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Arjun Pov

Opening my eyes, I smiled to see my wife sleeping with her back turned to me. I moved close to her and kissed her bare shoulder.

"Baby, wake up" I kissed her shoulder again, continuing it to her neck. She turned and immersed her face in my chest.


"Let me sleep Arjun" she said. I pecked her lips and she went off to sleep again.

Pulling the blanket over her, carefully I slipped off the bed and went to the showers to get freshen up. Walking to the room adjacent to ours, I saw my princess sleeping snuggling into her blanket. Slowly her eyes opened and she yawned cutely. Damn! She owns my heart!

"Daddy!" She squealed seeing me. I went to her with a wide smile on my face. She lifted her arms to pick her up and one I'm near her she jumped on me. I pecked her forehead.

"Good morning princess"

"Morning daddy" Yara said. She's my five year old angel. The moment we came to know about her existence, I started loving her, more than her mom.

"Let's get you freshen up" I helped her wash her face and brush her teeth.

"Daddy, can we play together today?" she said in a cute tone, battling her eye lashes. She very well knows how to wrap her dad in her little fingers.

"Sure princess. But first let's make something to fill this tummy" I said kissing her cheeks. She giggled.

"Yes yes! I'm hungry" she said patting her stomach. I laughed and picked her up to go to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat princess?" I asked her, placing her on the kitchen table.

"Ice cream" my eyes widened at what she said. I made her eat it yesterday without Yamini's knowledge.

"No, you can't have that for breakfast princess" I said but she started crying. Oh god!

"Shh! Don't cry princess. Do you want your daddy to be scolded by mom for making you cry?" I said and and giggled. She loves pranking me! My little devil.

Suddenly a loud crying sound made me startled. It's my son!

Running to his room with my daughter in my hand, I saw Ayush on the floor holding his elbow crying out.

"What happened champ?"

"Daddy, I fell from the bed. It's hurting" He said crying. Yara got down from my arms and went to her little brother. Pulling him on the bed, she made him sit and gently blew air on his elbow pressing it lightly. I smiled witnessing the scene in front of me. They both literally make me so happy. They are cats and dogs sometimes but otherwise very supportive and caring towards each other.

"What's happening here?" Yamini entered the room with her messy hair being tied in a bun. She's in her night gown. She still makes me excited after six years of our marriage.

"Mom, he fell down and hurt his hand" Yara said and Ayush nodded his head.

"Oh! Come here boy" she picked Ayush and went to our room.

"Let's make something for your brother, shall we?" Yara nodded and we went downstairs.

"Daddy, let's make pancakes. His favourite" she said cutely. I smiled. I was preparing it when she suddenly said something.

"Daddy, can I not go to school today?" She was battling her eyelashes and I know there's something more deep in it.

"Why princess?"

"Umm..can we go to visit grandma? I miss her" she was shattering, probably trying to find a reason. I smiled.

"But the weekend is nearby. We'll visit them then"

"No daddy, I want to see them today" she whined. Here comes her stubborn side. Her deep blue eyes were pleading me and I found myself shaking my head in disbelief. She's an exact carbon copy of Yamini. She has the same hair colour and the same eye colour. While Ayush is more like me in physical appearance. But he's more gentle and soft like Yamini while my princess is a pranking queen and a savage one. I no need to keep my guns ready cause she can shoove the boys away with her feistiness.

"Tell me what did you do?" I said. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She looked down and I know I caught her right. I went close to her and ran my hand ruffling her hair.

"Daddy!" She jerked my hand and I chuckled.

"Tell me"

"But promise me you won't tell mom" she showed her pinky finger. I chuckled and she continued.

"I put a chewing gum on my maths teacher's chair and drew a funny picture of her in my rough book. But that idiot Cyril told everyone in the class and she came to know about it" she said and I can't believe she did that. Oh god! She'll be dead if her mom comes to know about it.

"Dad" she called me again. Is there more than this?


"You have been called to the school today to meet her and my class teacher" she said and my eyes widened. What?

"But why did you do that?"

"She scolded me cause I was eating chocolates in her class with Cyril. I was hungry daddy" she said cutely and I sighed. She and Cyril are best friends but they fight like anything when something goes wrong, like now. I bet she would have hit him big time.

"Did you hit Cyril this time too?" I frowned.

"Well, he was stupid" she said.

"Yara!" Yamini shouted her name while coming down. Yara immediately got down from her chair and hugged my leg. I picked her up and Yamini came to us with Ayush. She was glaring at Yara. Now what has she done?

"Why did you write his homework again?" Oh god!

"Mom, Ayush was playing and I was helping him" she said and I smiled.

"Behave yourself Yara. It's his homework and you can't do it for him. See, he got a remark" Yamini scolded her.

"Love, don't be so hard on..." Yara cut me off.

"What? He too got a remark?" Oh girl!
"What do you mean?" Yamini raised her eyebrows at me and I sighed. After telling her everything, she gave Yara a whole lecture and I was protecting her like always.

"You have to learn your manners girl!" By this time Yara was almost in tears. Ayush, who was listening to this all the while silently, seeing his sister in tears, hit Yamini with his toy. They both immediately ran away from the kitchen.

"What was that?" She yelled and before she could chase them, I pulled her in my embrace.

"Arjun leave me" she struggled.

"Babe, it's ok. They are kids, they'll learn as time goes by" I kissed her cheeks. She was glaring at me.


"You spoiled them way to much" I chuckled.

"Yes, they're my kids after all"

"But they need to..." I cut her off by kissing her deeply. After sometime she gave up struggling and returned the kiss back with same passion.

This is my life! All that I could ask for!

Arjun Sinha
Yamini Sinha
Yara Sinha
Ayush Sinha

This marks the end of FTFILWY. Thank you for all your support and love. Please help me gain more readers by tagging your friends here with your reviews on this book.

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