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Yamini Pov

I reached home by bus and it was a very tiring day. I immediately went up to my room and threw myself on the bed. After a good few minutes, I went to the washroom to clean myself. Once I'm done, I noticed that it's already past dinner time. Blame my friends for it.

As soon as I talked to them about my interview, they needed a treat. And when I asked them why should I give a treat even before I get the job, this was their answer, "it's because we know you'll get it anyways" and don't forget that wink. They really think that since I'm officially his soon to be wife, he'll give me a job? Anyways it was useless explaining these stupid friends of mine. So without any complaints, we went to Colaba and enjoyed our time there. Thank god to all those part time jobs I did without my parent's knowledge. We did a lot of shopping and chatting that we forgot to eat and now I'm dying of hunger.

It's already 10, so I guess dad and mom must be sleeping. I tip toped to the kitchen to find no food left. Sighing, I decided to make a toast. I was grilling the bread when suddenly my mom entered the kitchen. I jumped in horror for a minute and relaxed then.

"What are you doing?" She asked me but I ignored her. If she can force me to marry a guy, I can atleast not talk to her right?

I remained quite until she spoke again.

"Yamini, I'm asking you something" she was annoyed this time and I had no option left other than answering her.

"Eating mom"

"Didn't you eat outside?"


"Ok, you wait at the dining table, I'll get it done" she took over and I sat at the dining table scrolling through my phone.

"Here" she placed a plate and I started munching it quickly.

"Slow" she reminded but I ignored her. I'm literally starving here.

"How was your interview?" I simply nodded my head because my mouth was stuffed.

"Oh, so you're not going to talk to me?" She glared at me. I guess it's time for some serious talk.

"Mom, I don't want this marriage. Why don't you understand?" I was very desperate.

"But it's for your own benefit"

"What is my won benefit? Being a house wife and forget about my independence? Following my husband like a lost puppy and not stay with you and dad? I haven't even stepped into my career mom, why are you forcing me?" I almost yelled at her.

"I completely understand you my child. But if I tell you the reason now, you won't accept it. I was against your dad for forcing you but when I came to know why he is doing so, I really think he's right" mom said and I sighed.

"Mom just because he has a weak heart, you cannot force me to marry" I busted at her, standing up from the table. Her eyes were wide opened, jaw hitting the ground.

"Yamini yo-" I cut her off.

"Yes mom, I know. I know everything about you two. I'm your daughter for god's sake. I know everything what's happening around us. Dad might be thinking he can hide his first heart attack from me but I can find it anyways. He's my father mom and I care for him more than myself. I want to stay beside you guys as maximum as possible. Why don't you understand? I know I have to get married anyways but why so early?" I asked her in rage. This is my limit. Everyone has his or her own limit and I'm done with mine. I have no patience left.

"Oh my child! We-" I cut her again.

"Or do you think I'm a burden to you two? If that's the case, tell me directly. I will start earning soon and I already have my savings. I can lead my own life but please let me stay beside you. I want you two but more than that I need you both in my life. You two mean so much to me, so much that you won't understand. Whatever it is, I'm not marrying now atleast not before dad is alright. Please don't force me mom" I said and walked to my room, without eating. I broke down in tears.

I knew dad has a weak heart and he needs surgery to be alright but they keep denying it and I don't know why. I didn't have the guts to ask them directly but today it slipped out of my mouth. I just want them safe and sound. I can't let anything happen to them. If I get married, then I'll have to stay away from them. Now I'm staying with them and they have hidden this from me, I wonder will they ever speak properly if I go to another house.

Sighing, I hugged my pillow ignoring the banging on the door by my mom. I cried myself to sleep thinking what does future hold for me.

Arjun Pov

To say I was shocked would be an understatement when I saw her coming for the interview. I didn't know she is educated. Looking at her cheerful and helpful nature, I thought she's done some social work but she surprised me this time.

She excelled in her interview. She's the one I was looking for, the courage, the talent and her confidence. If she was someone else, I would have hired her but now? She's my soon-to-be wife according to my mom and if my mom comes to know about it, I wonder what will happen.

My phone rang and it's Vivan.


"Yamini attended the interview for designer in ASA" I said.

"What?" He almost screamed. I remained silent.

"Wow man, I mean this is so awesome. You'll practically be together 24*7 after marriage" he laughed and how I wasn't to punch his face.

"Shit up, it's my fault to tell you this"I was about to hang up when he called my name.

"Ok, I'm sorry. So tell me, how was she?"

"She was amazing to be honest. If I didn't know her earlier, I would have hired her" I said and I heard a light chuckle.

"Vivan!" I warned him.

"Ok, so if she's that nice, why don't you hire her? Why are you confused?"

"If mom make a scene, I'll loose my sense. I know she's too much into my marriage now and if she comes to know about this, I wonder what will happen"

"I'm sure Yamini will be professional. I mean, she knows you personally now. If she wanted she could have approached your mom or dad. But instead she attended the interview like every normal person. And about aunt, I'm sure you'll be able to handle her. If you ask me, I'm telling you, ask Yamini to help you too." He said.

"How will Yamini help me?"

"As her to hide this from your family. Even if someone comes to know, ask her to manage it. It won't be such a big problem. And don't loose such a talented employee for some silly reasons" he said and he has a point here.

If I don't hire her, she can always try in some other company and looking at her talent and designs, anyone will take her.

"Ok, will talk to you later" I hung up the phone.

Well, welcome to ASA fashions Ms. Yamini Khanna.

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