15) Fancy

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Arjun Pov

"Are you insane?" Vivan yelled at me.

"What did I do?" I shouted back, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

"How can you act like that to Yamini? You have to help her now"

"It's her decision, who am I to stop it?"

"Are you seriously telling me this? What will she do? She literally has no support. If you realise she did this for you too. I have never seen a girl who has accepted a fake boyfriend just to cancel the wedding" he said.

"Maybe that's what she is, a slut" I said.

"No wonder why Shruti left you" he punched me. I fell down on the floor with a swollen jaw.

"What the fuck?" I punched him back but he escaped my punch and twisted my hand.

"Stop being so rude Arjun. Just because she cheated on you, doesn't mean every girl is like that. Open your eyes and see the world in a broad view. I'm so sick of telling you this again and again. I'm also so sick of your careless behaviour" he said gritting his teeth. I released myself from his grip and punched him on his stomach. He fell flat but pulled my leg resulting me to fall.

"If you are that sick why the hell are you with me? You very well know about me and my behaviour. You have seen everything that happened with me in the past. How can you expect me to trust someone? Today even that Yamini made a drama and I'm sure at the end she'll do nothing and just get married to me. All girls are just play -" he punched me hard and that made me shut my mouth.

I got up and punched his jaw line and he fell in that glass table making it crack. I was going to punch his face but he held my hand. I punched him with the other hand and he didn't see that coming.

"Stop talking rubbish" he yelled.

"Why are you taking her side?" I yelled back, holding my jaw. Shit! It hurts like hell.

"Are you even in your right mind?"

"Do you fancy her?" His face turned into horror.

"What the fuck?" He yelled

"You're behaving very strange. You have always been with me all the time and suddenly you are fighting with me like this for her. Don't get all your useless excuses for supporting your statement" I spat.

"You know what? I don't fucking care whatever you think, but I'll go and get her. She's very helpless and she's bloddy doing it for your sake too. If you don't appreciate it, I'll do the necessary. Goodbye" he held his arm and walked out of my penthouse.

I sat down on the sofa holding my head. I can't believe my best friend fought with me for her. She's just some random girl whom I know since a few months but here Vivian, he fought with me for her. No wonder he does looking at her body. She's such a cunning bitch! Never I thought in my wildest dreams that I'll get engaged to some girl like this.

Shruti was better than her. Atleast she did what she intended to do right on my face, not like her who had so many cunning plans to portray herself as a kind girl.

Anger shot up in my system, making my blood boil. I held my head and sat down on the couch. I kept my eyes closed and she appeared in front of my eyes. I immediately opened my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. I don't wanna deal with it anymore.

I walked to the lift to go to my house. I pressed the lift button and was waiting for it when I got a call from my PA.

"Speak" I said in my cold tone.

"Miss. Yamini Khanna sent her resignation letter to me and you. She submitted around twenty designs to Rahul, asking him to choose the best out of them. She returned her id, her laptop offered by the company and everything" he said.

"Ok" I hung up the phone. I just can't deal with it now.

I got inside the lift and pressed the lobby button. The lift went straight to the lobby and I walked out. I spotted my car parked by the chauffeur earlier and I got into it. Putting in the seatbelt, I started driving outside.

Just then I changed my mind. I don't want to go to my house. I'm sure once my mom or anyone comes to know about this issue, they'll come looking for me. I can't talk with them when I'm a complete mess.

I switched off my phone and drive straight to the outskirts of the city. It's already three hours and I didn't stop anywhere. My stomach groaned and I suddenly wanted to drink. I switched on my phone. My mom called my right away and I swiped left to reject the call. I blocked my mom, dad and everyone's number. I put the GPS to the nearest hotel to stay in and I reached there within ten minutes.

I gave the car keys to the valet chaffer and walked in. I booked a room for myself and ordered food and drinks. I threw myself to the bed after eating and drinking. Not long after that everything went black and I'm completely passed out.

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