11) Getting in his good side?

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Yamini Pov

I smiled widely looking at the glass building once again. Two days after the interview, I got a mail stating I got this job. I started jumping in happiness since it's my dream job. Working here will get me lots of experience and exposure which will help me if I set up a new line. Arjun hasn't contacted me since our last meeting and I'm relieved about it.

I took a deep breath and walked in. There was a woman standing at the reception. She is different from the one I met when I was here for the interview. I walked to her.

"Excuse me" I smiled politely.

"Yes miss, how can I help you?"

"It's my first day here. So where am I supposed to go?"

"Oh! Take the lift which is on the left and go up to the 20th floor mam. There's a waiting room and you can wait there with the others" she smiled. I nodded and walked to the lift

My nervousness grew looking at the ten people already sitting in the waiting room. I sat beside a girl who was wearing a black dress and a white cardigan.

"Hi! I'm Aarushi" she introduced herself.

"Yamini" we shook hands.

"Which college are you from?" Our conversation went on till someone bursted at the door.

He held the door when someone walked it and that someone is Arjun. He had worn a black suit and a white shirt underneath. His hair as messy and he walked in talking on the phone.

We all stood up and waited for him to speak.

"Welcome all to ASA fashions. I hope you'll give the best here" he smiled but that didn't reach his eyes. He looked at me but devoid of any expression, not that I want any.

Later he said that his manager will give us a tour around the office and will state about our work here. The whole office was really well structured and it left me awestruck. The facilities here was incredible and it only added to my excitement to work here.

After that, I was shown my place to work. I am recruited as a general designer under the supervision of Rahul, who is the head designer of our group. Aarushi and I are in the same group and I bet we will be good friends in future.

We directly started off with work and worked till it was lunch time. I didn't get my lunch and so didn't Aarushi. We decided to go to a restaurant downstairs and just then my intercom rang.

"Yes sir"

"Come to my office right now" it is Arjun. I ended the call and ran to the lift after informing Aarushi.

I entered the 30th floor which is only for Arjun and his PA. The whole floor was air conditioned and the view was great. I noticed two cabins in there and I walked to the one which has a board stating ARJUN SINHA.

I knocked at it and entered when he ordered me to come in. He was looking at some files. His laptop was on and the table was messy. I sighed and stood across the table.

He looked up at me and I smiled.

He pointed at the couch at the corner and I sat on it. Within the next few minutes, he sat beside me.

"So how's the work here?" He smiled and I understood we are talking in personal terms.

"It's great, I love it here" his smile widened with a bit of pride in it.

"Nice" he stopped abruptly. I know he wants to tell me something and I kinda guessed it but I want him to speak.

"I want to talk about something private" he said as he sat across me on the couch.

"Yea sure" I smiled.

"I am very professional and I don't want any personal stuff around in office time" he struggled saying that.

"I understand" my smile increased his confidence.

"Umm actually we... I" he stammered. Is there something wrong?

"Listen Arjun,we may not like this whole arranged marriage stuff but we both are in good terms I guess. Also we decided to work on it, so I guess we can be good friends. Not in office of course. I won't judge you for anything cause I already see you as my friend" I said looking at his eyes directly. I meant everything I said.

"Oh" he paused for a minute. He stood up and walked to tye side table to serve himself a glass of water. He came back with a frown free face.

"Glad to know that. We can be friends and I'm glad I'll have you as my friend" he forwarded for a handshake and I smiled shaking hands.

"We'll remain personal and professional accordingly right?" He asked and I have him a of-course look.

"I don't want mom or anyone to know about you working in my office. Though we agreed to find a fake boyfriend for you, mom doesn't know this and she's got in the mood of a Cupid to set us up. So I don't want her to know until she comes to know herself"

"Sure, you have my word on it" he smiled. We talked for a couple of more minutes until his lunch was brought by a peon.

"Would you like to have your lunch here?" He asked and I eyes at the peon who was setting the lunch table. He was looking at us weirdly and I'm not getting a good feeling about it. The peon left after he's done.

"No actually, I already have an appointment. I'll be leaving, bye" I walked to the door.

"Thanks Yamini" I smiled and walked out of his cabin, to the lift.

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