24) Control

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Arjun Pov

"Here comes the CEO of ASA fashions, Arjun Sinha" Vivan handed me the mike as I went to the stage. I smiled widely at the people present in the party. It's Saturday night and many people could make it here to Mumbai. I'm so glad of my achievement until I want to scream out loud. I smiled genuinely at them and started speaking.

"Hey everyone, thank you for attending the party on a short notice. I'm very glad to share my success party with you all. Thank you for your presence and support. I hope you enjoy the party and have a great night" I smiled while everyone clapped for me.

I handed the mike to the manger of the event and went down that stairs. I saw Deepak uncle and Rekha aunty.

"Hello aunty" she hugged me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you" she said and I smiled.

"We dear" uncle said to aunt and I smiled.

"Of course"he too hugged me and I am so happy. I'm so happy until I want to jump up and down.

"How was your flight?"

"All good"

"Arjun, some clients here are wanting to see you" Gautam called me and I excused myself from there.

"Hey sir! Nice job" we walked for sometime until I saw someone entering the party. What is happening here?

Yamini with Shayam?

I saw her wearing a red dress which just landed above her knees and hugged her body like second skin, making her curves pop out.

My eyes popped out of my socket and unknowingly my hands fisted. Her long hair falling down her breast, her eyes glistening in surprise and happiness. Shayam had his hand on her back and the worst thing was her dress was backless.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"What's wrong?" Gautam asked and I shook my head. I need to get her out of my head. This is not good.

"Look straight" Vivan came from no where and said to Gautam. How I want to punch him!!

"Oh! Someone is jealous?" Gautam teased.

"Shut up before I smack you in front of all these people" I glared at him and he smirked. I saw Vivan giggling at the side and I'm losing control.

I excused myself and rushed to the washroom. Taking a deep breath looking at the mirror, I controlled my anger. I don't know why this angers me so much. How dare he hold he by her waist? Gosh! This is crazy.

I walked out of the washroom and saw Yamini talking to her parents and that bastard was still holding her. This is not the right time Arjun, hold yourself.

I went to talk to some clients when my dad joined me. My mom too followed him and we were talking about random stuff about buisness when Shayam came to our side. My hands fisted again and I averted my gaze.

"Hello aunty and uncle" it was Shayam.

"Hello Shayam! How are you?" Dad gave him a hug.

"I'm good, how are you all?" He smiled and how I am controlling myself from punching him on his nose. I noticed Yamini wasn't with him and somehow it helped me relaxed.

"We are good"

"Hey bud" I gave him a formal hug. We have known eachother since we started having contracts and meetings together. He is very competitive and damn challenging. Though we are friends in outside world, when it comes to buisness we are true enemies. Apart from that, we never have any cold shoulder towards eachother and our friendship is smooth. But trust me it won't be till he doesn't let go of Yamini.

"Hey" I patted his back.

"Congratulations on your hatrick success" he smiled and I know it's a cunning smile. I smirked back and nodded.

"I would like to collaborate with you on the latest version I am going to publish soon" he smiled sweetly and why do I have a feeling there's something more to it?

"What is it about?" I asked in curiosity.

"Well, why don't you come to my office tomorrow? We'll discuss it tomorrow there with the head of the designing group" he said and I nodded. It's very profitable whenever we collab. We two are the most recent and emerging companies in the fashion world and our collaboration is always new and welcoming all over the world.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Oh hey Yamini" mom suddenly said and I turned my head towards her side.

Oh my god! She's so adorable and just so freaking pretty. Was she this pretty and beautiful earlier too? Was I blind not to see this earlier? Oh my god!

She walked to us with a sweet smile. I swear that smile is so cute and just so adorable.

"Hello aunty" my mom pulled her into a tight hug and she chuckled. Her sweet gestures are so cute!

"Hello dear" dad said.

"Hi uncle" they greeted eachother while mom was looking at me constantly with a smirk on her face. I shook my head and walked to my other guests to entertain them.

Though I kept talking to them, my eyes went to her every now and then. Its like she's a magnet and I'm the iron. There's some kind of attraction and I can clearly see that.

My eyes widened when she hugged Vivan. What the fuck?!

They hugged eachother really tight and my hands immediately turned into fist. He said something to her and she giggled when she pulled away from the hug. Vivan called some people near them and soon everyone covered her. I couldn't see her clearly but I saw some ladies pulling her into a formal hug and some men shaking hands with her.

Some bastards even had the audacity to kiss her palm while shaking hands. That's it! I'm out of control.

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