34) First date

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Yamini Pov

I swirled around the mirror to look at myself clearly. I had worn a blue halter dress and it ended right above my knees. I had gone to shopping today with Lekha and brought this dress. Shanaya is out of town and I'm guessing something is definitely wrong with her. Though we met a couple of days ago when she was perfectly fine, I guess now she's in some problem. She had already informed that she's going out of town. I tried calling her but it's always not reachable. She has a lot to explain when she's back. I hope it's soon.

Lekha was surprised to know that I gave him a chance. For the first few minutes, she couldn't talk anything. It was like a cat caught her tongue. After a few minutes, she stared squealing and jumping around. I surely have crazy friends around to begin with.

Today is my first official date with Arjun. I am so excited. I understood I never started hating him at the first place and it's just I didn't want to agree to my feelings. Gradually, seeing everything he is doing for me, my heart started to melt and I found no point in hiding my feelings.

The way he looks at me, the way he treats me, makes me so happy and amazing. I swear I have never been so happy in my life. I truly want to give us a chance and hoping that we work out.

My phone rang and it's Aditi.

"Hi girly" I squealed. She chuckled.

"Hey bestie! This excited to go on a date?" I blushed.

"No dude" I sang in a normal way.

"Yes dude!" She mimicked me and we laughed together.

"Have a great time" she said.

"When are you coming?" I asked her.

"For your welcoming ceremony of your company" she said and I chuckled.

"Which will be soon, so better pack your bags now" I said.

"Sure, but won't you tell me the name?" She whined. No! I haven't told anyone the name of my company, neither my parents nor my friends. I want it to be secert.

"You'll come to know when you come here" I said excited.

"Which will be the welcoming ceremony" she whined and I chuckled.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's ok, after all you didn't tell anyone" I grinned.


"Ok then, isn't it already time? Have fun, and do tell me all the details ok?" She squealed and I chuckled.

"Ummm..let's see" I hung up hearing he shouting in the other line.

I was taking my clutch and putting in my necessary things when a message popped.

At your street end beautiful! Come soon! -A

It's Arjun.

I ran downstairs and saw mom and dad in the living room talking.

"Dad, mom, I'm going to Lekha's house. I'll let you know when I'll be back" I said and they nodded though they were looking weirdly at my outfit.

I really don't want to hide this from my parents but if something goes wrong again between me and him they'll never forgive either of us. I hope it works and I so desperately want this to work. Lekha had been helping me cover up a lot of times when I sneak out to see him.

"Ok, but be safe and come back soon" dad said and I nodded.

"Bye mom, bye dad" I kissed their cheeks. I was wearing my heels when mom came outside.

"Ask him to drop you back safely, don't take a cab late night" she said smiling. Ufff! I can't hide anything form mom. She kissed my forehead before closing the door when I stepped out.

My smile grew wider when I saw Arjun in a blue t-shirt and a black pants leaning on the car with his arms folded across his chest. His smile widened too and he practically ran to me. I walked fast to him and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Heaven!" He murmured and I smiled buring my head into his chest. I inhaled his manly scent and found myself loving it. I felt him kissing the crown of my head and hugging me tight if that's possible. I heard a small sound and immediately became aware of the surrounding. We're in the middle of the road hugging. Though it's dark I don't want anyone to see us. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Let's go" we sat in the car. He pecked my lips before starting the car and that left me stunned. I smacked his arm and he grinned ear to ear.

"So where are we going Arjun?" I asked. He never told me where we are going though I was almost used all my tones of voices to make him speak. I yelled at him, I pleaded him and even spoke desperately but he just looked me at with the same amused expression like every time.

"Baby, I told you it's a surprise. Trust me you'll love it" I smiled.

"So confident?"

"Yep, I know you very well now baby" I had the urge to peck his cheek and he looked stunned when I did that. He grinned widely and I looked away. He chuckled and did I say how hot he looks while chuckling! Omg!

"So how was your day?" He asked.

"It was productive. I met a couple of people for my promotion and other important clients for my company's start up. They seemed to be willing to invest but it's not decided yet. Let's see" I said. I love how he asks about my everyday life and activities. He's so sweet!

"But I'm ready here and is begging you while you're not allowing me to invest" he pouted like a small kid whining for a chocolate. I laughed seeing his reaction and I return he pouted more.

"So cute" I pulled his cheek.

"What? No! I'm hot! You should say hot and handsome not cute" Cocky much!

"I want to start it all independent. I want to experience everything from the start and I know if you are an investor you'll never let me set my foot inside my own office" I glared at him. It's true though. He'll take care if everything in my company leaving his own to his PA or Vivan or Gautam. It's my company and I want to work in it from the scratch. If I get spoon fed from the start, I'll never be able to stand up when I face any failure. It'll break me and I'll be at the bottom without knowing how to get up again.

"Ok baby, whatever you wish. But remember I'm always here if you need any help" he said and that made me so happy.

"I know" I said shyly.

"Your beauty will be the death of me" I heard him murmur. Though I heard it clearly, I wanted to tease him.


"You're so beautiful when you blush babe" my cheeks became more red.

"And I love it more when I'm the reason behind it" I looked away blushing brike red.

"Oh god! You're so cute baby"

" What? No! I'm hot! You should say sexy and hot, not cute" I mimicked him and he grinned widely.

Can't wait for the night to know what he's planned for me.


What would you like the company's name to be? Comment your opinion.

Sorry for the delay, lately busy with something. Will try to update as and when possible.

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