3) Family talks

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Yamini Pov

"Morning mom" I greeted her as I sat on the kitchen slab watching her cutting vegetables. I quickly grabbed a carrot and started munching it.

"Yamu, we have something to talk to you" she hesitated and I'm sure something is bothering them.

"What is it mom?" She gestured me to come to the hall where my dad was reading the news paper.

"Dear, don't panic and please listen to is carefully" mom said and now I'm super curious.

"Yes mom"

"Dear, we are arranging for your marriage" dad broke the silence.

"What?" I almost screamed, as I stood up from the sofa.

"Listen to your dad first" mom said patting my hand and I nodded.

"They are our family friends. We lost contact years ago and I recently met my friend and we kinda want our relation to be close. So we planned to get you married to his son" dad said.

"Dad, why but? If you want the relation to be close, be in contact, hang out with them, call them over for lunch or dinner. Why my marriage?" I sounded desperate.

"Do you have someone in your life?" Mom asked me suddenly.


"You can tell us sweetheart, we're your parents after all" dad said.

"No dad, there's no one"

"Then why?" Mom asked.

"Mom it's not that. I don't have any interest in marriage now"

"Ok fine, meet him once and then we'll decide. But I really want you to get married to him. He's a very nice guy and I'm sure he's perfect for you. You always know I choose the best for my daughter. I don't want to force you but I really wish you both get married" dad said and he's right. He never forced anything on me and let me be free all the time. This is the first time he's asking me to do something and it's not like I have any objections to it. Atleast for my parents, I can do this much.

"Ok dad, I'll do as you wish. I'll meet him" I said and my dad's face brightened up like glowing bulb. I chuckled at him and my mom hugged me. I love to see them happy all the time and I can do anything to see that.

"I love you princess" dad said.

"Love you too my king" I hugged him.

Arjun Pov

Today is yet another dull day. Today is the day we are closing another deal which will give us a lot of profit. I was in my thoughts when someone knocked the door.


My PA entered on with a file.

"Sir the meeting is about to begin" I took the file from him and headed to the conference room. After about 45 minutes of the meeting, we got the deal. It's about making hoodies and different textile products for today's young youths. So it needs attractive designs and colours.

I was about to resume my work when the reminder in my phone popped up. Shut! Tomorrow is the day I have to see that girl with my parents. I completely forgot that. I hope she doesn't like me. I completed my work with various thoughts running in my mind.

The next day I was all ready in perfect suit and a white crisp shirt below it and a black pant. I gelled my hair and it and looked perfect. Why am I doing all this? It's because my mom said they if I don't do all this by myself then she'll do it for me and that's the last thing I wish for.

I wish she's some whore or some slut. I'm sure if she's one, mom herself will cancel this. If not, then no worries. I always have my ways. I'll do anything and everything to stop this bloody thing.

My driver drove us to the destination and it's not that far. There house isn't that big but it's cozy and comfortable. It was fully filled with relatives and I always hate crowd. God! Why me?

We went inside and was welcomed warmly by everyone. I guess they seem nice people but what's the point when I'm not interested in marriage?

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