20) Meeting him

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Yamini Pov

"Good evening sir" I handed my file to the interviewer and sat across him. I am nervous to be honest, but it isn't the best way to handle interviews. I calmed myself down by counting numbers inside my head.

"So miss Yamini Khanna, what made you come here for the interview despite so many designers there in the market?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"Sir, as you said there are quite a few designing companies but Shayam Fashions always impresses the youth and teens with their lovely brands and trends. Moreover it'll be a great place for me to improve my skills" I answered politely.

"But why aren't you in designing field now? You have studied fashion technology from one of the top university and with distinction" here is my all time feared question.

"To be honest, I was the ex fiance of Arjun Sinha, the CEO and MD of ASA fashions. I was working there as the assistant head designer but had to quit the job due to some personal issues. So now, I'm looking for getting into my dream world again" I answered honestly.

"Well, that's a honest and an impressive answer" a voice came from behind and I looked at the back to see a handsome man in his late twenties wearing formal suits and glasses. The interviewer stood up and greeted him and I did the same, inspite of not knowing who he is.

"Miss Yamini, he is Mr. Shayam Oberoi, the CEO of Shayam Fashions" the interviewer introduced and my eyes widened. I nervously smiled at him and he gave a curt nod.

He went up to the interviewer and inspected my file. He looked at all the certificates and looked at me with those hazel eyes.

"Why should we hire you?" He asked.

"Cause I won't make you regret this decision of yours ever" I answered without thinking. Suddenly I felt I was offensive. Before I could apologize, he gave a smile. I passed a confused look while he spoke something which made me squeal

"You can join here as the head designer from tomorrow. The other head designers will help you. All the best"

I smiled widely and was about to thank him while there was a knock on the door. Shayam ordered whoever was at the door to come in.

"Sir, Mr Vivan Khaleja is waiting to meet you. Since he has his flight within a couple of hours, he has to meet you immediately"

"Let him in" the staff walked out and my eyes widened. Oh my gosh! It's Vivan, Arjun's best friend. I have to run away.

"Sir, may I leave?" I asked in a hurry and he nodded, without looking at me. I chirped a quick thank you and rushed outside only to see a pair of eyes widened looking at me.

Oh god! Vivan saw me! I ignored him and started running towards the elevator.

"Yamini! Wait" I heard him calling for me. I was constantly pressing for the list, but it's stuck at the tenth floor. Shrugging, I ran down the stairs when he was constantly shouting my name. I didn't pay heed and rushed downstairs.

Knowing that he isn't following me, I sighed in relief. 

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