31) Get her in the right way

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Arjun Pov

"And here we present the head designer miss Yamini Khanna" the MC announced and she walked to the stage picking up her dress lightly. She blew everyone with her beauty when she entered the room.

"Hello everyone! Happy to see you all here. Thank you for attending this event and making it a memorable day for me. I would like to thank Shayam Fashions for giving me such a big opportunity though I was just a beginner. I hope I gave my best and also, I would like to thank everyone who was there with me throughout this journey, who saw me at my worst and helped me pick myself. I don't like to kill your time by my lengthy speech and so I'm ending it here. Have a great evening and now the ramp walk shall begin" she smiled and walked out of the stage when the models walked in wearing the designed clothes.

It was so beautiful and elegant. I looked at Yamini and to my surprise she was looking at me. When I saw her, she quickly turned her head. I chuckled and felt so happy when she was constantly looking at me during her speech. I know she was very much touched when I spent the last night with her, seeing her so weak. I'm grateful for that. I encouraged her and personally made sure everything is set up to the mark before she arrives here cause I don't want her to get more stressed. The event is a grand success till now and I'm so glad my girl rocked it.

I saw my phone ringing and it's one of my clients. I went to the balcony and attended the call. After talking on the call, I went back to the ballroom to see many guys swooning over my girl, on the name of appreciating her work. I swear I want to rip their heads off their body. How dare they?!

And my innocent princess was smiling so happily knowing her work is acknowledged so much. But she should also understand she's been hit upon. I have to get her right away.

"What's with the rush dude?" Shayam stopped me.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"That's not the way to talk to your partner" he smirked and I gritted my teeth. Seeing my anger his smirk went off.

"I think you forgot the taste of my punch. Wanna taste it once more?" I smirked this time and he shook his head immediately. I gave him a warning look but he looked away and walked past me suddenly.

Sighing, I went to my girl. Putting a hand around her shoulder, I pulled her close to me. Though she struggled, one look from me and she stopped.

Soon many people started surrounding us and kept talking to us. The boys who were swooning over her took a step back when I fisted my palms at them.

"Arjun, stop it" she whispered and I gave her an innocent look. She held my hand and released my first glaring at me.

"I have to do it to protect what's mine" I said and she shook her head in disbelief.

"So are you two back together?" One of the guys asked, who was drooling at her. I wanted to answer that prick in my way but before that Yamini slipped away from my arm and walked away. I felt a pang of hurt washing over me. I know she isn't ready but can't she atleast stand someone asking about it?

I felt very hurt and walked away giving a death glare to that person and an apologetic smile to the rest.

"What's with the face?" It was Vivan and Gautam. I told them everything happened in the hall. They sighed and pulled me out of the hall.

"Shayam, come with us" Vivan called him but he shook his head immediately.

"I have some work bro, I'll join you guys later" He said and followed a girl wearing a white dress.

"Why is he behind Shanaya?" Only then I realized Shanaya and Lekha are here too.

"But why do you have to call him at the first place?" I asked.

"Because he's the one who suffered in our plan" Gautam said with a smirk, pulling me to the entrance

"Don't tell me he flirting with Yamini was planned" I turned to them in horror and they smirked.

" Unbelievable!"

We entered the car and Vivan started driving. Soon we reached a bar and went to a private room, ordering the drinks.

"So let it out now" Gautam said,as he leaned his body on the sofa.

"I want her" I said blankly.

"In the sense?" Vivan had a confused look.

"You want to be..." I cut Gautam.

"Don't you dare to finish that sentence, I won't consider you are my friend" I said in anger.


"I want to marry her" they looked at me like I have grown two heads.

"Why are you guys so shocked? If I'm not wrong this is what you wanted right?"

"Yes, but we never thought you'll realise it this early" Vivan said and I chuckled.

"I like her so much. I can't believe I did all that to her in the past. I wish I could turn back time and just treat her right, like the way she deserves to be treated. I'm feeling so damn horrible everytime I think of it" I did honestly, taking a large sip from my drink.

"Then do it right this time" Vivan said and I looked at him curiously.


"Are you in love?" Gautam asked and my eyes widened.

"No, not at all" I answered immediately.

"Then why are you marrying her?"

"Cause I like her so much until I want to keep her all to myself"

"Yea, I knew it from the look of your face when people were appreciating her at the ballroom" Vivan smirked.

"Appreciating? My foot! They were bloody trying to reach her!" I bursted.

"So aren't you worried now that you're here, anyone can hit on her?" Gautam asked.

"I have made all arrangements for it" I smirked proudly.

"Oh gosh!" They sighed.

"If you are that crazy for her, then get her"

"Didn't I tell you everything? I already told my intension clearly and she's not liking it a bit" I signed heavily.

"You have to make her trust you. I guess you are already doing it. I saw the way Yamini was looking at you when she was speaking, her eyes never left yours" Gautam said and I smiled. True!


"Get her in the right way this time"

"I will. She's mine, only mine"

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