2)Arjun Sinha

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Arjun Pov

"Good morning sir" all my staff greeted me as soon as I entered my office. I'm the CEO of SAS Fashions and I'm proud to say it's the top most in India and soon going to be topping in international level too. My dad and I worked together in it and now he's retired handing over the company to me completely.

Our company has contacts all over the world and it gained us a lot of profit. People call me professional, smart ass and Mr. Perfect. I don't have anyone behind my success. Its me and only me who worked on this company. My dad gave me some inputs and helped me with few contacts to find new clients at the beginning but later on I took complete control and he's very proud of me.

I haven't dated anyone. All I do is bang. Girls are nothing but weakness. I can't bear there drama and fake tears. They act all caring at the beginning and slowly as time passes, their mask fades off and true colours will be visible. I have great goals and many dreams to achieve and can't waste all of it for a single girl. I'm happy the way I am and I don't care about anything other than my family and friends.

I went to my cabin and my PA entered with the agenda of today. We discussed about the new projects we are trying to collaborate with different international companies and few minor projects with our country.

"Sir, we have selected a few college students through campus interview. When should we schedule the walk in interview?" He asked and yes, I remember. I always wanted new employees and new ideas. New and refreshing ideas always capture many clients and not to underestimate today's students. They are very creative and impressive.

"I'll be taking the interview directly on the next Tuesday. Pass on the message" I ordered him and he excused himself and left.

I sighed and completely focused on work until my phone rang. Without bothering to look at the caller ID, I attended the call.

"Baby!" I pulled the phone off my ears to notice it was Tara, another one night stand. Gosh! Girls are waste piece of shit!

"What do you want?" I asked her in my cold tone.

"Baby, are you stressed? Should I come over and relax you?" She said in her extra coated sweet voice and it disgusted me.

"I was perfectly fine till you called me. Now hang up otherwise you won't like the consequences" I swiped off the red screen not bothering to wait for her reply.

I again drowned in my work and after a while I ordered a pizza and ate my lunch in my cabin. I'm not a social person personally. Professionally, I'm a very talkative person but personally I don't connect to anyone. I can't express myself very clearly and it always ends up very bad. Only my parents understand this and I'm glad this never created any rift between us.

It was 6 in the evening when I came out of my office. I saw some of my employees still working and some already left. Working in SAS is not a cat walk. I have almost fifteen branches all over India and two in Dubai and ten in America.

I went home only to see my mom watching TV eating her favourite snack. She smiled widely at me and I felt refreshed. I can do anything to see that smile of hers. I quickly got freshed up and we sat down for dinner having a few chats. Mom and dad were glad to know about the new ideas of projects and my constant focus in career. I'm glad they don't know about my flings.

"Arjun, you're already nearing 30 and how long will you postpone your marriage?" Mom started the usual talk.

"No mom! Not today please" I made an excuse like everytime.

"No,we have to talk today. And listen to me carefully, we are going to see the girl whom we selected for you this weekend. So make sure you have no other appointments" mom said it all at a go and choked on my food.

"What the hell?" I roared.

"Control your temper young man" dad warned me and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Mom, you just can't do that!"

"Listen Arjun, I gave you a lot of time listening to you and now I want you to listen to me. They are our family friends and I'm sure that girl is very apt for you. But of course, I'm not forcing you. Just see her once and we'll leave it upon you to decide" mom said and I agreed to her.

Let's see how this will end!

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