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When I woke up in the morning, I kept my eyes closed. They were sore, and I didn't really want to open them anyway; if I did, I would have to face the reality of what happened during the night, and I don't think I was ready for that. With a sigh, I rolled over, cuddling into the warmth that I knew was Jimin behind my back.

He shifted his hold on me, allowing me to move closer, before wrapping his arms around me again and holding me tight.

However, as soon as I got close, I felt my eyes snap open. All I could feel, was bare skin. I had slept next to him before when he was shirtless, but I could feel way too much skin on his legs.

He was lying on his good side, with the bandage facing the ceiling, and I realised that besides that bit of white cloth, there was nothing between him and me.

I jumped out of bed, my cheeks blazing red and my eyes wide, "You're naked!" I cried as he jumped up, reaching for his sword.

He let out a sigh and stood his sword back up against the wall by the bed when he realised I wasn't in trouble.

"I'm not naked, Bee," He said, a small smile on his face, "Look," He pointed down to a pair of boxer shorts covering the top of his thighs and up to his hips.

"That's less than you wore before," I pointed out, "That's your underwear!"

"Fine, fine, I'll get dressed," Jimin said, rolling his eyes, "You should shower and get changed. You left dust on the bed,"

I looked down as Jimin pulled on a jumper and trousers, and noticed that I had indeed left the bed a mess with my dirty clothes.

"Ew," I muttered, grabbing the spare set of clothes that Daisy had lent me before and heading to the shower.

After the door was safely locked, I stripped myself of my dirty clothes and climbed into the shower, turning the tap on and letting the hot water cascade down my body. I let out a deep sigh, closing my eyes and washing the salt tracks from the tears away from my cheeks.

I had never felt despair like I did last night; being so close to bringing Mama to freedom, only to have her ripped away from me at the last second. I think if Jimin did not kill the Master, I might have done it myself. My heart was broken by that one moment, but I would not let it stop me from doing what I had to do.

Mama would not forgive me if I gave up, just like that. She taught me to always keep on top, no matter what, so that is what I was going to do. Once everything was over, I was going to give her a proper memorial to send her on her way. But until then, I would keep her in my heart.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a slightly damp towel; I assumed Jimin had used it the night before and not hung it back up properly. I would have to teach him how to do even simple things, but the thought of that actually brought a smile to my face.

I pulled on the clothes and tied my hair into a single plait down my back, before heading back out into the sitting room.

I was surprised to see that Jimin was shirtless on the sofa, but next to him, with a little bag of medical supplies, was Jin.

"Morning, Bee," He said quietly, obviously trying to not upset me.

"Morning," I replied, moving to him, "Are you checking Jimins wounds?"

Jin nodded and slipped a pair of long, sharp scissors under the bandage. He carefully cut it away, and then slowly and gently lifted the padding over the wounds themselves.

They weren't as red as when I last checked them, and even though there were still some stitches, some of it had already scabbed over. There was a large amount of purple bruising around the area though.

"It's looking good, Jimin," Jin said, "I'm just going to clean it, and we don't need to put a bandage back on. Just some dressings. How does it feel?"

"Sore," Jimin admitted, glancing at me. He rolled his shoulder with a small hiss, "But I can feel that it's healing. I can still use the arm,"

Jin nodded, "You were lucky it was just your shoulder," He said, "Did you know, that once you're down, a horse is highly likely to just eat you alive?"

Jimin forced a smile, "Thanks, I didn't know that,"

"Well, now you do. Be careful around horses," Jin said, putting some dressings on the wounds and snapping the bag shut, "Daisy wants us to start planning tomorrow," He said.

He got to his feet, a smile on his face, "She wants to spend some time with Tam, and let Bee.." He trailed off, "Anyway, you're free to rome around as much as you like,"

Jimin nodded and got to his feet, pulling his jumper back on, "Thank you, Jin,"

Jin smiled, "Nah, don't thank me. You've proved that you were worth saving," He gave a small bow and left the room, and Jimin turned to me, an eyebrow raised.

"He's really weird," He said, a grin appearing on his face, "But I like him,"

I returned the smile, "I do, as well,"

"So we have a free day," Jimin said, moving to the window and looking out, "Haven't had one of them in years,"

He was quiet for a moment, before he turned and looked at me, a huge, beautiful smile on his face.

"Do you want to learn how to ride a pony?"

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