25) His jealousy

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Yamini Pov

"What?" I exclaimed at Vivan.

"Yes, look at him. His eyes shows how much eager he is to kill me" I giggled and pulled away from the hug. I looked at him and yes, his face is very pale and jaw clenched. A smile of satisfaction reached me.

I was very hesitant to attend this party as Shayam's date but Aditi compelled me. We went shopping together and she got me this dress.

It was very pretty and Shayam too complimented me in the sweetest way

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It was very pretty and Shayam too complimented me in the sweetest way.

I wasn't expecting my parents to be here. When I asked them, they said that it wanted to be a surprise for me. I nudged them to stay with me for a few days and they agreed. I'll probably take a holiday for a couple of days and roam with my parents. I'm so excited!

Suddenly Vivan called everyone around and started introducing me as his friend. Some were friendly but some eyed me and I know what that look means. That was a 'bitchy' look knowing that I'm the ex fiance of the great Arjun Sinha, who's freaking party I'm attending. I was so fucking shocked when Shayam brought me here but then he made me realize his presence or absence shouldn't affect me.

Some shook hands and some kissed my hand while winking at me! Man whores!

I was talking with them and suddenly I heard the MC asking us to dance. All lights were dimmed and a slow romantic song was put on.

"May I have the honour of dancing with this beautiful lady?" I turned my head to see Shayam bending a little and asking for my hand. Though I was hesitant, I placed my hand over his. He smiled and lead me to the dance floor.

He placed his hand on my bare skin on my waist since this dress has a cut at the waist. It was very much uncomfortable but I can't say anything. I put up a smile and he smiled back.

We swayed according to the music and every passing second he held me close and kept pulling me close to him. I tried to maintain distance but my struggles were useless. I wanted to shout at him but he's my boss after all. Though I know him very well, as he is also a family friend just like Arjun and his family, I can't behave like this to my boss. I bite my lip in anticipation and his eyes twinkled.

"You have no clue what that does to me" he said as he released my lip from my teeth. I smiled awkwardly and kept dancing. He held me in his arms and swayed me.

Out of no where a waiter was pushed towards us and a glass of wine spilled over my heels.

"What are you think? Didn't you see the woman.." I pulled Shayam from shouting at the poor waiter. He seemed very scared and was continuously saying sorry.

"Shayam, it's ok. I'll just be back" I patted his arm and walked out of the ballroom, to the washroom. I cleaned my dress where a bit of wine was spilled. Washing my legs and after drying them, I turned to the door to walk out when suddenly someone walked in.

I was about to scream when he put his hands on my mouth.

"Shhh, don't shout" he slowly removed his hand.

"What the hell Arjun? You cannot come inside a girl's washroom" I bursted.

"I also cannot see you dancing with that prick" he bursted back.


"Are you drunk?" I asked, completely not understanding.

"No, I'm very much sober now" he said blankly.

"Yea, whatever. Let me go now" I pushed him and tired to walk past, but he pushed me to the wall and pinned me there. My eyes widened and he smirked at me.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep as much distance as possible.

"I don't want you to dance with anyone here" he said and there's seriousness in his eyes.

"And why will I do that?"

"Because I said so" he raised his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not your puppy or any of your employees anymore who will run behind you and listen to you. Let me go now before I scream" I glared at him.

"Not yet baby" he smirked. I swear he is drunk.

"Arjun, you must have hit your head somewhere. You also seem tired, go rest. Let me go now" I said but he looked at me amused. Is there something on my face?

"What?" I asked him, since he was neither answering not moving out of my way.

"You are so beautiful...so fucking beautiful" he said and my breath hitched. My eyes widened and he leaned close to me. What is he doing?

"How come I never saw this before? Gosh! You are driving me crazy" he leaned closer.

"Arjun, let me go" I said, trying to calm down my heart beat which was beating double the usual speed. I couldn't concentrate on anything with his manly breath fanning over my cheeks. Damn his scent! He can make any woman drool with only that!

"No baby, not now" he said sweetly and I glared at him.

"What is wrong with you! Let me go" I pushed him but he held my wrist and pinned with to the side. My nervousness grew and I don't know what is he up to.

"What is your problem man?" I said in my cold tone.

"You!" Huh?

"You dress, those blue eyes, those red lips, this cut on your waist, this back less isn't helping too. I already kill a lot of people who started at you like you are their meat for tonight" his eyes were red and his jaw was clenched.

"Arjun, let me go"

"Can't you see people were eyeing you and only you since you entered this ballroom? Are you blind? How can you wear this here? Damn it!" He busted angrily and that scared me a lot. I patted his hand lightly after he released my wrist. He looked away and ran his hands through his hair. His back muscles were stretched and it's crystal clear that he's tensed and angry. I have known him quite well in the span of months when we were friends.

"Arjun" I called him.

"No Yami! I wasn't able to control when those bastards kissed your hand. They freaking kissed your hand! He busted.

"Ok, ok. Calm down!" I told him to take deep breaths.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down when that son of bitch Shayam was holding you this close when you were dancing?" He suddenly pulled me in his arms so tight, not letting air pass through us. His eyes were red and I never saw that coming.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I released from his grip but he held me again.

"Arjun, let me go. There's someone who's waiting for the washroom"

"No, I'll never let you go" he claimed my lips in a passionate kiss.

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