1)Yamini Khanna

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Yamini Pov

I was breathing heavily as I sat on the bus seat. I was again later for my classes. I'm in the final year of fashion technology and today is one of the important day of my life. Today we are having our campus interview.

I always wanted to be an independent woman in my life. Marriage was never my thing. I never had any interest towards boys or love, it's just waste of time. I rather focus on studies and make my parents proud.
I am a chirpy fun loving girl and that's the reason I have so many friends.

After about half an hour, I reached my college and luckily I saw my best friend standing at the gate. Thank god! It's not just me who has to face my professor's wrath.

I went to her and patted her shoulder.

"Hi Ya!" She hugged me.

"Hi Lekha, let's go. We are already late" we walked to our class and attended the boring class as usual. Later the interview took place and guess what? I got selected in one of the most famous fashion company- The SAS Fashions. My friends too got placed in other companies and I can't be anymore happy.

"This calls for a celebration" Shanaya said and we all nodded.

"Let's go to Starbucks" Lekha suggested and we three left to the Starbucks that's at the corner of the street.

Shanaya's dad is a rich business man and if she wants she can set up her own clothing line but she wants to gain experience and start up using her own money. I'm very proud of her. Lekha is a middle class girl like me. Her dad died when she was 16. Since then her brother and mother had to work hard to make their living and now she's happy that their burden will reduce since she's also starting to work. I'm happy with whatever I have now and all thanks to God!

"So guys, done preparing for the final exam?" Shanaya asked and I grinned widely.

"I know what that grin means" Lekha said grinning back.

"Cool, we three are sailing in the same boat" Shanaya chuckled. We all ordered our coffee and was waiting for it to be delivered while we spoke about random things.

Our order was delivered and we had our coffee with lot of teasings and jokes. We didn't realize it was past 2 hours since we came here. Whenever we get together, we never realised time passed so quickly.

"Let's leave, it's too late" I said, looking at my watch.

"Yes let's go. I'll drop you guys" Shanaya said and we got into her car. We first dropped Lekha at her house and later went to my house.

"Bye Shanaya, see you on Monday" I waved at her and she left.

I entered the house with a happy smile dancing on my face. I want to see my parent's reaction when I tell them about my placement.

I entered the living room only to be greeted by a strange silence. I saw my dad and mom were sitting on the sofa with serious look on their face. I wonder what's the matter.

I tried to ignore it and walked to my mom and sat beside her.

"How was your day darling?" My mom asked, ruffling my hair.

"It was very good mom. You know, I got placed in SAS Fashions" I said, dancing inwardly while a big smile was plastered on my mom and dad's face.

"Really?" My dad asked.

Of course, it's not easy to get placed in such a reputated company without any work experience and I'm happy that my stars are with me.

"Yes daddy" I said and he soon engulfed me in a tight hug. I returned it back and soon my mom joined in.

"I'm so proud of you dear" my dad kissed my forehead.

"I'm your daughter dad, all thanks to you for giving me freedom" I said, kissing his cheek.

Suddenly my dad's face dropped and his face lost all the colours. My mom was also pale and don't know what's bothering them.

"Mom, is everything alright?" I asked her and she tried to smile normally but failed. She remained silent.

"Dad?" He too didn't say anything.

"Dear, you take rest. We have something important to talk to you tomorrow" mom said and I found it suspicious.

"Ok mom" I said and went up to my room. I quickly refreshed myself and joined my parents for dinner. I'm glad they were back to normal.

"Good night mom" I kissed her cheeks and went up to my room.

It's already 10.30 but I wasn't feeling sleepy. So I decided to read a novel that I brought last week from the nearby book store.

I didn't know when I dozed off to sleep thinking what's in store for me tomorrow.

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