39) No going back

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Arjun Pov

"Are you serious?" Vivan asked Shayam.

"Yes" he replied curtly.

"But why?" I asked bluntly.

"She's working there" he said in a duh tone.

"So?" Vivan asked.

"Anything could happen to her. I have to keep her under my radar all the time" he said looking down at the floor.

"She will chop you into pieces if she comes to know about it" I said remembering her anger.

Yes, we are talking about Shanaya. Her dad's business is a complete loss and he's admitted in the hospital. She's working in a company to gather money to retrieve her own company back. I can't believe Shayam brought the same company where she's working without any reason.

"Do you realize it's not in a profitable state now?" I asked. Yes, the company isn't that profitable. It was earlier but it lost its sparks few years ago.

"I'll do something..." He said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"And you brought it for millions! I can't believe this" Vivan through his hands in the air. I nodded in agreement with him.

"This is so foolish"

"Shut up guys! Shanaya is working there and it's not safe for her just to work in any company she wants. Her safety is important and I can provide it cent percent only if she's in my radar" he busted.

"One more whipped" Vivan said. I smirked.

"What? No! I'm not" Shayam said immediately.

"Oh yes! I can see that" Vivan and I gave eachother a hifi.

"Dumb ass both of you" he hissed and I laughed.

"Ok guys, gotta go. See you soon" I walked out of Shayam's office after giving them a brief hug. Taking my phone I checked for any messages from Yamini but there is none. I sighed heavily.

I miss her so much! She's gone to California to represent Shayam Fashions, for an important deal. Shayam was supposed to attend it but something urgent came up and she volunteered to go there to help him with a deal there. I was against her going there but she told me she'll be alright. And the important matter of Shayam was to buy that company where Shanaya is working. I can't believe he's this whipped already.

I'm so proud of my girlfriend. She's managing her company quiet well alongside her chief designer post in Shayam Fashions. He requested her not to leave his company till he finds someone competent enough and it's almost two months and yet that bastard can't find any. Yamini is over stressing herself a lot lately and I'm worried about her health. I ordered, requested her so many times to let me take over her business for a few weeks till she's done with Shayam Fashions but she refused everytime saying it's giving her confidence and experience. She's right but she began to neglect her health. Nothing is more important to me than her. I personally made sure she takes food at proper time.

"Sir, there's a meeting with the material suppliers in an hour" my PA entered my cabin while I was working on an important presentation.

"Oh yea, ok. Thanks for reminding" I smiled. He smiled back and went out. I was never this poliet with anyone apart from my family. My workers are far away from me being polite in front of them. It all changed due to Yamini. She's always been the best half and brings out the best in me. I miss her so much. Since work keeps us busy these days, I'm planning to make her move in with me forever. I'm just waiting for her to return back.

Just then my phone rang and it's Yamini. Hundred years!

"Hey babe" I said excited.

"Hey" she sounded dull.

"Are you alright? Have you taken your dinner?" I asked checking my watch. It's 12 at midnight there.

"Yes, I'm fine. I have taken my dinner" she said. She's still sounding very low.

"Babe, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Where are you?" Yamini asked me. What's wrong?

"I'm at office babe. What happened?" I asked panicked.

"Nothing, I'm just...leave it" she said.

"Babe, what's wrong? Tell me" I said. I'm damn worried. At the middle of the night she's calling me suddenly and I'm scared now.

"Babe!?" I asked her.

"Umm.. nothing Arjun" she said. Her voice sounded very weak.

"Don't make me come there. Tell me what's wrong" I demanded.

"I just had a bad dream" she sobbed.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm here for you" I said.

"I thought I.." she continued sobbing.

"It's about me right?" I asked. I know her damn well. She started sobbing harder now.

"Baby, sbhh. I'm here, fit and fine. Don't worry about me" I said trying to calm her down.

"Arjun! I dreamt of you...you leaving me alone and just..never coming back to me" she stammered. I bet her eyes would be red now. I immediately switched on the Skype. She had her blanket over her head, covering her face except her eyes. Due to dim light, I couldn't see her clearly.

"Babe, pull down the blanket and switch on some lights" I said. She shook her head but eventually did it. I was right. Her eyes were fluffy and red. For how long was she crying?

"Babe, don't cry please. I'm here all safe. Don't worry" I stood up giving her a look that I'm fine. She smiled. I sighed in relief.

"Someday you'll continue your journey without me in it or I might go on without you..it's just..." She couldn't continue as her tears took her voice. I can't believe she's this much emotional now and thinking about all these stupid stuff.

"Babe, I'm always her for you and with you. I won't ever leave you, I promised you that. Don't you trust me?" I asked. She looked at me blankly but still tears are flowing down her eyes. How badly I wanna wipe them and kiss her eyes.

"What if..." I cut her off.

"I love you doll. I can't think of my life without you in it. You are already a part of me and there's no going back. I'll always be with you, you know that right?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"So don't cry please" I said. She wiped her tears and smiled.

"Are you ok now?" I asked after sometime.

"I'm lonely" she said in a quiet voice.

"Then talk to me till you sleep" I said. She smiled widely. I just wanna grab her and kiss her hard. Gosh! This is torture.

Later she started talking about how her flight was and how excited she was to see California for the first time. She was nervous too about the meeting since it's the first international meeting she's gonna attend. I said encouraging words and she seemed fine. She kept talking and slowly went off to sleep. Making sure she slept, I ended the call.

"Cancel all my meetings for the next whole week. I'm going to California, book me the next flight" I called my PA.

Babe, I'm coming.

You're mine and I'm yours. There's no going back.

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