7) Hunt

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Yamini Pov

"Yamini, wake up. It's too late dear, have your dinner and sleep" mom shouted from downstairs and I woke up groaning. I looked at the clock and it's 10 at night. I remember crying continuosly after dad warned me. Lekha and Shanaya put me to bed and asked me to sleep. I cried myself to sleep. I quickly washed my face and ran down.

"Mom, I have to talk with you" I told her as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"Not now"

"No mom, now" she remained silent and I took that as a yes.

"Mom I don't want to marry now" I said with determination. She turned to me with cold eyes and it's not a good sign.

"You have to marry him" she dropped a bomb on me. Few hours ago, she was supporting me and now she's also forcing me.


"I'm telling this for your won good. Don't argue in this"

"Mom!" I whined.

"Stop crying like a little girl" my mother snapped.

"I can't marry a guy I barely know" I followed her to the kitchen like a lost puppy.

"You have no other choice. The decision is already made, so you have to" mom said, taking some ingredients from the top shelf.

"Mom.." she cut me off.

"You are getting married to him and that's the end of this topic" I stromed out of the kitchen angrily, making my way to my bedroom.

I hugged my pillow, blinking away my tears.

'No! I won't marry that guy!'

Just then he called and asked me to meet him tomorrow. I really have to talk to him.

Next day afternoon, I quickly completed me lunch and went to Shanaya's house. I told her that I'm going to met him and she encouraged me. Lekha was busy with her brother's work and I didn't want to disturb her.

From Shanaya's house, I drove my scooty to Belgium Waffles shop and thanked God for no traffic on the way. It is still 3.50 and I'm before time.

I ordered a waffle and before the order came, I saw him walking to me with an arrogant look. He was looking handsome in his grey pants and white tee. His hair was messy and his coolers were on. He looked way different than yesterday. I found myself drooling over him and I quickly shook my head to ignore all these senseless thoughts.

He sat down on the table across me and the waiter took his order. I noticed he didn't even smile once. Rude much!

"So I wanted to-" he cut me off.

"You open up about your boyfriend to your family"

Oh shit! I completely forgot that! Damn! I just pranked him and there is no boyfriend of mine. I'm sure he'll be hell angry if I tell him the truth. I can say from his facial expressions that he is not a bit interested in this marriage and that's the only thing I'm happy about now.

"Hello! Where are you lost?" He asked, biting his waffle. Only then I realized our order was served.

"No, no where"

"Yea, so as I was saying, please talk to your parents about your love affair"

"Actually, that... that" I stammered.

"Any problem?"

"Umm, I... I don't have any boyfriend" I finally spoke and he dropped the waffle on the plate.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He screamed out and everyone started looking at us. Gosh! This is so embarrassing.

I guess this is the first time a groom is angry to hear that his bride doesn't have any boyfriend!

But, wait what? I'm his bride? Gosh! What's wrong with me?

"Are you shitting me Yamini? You told me that you have a boyfriend" he spoke angrily. I was scared very much to be honest but I acted as if it meant nothing to me.

"I was thinking that you would reject me if I tell you that I have a boyfriend. I purposely acted like talking to my boyfriend when you were coming out of the washroom. To cover that you, I lied to you. I really don't want this marriage and I guess even you don't want this. So why not we work together in this, to try and make our family understand this?" I spoke and he was still fuming with anger.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath. After taking some deep breaths, he spoke.

"I'm sure my family won't cancel this marriage unless there is some problem form your side. Before you ask why, I'll tell you my mom is very stubborn. If she wants anything, she'll make sure it's done. So I can't do anything from my side, so it's all in your hands now"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Get a boyfriend" he said it as if it was as easy as turning your head.

"Did you loose it? Are you nuts?" I lost my patience now. Is he thinking me as a toy? He is using me like I'm his puppet. I agree I don't want this marriage but I can't deteriorate my character and find anyone and label him as my boyfriend.

"Mind your tongue miss Yamini" he said it in a cold tone.

"A few minutes ago, you were cursing. So was it not applicable that time? This 'mind your tongue' thing?" I snapped back in the same tone. His face completely changed into a cold one and it looks like he'll punch anyone now. His anger is very dangerous.

"Ok listen, I'm sorry for cursing earlier. I loose my senses when I'm angry and you better know that get well. And coming to you, please you'll have to do something. I'm not asking you to find any random guy and make him as your real boyfriend. I'm asking you why can't you ask anyone to pretend to be your fake boyfriend for one or two months and act as if you broke up?" He said and I kinda like that idea. It'll make me escape this marriage thing for atleast a year cause I'll act all heart broken for some more months. It isn't that bad.

"But why don't you say that you have a girlfriend? Why me?" I asked curiously. There's no way he won't have any from around. Just a look of his will make girls touch his feet.

"I can't and my parents know I'm not the one who does relationship and all" he replied shortly and it's agreeable. Looking at his anger no one can ever be with him for long. I pity his parents already and I pity his future wife too!

"Ok, I'll do that but there's another problem" I hesitated.

"God! What now?" He ran his fingers on his hair and it was so darn sexy!

Yamini! Control yourself you idiot!

"I told my parents that I don't love anyone. They asked me directly before you came to my house and I told than I don't she anyone" I spoke everything. I don't want to fall in any trouble, atleast all alone.

"Arghhhh! Why are you so irritating?" He muttered under his breath but I was able to hear it!

"Exc-" he cut me off again.

"Just tell them you were afraid to tell them at that time. Now since your marriage is almost gonna be fixed, you can't hide this anymore"

I nodded my head and agreed to him. This way we both will escape this whole marriage drama!

Let the hunt begin for my fake boyfriend!

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