33) A chance

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Yamini Pov

"Morning sweetheart" I hissed hearing that stupid's voice the first thing in the morning.

"Arghhh! What is wrong with you? Calling me the first thing in the morning!?" I hissed coldly at him.

"It's already 9. I thought you were awake! I'm sorry. But on the other side you got to hear my voice the first thing, isn't it great?" I bet he is smirking now.

"Is it?" I decided I play along.

"Of course, it is" he whined and I chuckled silently.

"Whatever you say!" I was about to fall back asleep again when he spoke.

"Baby, you have a flight to catch. Chop chop!" I sat upright on the bed rubbing my eyes.

"I'll miss you so much. Just come back soon. Don't leave any of your stuff there. My driver is waiting, ask him to help you with the luggage to the airport. I love you baby, see you soon" he hung up.

I have to go to Chennai today. After the ramp show and the launch of the new clothing line, I got much recognition and that got me so much happiness and confidence. I was jumping the whole day and remember Arjun, Vivan and Gautam laughing at me along with my friends.

That boosted my confidence to no level. I wanted to start a new clothing line, a small and a sample one for now. I applied for a loan and guess what? It's sanctioned. I planned the location and the other stuff for a week and everyone around me were supportive. Shayam helped me with the contacts along with Vivan and Gautam. Dad and mom were very proud of me. Speaking of the devil in my life, I guess he's no more a devil. He suddenly turned into an angel.

He never left my side for the whole one month since the idea of starting a new own clothing line came up in my mind. For some reason he was the first one to know about it and the way he responded made me so happy. I wanted to pull him in my arms and kiss him endlessly but I controlled.

Shayam transferred me to his office which is in Chennai and today I have to leave there. I'll work at his office from 9-5 and then work at my own company from 6-10. Initially there won't be much orders and I can manage it within 4 hours. I yet have to advertise it when I go there and set up everything. I'm assuming it'll take another week or so.

I quickly got ready and had my breakfast. Taking my luggage, Aditi dropped me at the airport in Arjun's car here. He's already in Chennai. He went back whining last week after Shayam gave a written agreement saying I'll be transferred to Chennai next week. I hugged her one last time and she went back in the same car. I boarded the flight and slept for straight three hours.

"Mam, please wake up. The flight has landed" I saw the air hostess waking me up. Thanking her, I got out picking my luggage. Walking to the arrival area I was shocked to see Arjun waiting for me with a huge bouquet of white roses, my favourite. He was still searching for me and I chuckled. Spotting me, he practically ran towards me and hugged me tight.

My breath hitched when he hugged me tight with his breath fanning over my back. I hugged him back by wrapping my arms around him.

"I would have gone mad if I didn't see you today" he whispered and my body froze. He pulled away form the hug and lightly pecked my cheeks. Heat rushed to my face seeing so many people witnessing us. There were paparazzi too and I shyly his my face to his chest.

"This won't be a news, don't worry" he handed me the bouquet and I thanked him. He picked my luggage.

"Let's go" we walked to his car and he started to drive. I was just staring at him. It's so hard to believe he is changed so much. I always wanted my husband to be this sweet and caring and to be honest he's more than my expectations. I now wonder do I deserve him in the first place?

He always does something sweet which makes me so happy. He surprises me with a hot chocolate and my favourite cake when I'm in a bad mood. Whenever I'm nervous or scared the first thing I can think of is being in his arms. He never let me down all these months. He stood up for me so much and I feel like a paradise whenever I'm with him. He's like the perfect man any girl wishes for.

Should I give him a chance?

"Baby, am I that handsome that you can't take your eyes off me?" He said in his horse voice but still focusing on the road. I felt shy and immediately looked away. He chuckled at me and continued driving. Suddenly he stopped at the side and pointed at the jumbo king.

"Let me get you something to eat. I bet you didn't have your lunch" he said and I was speachless. How did he know?

He winked at me and got out of the car. Crossing the street, he walked into the shop and my eyes kept following him dreamily. Just then his phone rang and I picked it up seeing it's Vivan.


"Hi Vivan" I bet he checked the phone again.

"It's Arjun's phone" he chuckled.

"How was your flight beautiful?"

"Good, so what's up?" I asked.

"Is he around?"

"Nope, he's give to collect a burger. Anything important?"

"There's an important meeting in ten minutes and he's still not here. So just checking on him" he said and my eyes widened.

"Even if we start now, we can't be there before half an hour" I said and he chuckled.


"I kinda guessed it" he said. Guessed what?

"He's like always prioritizing you. I mean I don't blame him at all if I get to help a beautiful girl like you" he flirted an I'm used to it now. He's always fun to be around. Moreover we always know he's like my best friend and it's his nature to be like this.

"But you just said the meeting is important"

"Not more than you, atleast for him"

"But..." He cut me off.

"Before you ask me why, you know the answer yourself. He loves you so much until he can do anything for you. So I bet this million dollars deal is nothing in front of you. I wonder does he remember this meeting or not. He was acting all stupid, excited to meet you today" That got me speechless.

"Guess the clients are here. Don't worry, I'll handle the meeting for my stupid friend. Gotta go, bye beautiful" he hung up and after a few minutes Arjun entered the car with a burger and a hot chocolate.

"Here you go baby" he handed me the things and I pecked his cheeks. His eyes widened and later he smirked. I smirked back and leaned closer.

He leaned backwards I pulled him by his collar. He was taken aback.

"Baby what are you..."

"Shhh" I leaned closer and I found his body getting frozen. I cupped his face in my hands and slowly placed my lips on his. I kissed him slowly and passionately and he returned the same.

I am giving you a chance Arjun, giving us a chance again...

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