19) Hope

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Yamini Pov

Two months later

"Bye Aditi" I shouted from the door as I put in my high heels. I ran to the lift and walked in when some people where looking at me weirdly. It's not new now. I have already seen so many people looking at me weirdly after that incident.

Everyone knew I was engaged to the great business man Arjun Sinha, the most eligible bachelor on this earth. After getting engaged to such a rich man on this earth, everyone was mocking at me in jealousy when I was running down the streets with my file for interviews. Almost all companies I went for an interview, asked that unwritten question, 'if you are going to marry Arjun Sinha, why do want to work here?' I was fed up until I decided to give up. Just then I met this cute boy who was selling pens in the bus stand.

I went up to him and brought a pen in order to start a conversation. What he said that day made me change the way I look at life. 'God may not give us what we want, but he'll definitely give us what we need!' Even in his poor state of clothes he was wearing and the sleepless look on his face, he believed in fate and tried to work for his living. I got motivated like I was never motivated this much earlier.

I saw new light in my life. I attended the next interviews with a fresh mind and veiw. Though I didn't get placed anywhere, I did two part time jobs to manage my living and contribute to the rent thought Aditi was adamant in taking it. I convinced her and now I'm here rushing to go to my work. I have an interview at the evening in Shayam Fashions, one of the most creative place for all those young fashion designers.

I saw my new phone ringing. I sighed as I looked at the wallpaper. It's a photo of me with my mom and dad hugging me form the sides. It was taken on my 23rd birthday, the last birthday I spent with them. Suddenly I missed my mom's warm hugs, my dad's protective forehead kisses, my friend's boredom talks. Sighing, I attended the call. It was to notify me that the interview is delayed by an hour.

I too a cab to the Krishna Palace hotel where I work as a manager. I got this job and another one in a gym as the person who checks the memberships. I got it after a long struggle. I reached the hotel within ten minutes and worked there for the next three hours. After my work, I asked permission from the senior manager to let me take the rest of the day off and he granted me.

Buying a burger on the way for my lunch, I took a cab and reached Shyam fashions, situated in Worli. The cab stopped infront of the tall glass building and I paid for the cab, quick. This reminded me of my interview at ASA fashions. That was my dream place to work. But what is it now? Absolutely nothing!

I cleared my head off these thoughts and went inside the building.

"Excuse me, where will the interview take place?" I asked the receptionist and she replied that it'll be on the fifth floor. I went inside the lift to see it's already crowded. I adjusted and reached the fifth floor. Everyone got out of the lift, I guess they are also here for the interview. I hope I get this job.

I sat in the waiting area, rechecking my certificates when my phone rang. I can't help but smile while answering the call.

"Hey Yami"

"Hi Lekha! How are you? How's everyone there?" I contacted my friends after two weeks I moved in here. They were mad at me for not telling them but they understood my situation and handled it well. No, my parents still don't know about my whereabouts. In fact no one knows except Lekha and Shanaya.

"All good here, uncle is laying on the bed ever since he's come from hospital and aunty is doing fine now. As far as me and Shanaya, we are still working in our companies" she said and I sighed.

When I called her,I got a very bad news saying my dad's heart was weak. He suddenly had a clot in the heart, but fortunately it wasn't big enough for a surgery. He had to be admitted in the hospital for a month and was constantly under sedation. I know I'm the reason behind his physical state and I want to run to him, hug him saying sorry but I really don't have the courage to do so. That's why I haven't talked to them ever since I ran away.

"Please take care of dad and mom" my eyes almost welled up.

"Of course you idiot. You don't worry. How was the interview?"

"It was delayed by an hour. I'm just going in for it. Wish me luck"

"All the best Yami, do well. Just settle down fast and come here. We all are missing you" she said in a sad tone.

"I miss you all too. I'll come within a week or two, even if I don't get this job. I can't stay away from my parents" I said.

"Wow! Really? Tell me you ain't joking"

"No Lekha, I'm very serious. I have been hurting you all quite a lot and I can't do that anymore. I'm already ashamed of my act, I'm sorry" I sighed.

"Oh dear! Don't worry, everything will be alright. We are in your side, we'll explain it to mom and dad. You just give your best in this interview and the rest will go with the flow" she said. Best friends are gifts from God who keeps us motivating when we are unable to see a ray of hope.

"Yea, thanks Lekha. Gotta go, will talk in the night. Bye"

"Bye dear, all the best" I hung up the phone and my name was called for the interview. I took a deep breath and walked into the cabin with hope.

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