28) In big trouble

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Arjun Pov

I kept staring at the screen in front of me with a boring look. This is the first time I'm not interested in working. Suddenly my mind reverted back to the Sunday I spent with Yamini and her family. It was one of the best days of my life. I laughed, sang and enjoyed a lot. It was more than winning a million dollar deal.

I called Yamini through intercom.

"Hello" her words made me smile like an idiot.

"Hi baby" I chirped cheerfully. I swear I was never this crazy.

"Bye" she was about to hang up but I stopped her.

"Is this the way to behave with your boss?" I asked sternly. I don't know why I lately love teasing her. It's like my new entertainment.

"You are not my boss" she said. I know how to deal with you baby.

"I want you in my cabin now" I said and she hung up the phone. I smiled and waited for her.

"What is it?" She bursted through the door and I was shocked.

"Don't you know how to knock the door?"

"If you called me back me to teach me how to knock the door, I am leaving now. I have plenty of work" she said. My stubborn girl.

"Come here, have a seat my fiance" I smirked.

"Correction, ex fiance" she glared and sat across me.

"Yes sir" she smiled sweetly and I looked at her amused.

"I wanted to ask you about the progress of the production" I said.

She nodded and opened her iPad. She started explaining the printing work going on in the completed clothes. Some are yet to be manufactured and it'll be done in a month or so. So accordingly she suggested me the date to publish the new clothing line and officially announce it.

"Why 25th? Any particular reason?" I asked her.

"Sir, it's month end and people will get their salary either at that time or at the beginning of the next month. If we announce it then, they will be ready in advance if they are planning to but it" she answered very professionally.

"Is it? Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yes sir, you can discuss it with Shayam sir too. I am sure he won't reject if he comes to know it's my idea" there was a slight smirk on her face. I stood up from my seat and walked to her. She was about to stand but I pushed her down on the chair to make her sit.

I sat on the writing desk in front of her and leaned close to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm missing your lips. Let me taste them" I eyes her lips.

"What? You idi... No! You are out of your mind. Sir, if my work is done, I better leave" I smirked when she almost called me idiot. She went to the door and I immediately took my remote to lock the door.

She turned to me glaring. I kept my innocent face.


"Don't play innocent. Open the door" she said.

"Oh, here is the remote. Take it" she cake towards me and I immediately pulled her to me. I sat with her on my lap on the chair. She squealed and tried to get out of my grip but I tightened it around her.

She glared at me but I leaned my head more towards her and she leaned backwards till she can't move a bit.

"Now what babe?" I kissed her cheek and her eyes widened. I chuckled at her reaction and she slapped my arms before rubbing her cheek where I kissed her. I kissed her again at the same place and she quickly put her hands on her cheeks preventing me from kissing them. I chuckled at her cute behaviour.

"Oh so you want me to kiss you on your lips?" I smirked eyeing her lips. She looked at me in horror and I sneaked my arms around her waist more, making her gasp when her small body crashed against mine.

I leaned close to her lips and almost brushed my lips over hers. It sent me strange current throughout my body. She had her eyes closed and her breathing was heavy.

Unable to control myself, I slammed my lips on her. I kept kissing her and after sometime I felt her arms sneaking around my neck pulling me close. She angled her head to give me more access and I kissed her passionately. Pushing my tongue inside her mouth, she moaned loudly. That drove me crazy. We kept kissing till we are out of breath.

After breaking the kiss, I put my head in her neck and started giving wet kisses on her neck. She ran her fingers through my hair and that only added to my pleasure. She gave me the warm feeling and I found myself out of control. She's like a drug pulling me towards her and I can't stop it now.

I bit her lightly marking her mine. Just then she pushed me harshly and got out of my lap.

"Oh shit!" She cursed and only then I came out of the spell. I smirked seeing the hickey on her neck.

"You look so sexy baby" I went to her and kissed on her hickey again when she pushed me. She took out her phone and switched on the front camera. I sneaked my arms around her small waist while she glared at me.

"Sir, this is not the way to behave sir" she gritted her teeth and got out of my hold

"But you were enjoying it too"

"It's a mistake and it'll not happen again"

"Oh! You are so wrong baby. It'll happen more often" I smirked

"What do you want this time? Calling me names wasn't enough?" She busted and I don't blame her for her anger. It's my fault and I'll make it right.

"I'm so sorry Yamini. I was completely blind to not see what you did was for me too. I don't know what occupied my mind until I called you names that you never deserved. I'm really sorry and I'll do anything for your forgiveness. Please baby, forgive me and give us a chance. I like you a lot" I admitted my feelings. Yes, I like her a lot and the thought of being with her was so thrilling. She's the one for me and I'll never let her slip again.

"Do you hear yourself now? You like a bitch? Aren't you ashamed of me?" She quoted the words I said earlier. I felt terrible for saying that but it's not the time to think about the past. I'll have to get her all to myself and then I'll accept whatever punishment she has for me.

"I know I was wrong and I completely agree to it. I'm ready for anything and everything you what me to do. I just want you back" I said and she looked at me in horror.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to marry you. I want you all by myself 24*7. I can't let you go to someone else. The mere thought wants me to burn this entire world. I know I'm sounding crazy but this is all I have in my mind since the last time I met you" I said and she froze. I know she didn't expect me to say something like this but I can't contain it anymore. She has to know she belongs only to me.

I was waiting for her answer. She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. Taking the remote from my desk, she unlocked the door.

"This will never happen" she said as she walked out. I understood she's not ready for it and never have given it a thought. I have a long way to go.

Just then her phone rang.

"Yes Shayam?" She answered.

I'm in big trouble now.

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