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Arjun Pov

I hissed as I touched my jaw. I saw Gautam hissing too as he held his right arm. We both had a very bad fight and we ended up getting bruised very bad.

I stood up and punched him and he fell in the ground.

"You bastard" he stood up and punched me. I fell on the couch and he kicked my stomach. I held my stomach tightly as I groaned in pain.

I stood up fiercely and strangled his throat. He held my hands and pushed me behind.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I spoke with venom in my voice.

"I'm telling you, you won't regret it in future my friend" he smirked.

This man has the guts to smirk at his death point too?

Before I could strangle him more, my mom stopped us.

"Do you want to kill eachother?" She pulled us apart and I sat on the couch across his, glaring at him.

"Mom, I want to kill this idiot" I spoke and was about to attack him again when my mom slapped me.

What the hell?

This is the first time my mom slapped me. I looked at her in mixed expression to see tears in her eyes, which is my only weakness.

"Mom, I-" she cut me off.

"You what? Are you even my son? I'm very ashamed of you. I was very sad to know you have night stands with girls and kick them out the next morning when your job is done. Is this the way I raised you? I never thought that my son would be so cheap like this? All your wealth and all this fame is nothing without your character. I'm truly ashamed to having giving birth to a disgusting son like you" she said and I saw true hatred in them.

"Mom, it's not what you think like" I tired to convince her. She doesn't know about the incident which made me like this. Like she said, she raised me very well. Though we were poor when I was a child, I felt rich with having a great mother and a supporting father. They taught me all valuable things in life and I was a perfect gentleman until she came into my life and changed me completely.

"Then what it is like? Tell me" she crossed her arms against her chest and glared at me.

"Mom, why don't you understand? I don't want any woman in my life. I can't do any commitments. I'm not such type of man. You can forcefully get me married but it's not just me. That girl is also involved in it. You cannot punish her by getting her married to me. You'll make her life a living hell, please don't do this mom" I literally begged her. Even though I actually don't care about that girl, I need some reason to postpone this wedding. I guess it worked cause I can see a smile on my mom's face.

"I'm glad with my decision. I thought you'll never care for any girl but the way you spoke right now proved that the values I thought to you are still alive somewhere in you. I'm sure this girl will be the perfect one for you. Since you care so much for her even before marriage, I'm sure you'll not make me regret my decision" she said and my mouth opened with the unexpected answer.

I just dig my own grave!

I saw my so called best friend trying to control his laughter. You'll have to pay for this idiot!

"Go and freshen up, I'll cook something for you guys. Fast fast" mom walked to kitchen and I sighed walking to my bedroom. I couldn't control my anger and broke anything and everything came in my sight.

This is the real me. I can't control myself when I'm in anger. This is also one of the main reason why I didn't stay with my parents even though we stay in the same city.

Suddenly my phone rang and its Vivan. Sighing, I picked up the phone.

"Sup bro" he said cheerful.

"Don't give me that creepy tone"

"Ohh! So someone finds the new bride's voice more beautiful ahh?" The hell! Even he knows?

"How do you know?"

"They are my parents too, in case you forgot. The only difference between you and I is you're born in mom's stomach and I haven't" he said it as a matter of fact.

"Vivan, you know me very well. I don't want this crap. That bastard told mom and dad about my night stands and they are very angry at me"

"Well, I always adviced you not to do that, so experience the fruit of it" he laughed loudly and that's it, I lost my patience. I cut the call on his face and after few seconds he called me again.

"What?" I snapped angrily.

"I understand you, so why don't you talk to that girl? I mean if she's also not interested, then you're parents might consider that"

"She has no interest in marriage and already had a boyfriend. She told me today but still I don't know why the hell are they doing this"

"That's cool dude, so talk to her personally and ask her to open up about her boyfriend to her house. They'll immediately stop this" he said and yes, he got a point there.

"Thank god! For the first time I'm thankful for your existence in my life. I'm calling her up now, bye" I cut the call while he laughed like a maniac.

I immediately searched for her number and guess what? My mom saved her number as darling in my phone. Like seriously? Gosh!

"Hello" she picked up the call after sometime.

"I'm Arjun speaking. Can we meet up tomorrow" I came directly to the point.

"I was waiting to call you, sure. Tomorrow at Belgium Waffles at 4?"

"Sure. And be on time, I don't like to wait for a minute" I told coldly and she hung up the phone after assuring me she'll reach on time.

Guess tomorrow is going to be a long day!

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