22) Her

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Arjun Pov

"Ok mom, take care" I hung up the phone after listening to a long lecture from her, again, all about my marriage. It has been a long time since that incident happened. I thought I'll get freedom after that but no, again I have to hear all those marriage adviced from mom all over. Marriage sucks!

I tied my tie on my shirt and walked to the chair. Pulling my coat over my shirt, I walked out of my home. I went to the lobby and sat on the car while my driver drove towards Deepak uncle's house. He's discharged a week ago and I'm glad to know he's doing well. He's recently admitted in hospital because of stress and I can't see him sick and pale. That's why I promised uncle that I'll find Yamini as soon as possible. Though my anger on her hasn't reduced a bit, I have to do this for uncle.

I was in my thoughts when my drive announced that we have reached the place. I sighed and got down. Suddenly my mind went back to the time I first met Yamini in this house. She asked very beautiful and just mind blowing in the traditional dress. I was staring at her creepily when she was fake talking to her boyfriend. I chuckled lightly when I though about it but soon I realized what I was doing.

Gosh Arjun! Get a grip! You were just thinking about the girl who put you in so much trouble? I must have hit my head somewhere.

I walked to the door and rang the door bell. After a few seconds, a maid opened the door and greeted me. I nodded curtly and walked to the hall to find aunt sitting alone.

"Hi aunty" she smiled as she saw me. I hugged her briefly and she patted my back.

"How are you son?" She asked sweetly.

"I'm good, how's uncle?"

"He's fine" she replied.

"Where is he?" I asked her.

"Here my boy" he entered the living room enthusiastically. I was shocked to see him so energetic and lively. Ever since Yamini left the home, he wasn't this happy. Surely something very good has happened.

"Hi uncle" I walked to him. He hugged me tightly and I found my heart so relaxed. I hugged him back and he gestured me to sit down on the sofa.

"How are you son?" I chuckled.

"I'm supposed to ask that to you. How are you?" He smiled

"I'm good, in fact great" he smiled widely and I smiled back. I wanted to ask what is the reason behind his happiness but I'm not sure whether I should ask or not.

"Uncle..." He cut me off.

"Congratulations on your success" he patted my hand as he sat near me.

"Thank you uncle" I smiled. The recent lunch of my clothing which included various hoodies and t-shirts hit number one in the fashion industry and I'm glad this is my hatrick. So I am throwing an official party to celebrate this success.

"Uncle, I'm here to personally invite you and aunty for the party"

"Oh! So you are here just to invite us? I thought you missed us and you're here" he fake glared at me.

"That doesn't suit you Deepak" aunty said and we all laughed.

"Mom, I'm hungry" my eyes widened as I saw the person standing at the end of the stairs. Yamini!

She's here? When did she come? Is this the reason why mom again started nagging me? Gosh! I can't believe she's here again. How I wish I can run away from here!

He eyes were widened too at seeing me. She stood there for a minute when we heard uncle clearing his throat. Now I understood why yes so happy.

"Hi" she spoke hesitantly. I didn't reply, just nodded at her. The environment suddenly became heavy and all the playfullness vanished in air.

"Come here" she sat beside aunty.

"How are you?" She asked again and since I can't be so rude in front of uncle and aunt, I replied.


This is the most awkward situation I have ever been into.

"Mom, I have to call Shanaya. Give me a moment" she walked out of the living room and I breathed relief. I have to leave immediately.

"Uncle, I have a meeting now. Gotta go" I stood up.

"I know you are not comfortable with eachother but I just want you to know it's none of your fault. It's us, the parents who forced decisions upon you two. Think about it. You two were so good friends" he said. I nodded and walked out fast.

I sat on the car and asked my driver to drive to the holding. I recalled what uncle told.

He was right. We were so good friends. I was never this comfortable with any other women. She understood me very well and was always there for me. She never took advantage of our friendship in the company. I was so surprised to see the twenty designs she submitted before she resigned. They were so perfect for the youth look. I wonder how did she do all of it in a day, or less than a day.

I remember the times we spent together. The way we talked about useful and useless things, the parties we attended in those two months, the lunch we ate together sometimes in my office. No one ever connected like her both intellectually as well as comfortably. I realised I was angry at her for something which she's not a part of.

It's my mom who was forcing me and in fact she was helping me to carry in on my back. She too took the responsibility and helped me as a good friend she was. I suddenly felt very guilty for calling her name's and mocking at her. I must apologize. Hope she forgives me.

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