30) Comfort

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Arjun Pov

"Yami"I called for her as soon as I landed in her balcony. I walked inside her room and called her again

"Baby" I sensed no one in the room. The lights were off. I switched on the light to see Yamini sitting on the bed corner curled like a ball, hiding her face in her knees. Oh my baby!

"Yamini" she peeked through her hands but again went to her cocoon position again.

I slowly sat on the bed, kicking off my shoes, not before locking the door. I crawled to her and shook her. She sat there without any movement.

"Baby" I called her, trying to remove her hold from her knees. She's very strong and kept hugging her knees. She's very scared and nervous.

"Baby, look at me" I forcefully pulled her hand away but she looked everywhere other than me.

I sat beside her and took her in my lap. I made her face me and now she's straddling me. She kept looking at down and I miss her blue eyes.

"Baby, look at me" I pushed he chin upwards and finally she looked at me. I can see her eyes became red and pluffy. She's been crying so much! I don't know for how long she's been crying. Stupid me, I should have called her earlier.

"What happened?" I kissed he forehead and I'm glad she didn't protest like she does always. Guess she's really scared. I never knew she's this weak. I have always seen her as a strong and a bold girl. She was so strong and independent when everyone left her side. She was able to stand up for herself in this unknown city for a month. I was so proud of her but seeing her this low makes me feel very bad. I always want her happy.

"You know I like your feisty side now, more than this silent Yamini" I kissed her cheeks and she still stayed silent.

"Please talk something, I'm worried here baby" I said.

She slowly put her hands on my shoulder and sneaked them behind my neck. She put her head in my neck and her grip tightened. Shaking my head in disbelief, I hugged her tightly. God! She's so weak!

"Baby, I'm here. Don't worry please" I kept hugging her tightly and she hugged me back real tight. After sometime I pulled away form the hug though she wasn't letting go of me. I'm glad she's showing her weak side to me, trusting me enough. This time I'll do everything right and will just stay with her all time.

"Don't worry baby, I'm always here beside you. When I'm here, you don't have to worry about anything" I kissed her jaw and she closed her eyes. I wiped the tears and she smiled at me sadly.

"Don't be so sad, I can't see you like this" I said. She nodded lightly.

"What will make you smile now? Will an ice-cream work?" I asked and she stayed silent.

"What about your favourite chocolate?" She was still silent. I thought of teasing her, atleast then she'll react.

"How about a kiss?" To my shock, she was still not responding.

"Baby, don't be this silent. Tell me what should I do. I can't see you so sad" I said. Without replying, she hugged me tightly again. My poor baby!

I texted my men to bring a tub of black currant ice cream along with a rose and some medicines. I can feel her body a warm and I'm worried she might get fever.

I hugged her tight and layed her down on the bed.

"Baby, did you have something?" She shook her head lightly and I'm glad she atleast responded.

"I'll bring something for you to eat, just wait here" I forcefully pulled away from the hug though she was whining. I pecked her lips and ran down to fetch for food. Taking a bread, I toasted it and ran upstairs to her room again. Thank god her friend Aditi didn't see me.

I pulled her to make her sit straight. I fed her the bread and she had without any complaints. Tears are continuously flowing down and I kept wiping them away.

"Baby, why are you so scared? I'm here right? I'll make everything alright, don't worry. It's not a big deal. I'm sure this will be a success and even if it's not, I'll take the blame saying the manufacturing was at fault. Please don't cry babe" I kissed her forehead and she snuggled close to me.

"I'm very nervous Arjun" she said in a really small tone.

"Don't need to worry, I'm always here with you" just then my men brought me what I asked for. I went to the balcony and got it from them.

Making her sit in my lap, I fed her ice-cream. Seeing her little smile made me alive. I smiled widely and she forwarded a spoon towards me. I ate it and kept feeding her.

"I'm done" she said pouting like a child. I chuckled and kissed her lips, licking the ice-cream left on it. She blushed lightly and I'm so happy she's normal.

"This is for you baby" I forwarded the rose and she smiled, smelling it.

"Thank you Arjun" I smiled and pecked her lips.

"Here, take these" I gave her a pill and a glass of water. She looked confused.

"You might get fever, your body is warm" I said. She took the medicines and I made her lay beside me.

"Can you stay here for tonight?" She whispered while hugging me. I have never felt so happy before. She's trusting me enough to let me be with her. It's been a month I'm behind her and I'm glad she's finally believing in me.

"Of course baby, anything for you" I smiled. Taking off my shirt, I pulled her into my embrace. Turning off the light, she snuggled close to me sneaking my warmth. I can sense her body warm and I just hope she'll be fine tomorrow.

"I'm very nervous Arjun" she said.

"I'm going to be sticking with you the whole day tomorrow. So you don't need to be tensed or afraid. Also I'm cent percent sure this is going to be trending in the world market" I said encouraging her..

"How come you are so sure?" She asked me.

"Did you forget the designs you made while you were in my company which was trending since the first day till now? Also this one is more elegant and beautiful than that. But more than that I trust you so much baby" I pecked her lips and she smiled.

She leaned close and kissed me. This is the first time she's initiated the kiss. I was so happy until I want to scream crazily. She was very rough at first, taking complete dominance. I let her do whatever she wanted and slowly she calmed down. The kiss became slow and smooth with her tongue inside my mouth. I groaned feeling her arousal in me.

After what seemed like minutes, she pulled away and I smiled. She hid in my chest and I kissed her on the forehead before drowning into deep sleep.

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