8) Never

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Yamini Pov

"Are you crazy girl?" Lekha screamed her lungs out.

"Chill, don't shout" I shut her mouth.

"She's so crazy"

"I guess this is a good idea" Shanaya agreed to me.

"You're again supporting her!" Lekha accused her. Once I told them about my hunt for my fake boyfriend and both busted out. Now Shanaya is understanding the situation but Lekha is still freaked out.

"Chill babe, nothing will happen" I tried to relax her.

"Only if you'd have listened to me before pulling up this stupid imaginary boyfriend stunt, we wouldn't have experienced this" she whined. Shanaya gestured me to ignore her and we kept thinking about who would be best for the job of my boyfriend.

My parents know me very well and they won't buy my lie just like that. I'll have to think hard to get someone who'll be matching my personality and my taste.

They know I'm not such a girl who'll fall for money or fame or looks. I judge people by their characters. I have this very good instinct that I judge people correctly. I might take time but yes, I judge people properly.

"We should find someone and fake this whole act" I said

"And by this way you can postpone this marriage thing for atleast a year" Shanaya said and I grinned widely.

Smart minds think alike!

"Cool, let's search for the candidate" Lekha said and we looked at her like she's grown horns.

"What? Now there's no way to back out. So better I will stick with you guys" she gasped disbelief.

"That's like a good girl" I ruffled her hair and she glared at me.

"Ok so, what about our classmate Ritik?" Shanaya came up with the first candidate name.

"No ways! He's such a pervert" I sighed.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yea, once Aakriti told me that he approached wrongly and he even tried it once with me" I said.

"Why didn't you tell us, you stupid girl?" Ohoo! Lekha is fuming. I knew this would happen and that's the reason I avoided telling them this.

I gave my best puppy eyes and thankfully it worked. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want you guys to stress out knowing this. I know your angry birds would make him regret it but I already did that, so it's no big deal" I sighed.

"No big deal? Whatever it is remember, we are supposed to know everything related to you" this time it was Shanaya. They are why protective over me. Maybe because they came to know I'm younger to them by seven months. They act like all possessive and over protective sisters. Though it's annoying at times, I tolerate it cause they are the sweetest.

"You guys are so sweetly!" I grinned.

"Not more than your would be husband" Lekha teased me and I glared at her.

"I wonder how people didn't notice that" Shanaya said. I nodded in agreement.

"That's reminds me, who is your fiancée?" Lekha asked and I glared at her. She shrugged off her shoulder and asked Shanaya. She shook her head, not knowing anything. Even I barely know anything. When we met at house, we spoke about random things and I completely forgot to ask about him. I never knew I should know about him that time.

"What about you?"

"No, I don't anything"I replied to Shanaya.


"But he seems like a rich and a successful business. We have to find about him" Lekha's investigatory skills began. She removed her laptop and searched for his name.

"Are you crazy? Do you think he's that popular that you can goggle his name and you'll get everything?" I asked, rubbing my nape in frustration.

"Look at this and then tell me whether I'm right or wrong" Lekha said and I went to have a look at the laptop.

The ground beneath me shook as I came to know who is he.

"He's your future boss darling" Shanaya said.

What did I get myself into!?

Arjun Pov

"Bro, did you reach? I'm waiting here since forever" Vivan groaned in irritation.

"On the way, will be there in 5" I cut the call and drove faster to the airport. Today he's coming from states and I insisted to pick him up so that I  can get use of his intelligent brain for the mess I am into.

I quickly parked the car and rushed to the arrival entrance to see my brother slash best friend flirting with a girl. She looked pretty but not as beautiful as Yamini.

Wait! What the hell was that? Arjun, control yourself. You didn't think about it and will never think like that!
I should have hit my head somewhere to thinking like that.

I shook my head to clear my brain and walked to him with a teasing smile.

"I wonder what a beautiful girl like you is doing with this ugly creature on this earth!" I made an entrance to which that girl blushed and my so called best friend glared. I ignored him and payed attention to that girl.

She seems to be drooling over me since the time she saw me. I wonder will any girl ever resist me?!

"Hello handsome" she winked at me and I turned to my brother to go him a 'look what I can do' look. He gestured me his fist and I ignored it asusual.

"Hey gorgeous, so what's the pretty name of this beauty?"

"Tanya and yours?"


"Well, that's sexy" she said eyeing my attire and I winked. All girls are the same, just behind money.

"Brother, I guess you came here to pick me up. Since I'm here, shall we take a leave?" Vivan asked in frustration.

"Oh sure, bye gorgeous" I agreed to him for the first time since I need his help. I know he'll take his revenge on me but I have to stop here.

"Ok, call me" she slipped her phone number and I winked, walking to my car with Vivan glaring at me.

"How on earth is that possible?" He yelled as soon as we entered the car.


"Dude, it took me so much time to make her talk to me and you got her phone number within a couple of dialogues" he exclaimed.

"That's Arjun for you. No one can escape my charm" I said cocky.

"Yea, but I heard my Bhabhi is not one of them" I immediately put on the brakes causing us to lean forward in jerk.

"Bro, my marriage isn't fixed still. Not that I want to marry, but I want to live for few more years to enjoy with girls. Don't make me swear my death wish" he said dramatically.

"Idiot, who told you she's going to be your Bhabhi?" I fumed. He gestured me to drive my car and I relaxed a bit before heading to my home.

"As far as I know aunty will never back off in anything. If she's stubborn, you're so dead" I found my fist getting pale by holding the steering very tightly. I don't want to marry and I will never marry that girl!


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