21) Double mind

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Yamini Pov

"Yami, can you get the door please?" Aditi shouted from the washroom. I sighed and walked to the door. My eyes widened at the person standing in front of me.

"Hi Yamini" It was Vivan. Oh my god!

"Umm...hey" I stammered.

"Won't you invite me inside?" He raised his brows.

"Oh sure, come on in" we sell at the sofa, with me awkwardly biting my nails and he looking around the living room.

"Nice house, fashion technology does have its role in your life apart from profession ahh?" He smiled and I smiled back. Will he tell my parents about me staying here? Or did he already? Omg!

"Vivan..." He cut me off.

"No one knows about it" I sighed in relief.

"Thank you" I genuinely smile this time.

"But this cannot go forever. You have to meet your parents. It's already more than two months" he sounded very concerned. I nodded, looking down.

"Do you know about your dad? He.."

"Yes I know" I sighed heavily, walking to the window and looking outside at the rain dripping.

"And I'm the reason for it" I sighed again.

"This is what my fear was. Why is everyone taking blame on themselves? It's that uncle's health is already like that and this has nothing to do with neither you nor him" he bursted and my eyes widened.


"There Arjun is taking the whole blame on him. Though he is very angry at you for walking away like that, he's thinking that atleast he shouldn't have fallen into the stupidity of fake boyfriend" he said and I walked to the kitchen. Taking a glass and pouring some juice in it, I offered it to him and he took it.

"It's high time now. Come with me"

"No, I can't" I denied.

"Why?" He yelled.

"Yami, what's happening?" Aditi came from her room.

"Umm, Aditi. Meet Vivan, my friend cum brother and Vivan, meet Aditi my friend and flatmate" he extended his hand and she smiled while shaking it.

"You already contacted her before..." I cut off Vivan.

"Yes, she's my long time bestie" he nodded, taking a sip from the glass. There was silence for a while and I found it very strange. Vivan was looking at the glass like it's the most interesting thing in the world and Aditi went back to her room.

"Vivan, didn't you have your flight wh.." I asked.

"I obviously missed it" he looked at me.

"Go, take another flight and leave. And please don't tell anyone about me. This is my request" I was very desperate.

"No, I don't care anymore. Uncle is still in the hospital. Though he was discharged after a couple of weeks after the minor clot in his heart, he's again weak. He's really stressed about you and atleast knowing about you will make him better. I don't care about anything other than uncle. I just want him to be alright soon" he slammed his fist in the sofa and I was sacred. I didn't know he was this tensed too. Knowing that I'm the reason for all of this, just makes me feel so horrible.

"I know what you are thinking and it's absolute bullshit. You better stop those thoughts and pack your bags, we need to leave" he said.

"No, I won't come and it's final. Stop forcing me" I bursted this time. I'm just so sick of everyone forcing me into things I never wanted for do. I want to live my own life according to my wishes and I'm deprived of it everytime. I'm not letting myself drown due to other's words.

"Yamini, what I meant to say is.."

"No, I don't want to hear anything. This is what he wanted right? That  wedding to stop and now it's here. Why are you disturbing me? I'm trying my best to move on and why are you coming again? Can I just not live my life peacefully?" I bursted this time. I'm so done with this.

"I'm sorry, I won't tell anyone about you and you have my words on it. I was just a bit carried away. Please take care of yourself and make sure you return back when you are ready, atleast for uncle" he sighed and walked to the door.

Suddenly I felt bad for shouting at him. He's no where involved in this mess and why did I remove my anger at him?

"Vivan" I called him and he turned around. He raised his eyebrows and I hugged him briefly.

"I'm sorry Vivan. I shouldn't have shouted at you when you always had my back. I'll surely come back when it's the right time but please don't tell dad anything about it. I'll keep in touch with you" I said. He put his arms around me and hugged me too.

"I always see my sister in you and to be honest, I really think you are perfect for Arjun who suffered so much since his childhood. It's not my place to tell you this but still. I'll have to get going now, see you later. Please be in touch" he smiled one last time and walked out. I saw him getting in the car and his driver driving away.

I sighed and shut the door behind me. Sitting on the sofa, I held my head. I have so much stuff in my head and I have no idea which should be cleared first. Everything is just so messed up right now.

I kinda regret running away now knowing that my dad is in hospital. I know everyday updates about my family from my friends. They never told anyone about it and I'm thankful for it. When Lekha told me dad fainted in the house, I almost cried the whole day. I wanted to run back to dad and hug him telling him I won't ever go away again. But it's not the time.

Though when I took this decision to run away, I promised myself I'll make everything alright. But seeing what's happening around me, I kinda regret. I should have urged dad more and spoke my heart out instead of running away like a coward.

Aditi came from her room and hugged me seeing my tears. I hugged her back and just thankful for her presence now. I told her everything and she listened patiently. She promised me that she's with me in whatever decision I take. I'm in double mind now.

Should I go back to dad and mom or should I take up this job in Mumbai?

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