35) Happy

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Yamini Pov

"Oh my gosh! I love this" I squealed holding Arjun's hand tightly. He's brought me to a lake which is on the outskirts of the city. It's calm and very beautiful in its own way. The lights lit up the place making me not to take my eyes off.

I am sure my eyes are glowing now. I left his hand and ran to the lake. Seeing the water forming small ripples, my smile grew wider. I sat there on the ground looking at the lake. It's so beautiful at night.

Arjun sat behind me and pulled me into his arms. I was hesitant at first but later settled comfortably in his arms. His hands were around my body and my head was buried in his chest. There was complete silence for a few minutes until he spoke.

"Thanks Yamini" he kissed my cheek lightly. Feeling the warmth spreading in my body, I snuggled closer to him.


"For giving me a chance" I kissed his hand and smiled looking at the lake.

"You have no idea how happy I am now. It's so amazing to have you like this with me" he said making me so happy.

"I'm more happy than you. This place is so magical. Thanks for bringing me here" I said. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me tight. There was silence again until my heart was ready to speak something which felt so right.

"I love you Arjun"

He suddenly turned me around to face him. His face was full of shock and excitement. His eyes were widened which made me chuckle.

"What? Come again"

"I love you Arjun, with every bone in my body"

He smiled wide before crashing my lips to his. The kiss was rough at first. He slipped his hands to my waist and mine went around his neck. Pulling me close to him, I sat in his lap completely involved in the kiss. After a good few minutes, we broke it.

"I love you too baby" he kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"But please don't break my trust" he said in a small tone. I know he had a bad past which made him not to trust anyone and especially girls. I wanted to know about it but I don't know whether he's willing to tell me or not.

"Arjun, whatever it is, I truly love you and will always be here for you. If you are ok with sharing it, only then go ahead. I'm not forcing you. I trust you and you can trust me too" I kissed his forehead and he smiled inter locking our hands. He kissed the back of my palm and I never felt any emotion so deep.

"I love you" he said looking straight into my eyes. It's like he's speaking to my soul.

"I'll tell you everything" he said and I nodded. Turning me back to face the lake, he pulled me close and I nuzzled my face time his neck.

"It was almost five years ago. I met this girl called Shruti when I went to USA due to my company work. She was walking down the streets with her friends laughing like there's no tomorrow. It was love at first sight. I got all information about her right then through my personal investigator and fell for her hard. Her looks, her character everything pulled me towards her. I kept following her for almost a week and finally decided to approach her.

When I was about to talk, she was run down by a bike on the street. Though it was a small injury, that's when I realised how much important she was to me" he continued saying. With every line his grip on me tightened. I patted his arm to make him stable though he describing about some other girl is hurting me more than you can imagine.

"I admitted her in the hospital and she was unconscious. I called for her parents and talked to her right in front of them. I confessed my love and she accepted immediately. I never gave a thought as why she accepted so fast. Months went rolling by and I continued to stay there for her ignoring my work completely. On her constant nagging, after a month I went back to work and everything was going smoothly until one day her parents fell ill and they were under financial crisis.

She asked for a job instead of money from me. I believed in her and made her my PA. Having full faith on her, I almost handed over my company to her making her the indirect head. My dad fell ill which made me come back to India. After a few days, I came to know all my US braches went bankrupt. On coming to know she lied about her family conditions and eloped with the money, I felt betrayed. I never expected her to do such a thing. She was already in love with a guy whom she introduced as a friend. I tried searching for her but never found her. I buried myself in work to get back my status and prestige. Her betrayal made me look at women cheaply and are only here for money. To take my revenge, I started sleeping around and satisfied my ego.

But you changed my thoughts, my values and my thinking. You are that girl who made me respect women, who made me realize I never loved her. The nervousness you give, the happiness you made me feel, the sparks you give, this is true love. I have full faith in you baby. I love you with all my heart and will never leave you. You gave me new light and I'll never return back to that beast until you hold my hand. I love you" he said, kissing my head.

I turned to him and crashed my lips to him. Kissing him deeply, I told him how much I love him. He responded with the same passion.

"I love you too. No one can ever make me feel the way you made me. You make me so happy and I promise I'll be with you forever. I love you" I said. He pulled me into another earth shattering kiss.

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