18) Anger

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Arjun Pov

"We are here" I opened my house as my driver announced we reached the destination. I looked outside the window to see the familiar building. I sighed and stepped out after my mom. I saw her sighing heavily in exasperation and I held her hand. I smiled and nodded, telling her I'll handle everything. She nodded and we walked inside.

As we walked into the main living hall, I saw Deepak uncle sitting on the couch, supporting his head with his hand and aunty in the dining table, staring at a painting on the wall.

Suddenly I heard some foot steps and saw Lekha and Shanaya running down the stairs. Looking at me, their eyes turned cold. It's like they were ready to kill me anytime. I ignored them and sat beside uncle.

"Uncle" I called for him.

"I'm sorry beta (son)" he said in a broken time. I have never seen him this pale. Whenever I met him, he was always very enthusiastic and just a fun loving person. I can't stand him speaking so low and looking so down. Now I'm feeling more guilty.

"No uncle, you are not at fault. It was actually ours. You were trying to make us get into this relationship but it's just that we didn't get connected like you expected us to. You all tried it very much and wanted it to work at any cost. Maybe that's why our engagement and marriage was fixed so early but I'm very sorry to disappoint you. We never clicked and this will not happen no matter how much we try" I tried to explain him calmly, rather than removing my anger in Yamini on him.

He's an idea father who likes to take up his daughter's responsibility of marriage and making her settle down in life. I look up to him in many aspects of my life. He's earned a lot of respect from me since the time I met him again after my childhood and I can never let him get hurt because of me. I don't care about Yamini but I can't hurt this man.

"I understand beta. That's what Yamini was trying to tell us too but we didn't pay heed to her" he sighed. My anger rose up at the mention of her name but I calmed down receiving a nod from Vivan. Though we may fight like cats and dogs we always got each other's back. That's what I admire about our friendship. I may have very less friends, but they mean a lot to me.

"I'm sorry too uncle. Please relax, don't stress yourself. Your health is more important than anything for us now" I said and I heard a fake cough from behind only to see it came from Shanaya. This girl had the audacity to do this?

"Uncle, many people may act like they care when they are the main reason for what you and your family is right now like this" She said and my eyes turned red immediately. My hand turned into fist involuntarily.

"Shanaya" Lekha warned her but she shrugged it off.

"Beta, what are you saying? Stop it" Rekha aunty stopped her.

"No aunty, I have always remained quite all this time thinking everything will fall in place and that's the biggest mistake. I have to speak now, speak up for my friend who's whereabouts are unknown" she yelled by spoke the last part in utter sadness. Like I give a fuck!

She glared at me and I smirked at her.
"You" she pointed at me, "take the responsibility and find Yamini right now" she ordered. What the heck? She ordering me as if I'm her slave.

"Don't order me around little girl, you won't like the consequences" I smirked.

"Like I care! I don't give a damn about anything right now. All I want is to know where Yamini is and want get to come back. You are responsible for this so, you'll get her back" she again ordered me.

"Why should I? It was completely her stupidity. She got that d*ck to act like her boyfriend and when I was ready to give him what he wanted, she poked her nose saying she'll handle it. If is the way of her to handle things, I can't help it" I roared at her

"And don't you dare raise your voice at me. Don't forget I can do anything to see you and your family in streets any moment" I glared at her. I expected her to back off but she came forward and raised her hand to slap me. I was too shocked to realise what is happening when I found Vivan holding his right jaw, glaring at Shanaya in front of me.

The hell! Did she just slap my friend?

"Shanaya!" Lekha screamed.

"What the fuck?" I roared, pushing Vivan away from me. My mom and dad tried to hold me but I gave them my cold look. On the other hand, Lekha and aunty were trying to hold her but she was pushing them away.

"That was for you mister but your so called best friend took it for you" she smirked, looking at the bruise on Vivan's right jaw. My anger shot up and I was about to slap her when we heard a loud cough.

"Uncle" we all rushed to him where he fell from the couch, holding his chest. The next moment, he was unconscious.

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