understand the emotion? I didn't want to hurt him, so for now, I decided to keep it to myself, until I was sure.

He knew that I cared for him, so unless he asked, I would say nothing.

Daisy, Tam and Jin were already seated at the table by the time we arrived, and she looked serious as we all sat down. As before, there were some items of food laid out for us to eat for breakfast, which was lucky as I had made myself hungry from all the crying I did with Hannah.

"Time to get serious," Daisy said, "We can't wait any more. If the Lieutenant General won't help us, then we just need to act before he can. At this point, I'm open to all suggestions,"

The room was quiet for a bit, before Tam spoke up, "We need to release the Care girls first," She said, "The amount of women outweigh the amount of guards. If they are released, we will already have numbers on our side to start with,"

Jimin nodded, "Then we need to get into the armory," He said, "We relieve the soldiers of any excess weapons, and they'll run out of bullets,"

"Talk me through a soldiers kit," Yoongi said, "Let's see what they have on their person,"

"Each soldier is required to carry a short sword and a gun loaded with six bullets. They have one extra pack on their person at all times, so they have twelve in total. Officers high up in the ranks; like me and Taehyung, have katanas and a further six bullets,"

"Would they have made Taehyung General?" Hannah asked, "He was standing in as General while you were beyond the gates, anyway,"

Jimin took a breath, "Probably. So we'll have him, with a Katana and eighteen bullets, and one other officer. Most likely Namjoon,"

"Namjoon?" I asked. I recognised that name.

Jimin nodded, "He is a good man. He was one rank under Taehyung,"

"Would he help us?" Jin asked.

"We don't have much time to ask him," Daisy said, "We need to get moving, we can't wait any longer, now that their new General knows what we are planning,"

"So we need to sneak in to the armory and arm the care girls?" Jin scoffed, "They don't know how to fire a gun, let alone fight!"

"They will fight!" Tam insisted, "Women have to learn fast in the City, especially Care girls. They will fight!"

"No," Daisy said, "We want to get the Care girls out of the city. We have plenty of able bodied and well trained men and women here who will be better to fight. The Care girls will deliver the weapons to them, and then we will start the revolution,"

"So what is the plan?" Jimin asked calmly.

"We take down the government," Daisy said, "Seize control of the army,"

"It's not that simple, Daisy," Jimin said, "Taehyung is not stupid. He would have already made plans in case we attack,"

"I've got an idea,"  Jimin said, after a pause, "But you're not going to like it,"



Actually I'm starting to write chapter 49 now so...

Anyway thanks for the support, guys!

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