27) Don't want this

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Yamini Pov

"You both actually look cute together" Aditi squealed as she saw our picture in one of the magazine. I swear I want to kill Arjun right now. He picked me up like a sack if potato and it's the headlines today.

The buisness man Arjun Sinha and his ex fiance Yamini Khanna are back together! They are spotted on a romantic boat ride in gateway of India where they were seen hugging and kissing!"


There's a picture of me sitting in his lap when he pulled me and he kissing the crown of my head while rowing the boat. I can't believe my mom and dad left me like that with him. I made them hear heartfully when we are back home.

The worst thing was mom insisted him to stay at my house and bring his parents too but I blocked them saying it's Aditi apartment as well and we can not invite anyone without her permission. Thanks to my stars that she wasn't at home when this happened and later my parents forgot about it.

"I should have come home early yesterday! Stupid me hanging out with my colleagues! If I was on time Arjun would..." I cut her by throwing a pillow at her. She smirked and I glared at her.

"Shut up and go get ready, you are getting late" I pushed her out of my room. I got ready really quick cause I have to reach office early. Mom and dad went back to Chennai since mom's new business called for her immediate attention. I'm thinking Arjun and his family too went with them cause I heard mom saying they will catch them up in the airport. I hope he left too.

"I'm leaving, your breakfast is on the table" I shouted at Aditi and rushed outside to grab a taxi. I quit my part time jobs since working in Shayam Fashions isn't as easy as it seems. It needs more dedication and I want to give it my best. Also I get tired very fast these days.

I reached the office at sharp 9. I went to my cabin to see a letter from the factory. It states that the printing of the clothes will start from today and if I want I can pay a visit. That just lifted my mood like anything. Imaging after a few months people wearing the clothes you designed is crazy.

I kept working till my intercom rang. It's Shayam who asked me to come to the meeting room to meet the new partner in the upcoming clothing line. I remember him saying that this collab will earn more profit and I have to impress the partner to make him sign the deal.

I took all the necessary items and went to the meeting room which is in the twelfth floor. Entering the meeting room, my breath hitched.

There sat Arjun, looking at the designs I made when Shayam and his manager was explaining them to him. Oh god! Why me?

I was about to knock the door when Shayam's manager asked me to come in.

"Hey Yamini, come in" all three pairs of eyes looked at me with two full of appreciation and one full of shock and surprise. I smiled at them and took a seat next to Shayam. I can't and won't sit beside that bastard.

I noticed Shayam having black eye and some bruises on his arm and face. I panicked and asked him. To which he shrugged off saying he fell down from stairs in his home. But it doesn't look like that, does it?

I ignored it and started explaining the designs to him and suddenly the door burst open revealing his manager, Lokesh. He smiled widely seeing me and I smiled back. He sat down beside me and I smiled.

"So happy to see you again" he whispered and I saw Arjun constantly staring at me and Lokesh.

"Thanks" I replied and we continued to do our work. Arjun was appreciating my designs and that made me smile like an idiot. Obviously who will not like it when their hard work is being appreciated?

"So are you interested in this deal sir?" Shayam's manger asked.

"Well, I want to know the people incharge of the departments before I sign the deal" he said to Shayam and he smirked looking at me.

Wait! It means I have to work with him too? Oh my gosh! Shayam continued to smirk at me and I saw Arjun clenching his fist.

Doesn't Shayam know I'm his ex fiance? I mean the whole world knows that and kept calling me a whore and gold digger for stealing their dream man. I'm glad it's over now though every now and then I come across some blockheads, I ignore them anyway. But why does Shayam have to put me in so many difficult situations? Last Saturday party and now this!

"Yamini here, she's the head of this production since her team contributed the most for this clothing line" Shayam said and I smiled awkwardly. I know this is not going to be easy. I saw Arjun's face glowing in a second and that brought my face down. Is he thinking of something else in that stupid brain of his? Knowing that he is smart, I tensed.

Finding me staring at him, he smirked and winked at me. The look on his face brought back the memories of my first ever kiss with this asshole in front of me. Though I am angry at him, I can't deny it. The kiss was one of the most beautiful thing. The way he held me and his lips worked magic in my body leaving me stunned. Everytime I think about him, a blush creeps in my cheeks. I bet now too it's visible cause his smirk grew wider. I glared at him.

"Sure, we can pen it down" he signed the contract and I exhaled deeply.

"Lokesh, send a group of our factory workers here till the production is done. Also send a designing team to assist miss Yamini here" Arjun said and Lokesh noted it down beside me with a grin on his face. I saw Shayam smirking too and the only face with neutral expression was Shayam's manager.

"It'll be done sir, in a couple of days" Lokesh said.

"So all sorted?" Shayam asked and if I'm not wrong they sent some signal to one another. What am I missing out on?

"No actually. I want the designing team to work with me till the clothing line is published. Since you chose the designs for me, I would like to help you too by doing this part of the work. Hope you don't mind" Arjun said and my eyes widened. My jaw dropped and looking at me, Arjun winked.

Oh my god! Working with him again is hell! No! I don't want this!

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