13) Conditions

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Arjun Pov

I was burning in anger. That bloody bastard! How dare he do it? He has the courage to backstab me and act innocent. I am gonna teach him a lesson so that the others will never even think of doing anything against me.

Because of him, I lost a million dollars project and all the profit I could gain if I released this line of clothes. This was supposed to be released the upcoming week and almost half of the clothes have already been printed. There is a huge loss too. Why do I have to face all this?

I was trying to cool myself. Taking a deep breath, I drank the forth shot in a gulp. Just then my phone rang and it's from my private investigator.

"Yes" I tried to sound normal.

"Sir, Siddharth Abhamaniyu has been lately hanging out a lot with Rekha Sharma. They are seen in very intimate positions in public places and people around started spreading rumours" he said and I hung up the call.

Siddharth Abhamaniyu, Yamini's fake boyfriend. He is her friend's friend. I was forcing her to get a boyfriend soon and she brought him up. They acted close to eachother and often hung out in public places. Once my mom caught them too. That as very much unexpected. She was with her friend and all of a sudden she saw Yamini and that guy linking hands with one another and laughing together.

That night she came home and busted angrily. She was very disappointed and wasn't sure that she found the right girl for me. She demanded an explanation and her parents managed to convince my mom saying the he's her best friend. My mom was convinced right away and I groaned in frustration. Yamini was upset too. But somehow we dragged the issue so much that they had no other option than to postpone the wedding.

On month passed by and we are already engaged. Can't believe I have a fiancée right now! Gosh! This is insane. Like ever I'll get tied with her!

Our marriage is around the corner and my mom is the most excited about it. I can't help but sigh everytime I see her talking so excited about the wedding preparations.

Suddenly my phone rang again and it's Vivan now.


"You are drunk" he said straight away.


"Stop lying"

"Yea, I'm drunk. Before you ask why, I'll never answer" I smirked.

"You're unbelievable" he sighed.

"Is this why you called me?" I asked in my drunk style.

"If you realise your wedding is just two weeks away. We'll have to do the shopping for the bride and the best man. Since I'm free today, I can accompany you. What say?" Gosh! Why does this have to happen now?

"Not in a mood" I answered shortly.

"I'm coming there now" he cut the call and I put my head back on my couch.

My eyes shot open when I found someone splashing water on my face.

"What the fuck?" It was Vivan.

"What's with you? Drunk at working hours and that too in office. As far as I know you're so workaholic that you even prefer to work at night. It's not very often that I get to see you like this" he sat on the chair opposite to the couch.

I say upright, holding my head in my palms. Unable the bear the hangover, I groaned in frustration.

He forwarded a pill and a glass of water and I gulped it down. Massaging my temple, I sat on the laptop on my desk and showed him the money transaction of that bastard. His eyes shower anger and he completely understood me.

"So now?"

"I fired him of course. But before that he has to complete fifteen designs within two days" I said.

"What if he doesn't? Why don't you sue him?"

"He's not that wealthy. I won't get anything in return if I sue him. I let him have his freedom but he has to complete the work and clean his mess. Also if I'm successful, I have some other plans" I said, smirking.

"Why do I see your evil brain is active?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Cause it is!" I winked and he rolled his eyes.

"Ok, whatever. Let's go now" he pulled me and I sighed in frustration.

"Why so much preparation for the wedding that's never gonna happen?" I sighed again.

"I know all your plan but we can't skip it" we entered the private lift.

"Yea. But before than I need to talk to Siddharth"

"What's with the tone?"

"You'll see soon" I took out my phone and at the same time the lift door opened. We walked to the entrance and waited for my driver to bring my car from the lobby.

I called my PA to inform him that I won't be available till tomorrow.

"Sir, about the designs, Rahul -" I cut him off.

"I want to see atleast 8 designs by tomorrow. It should be at my table before I come" I ordered and hung up the phone.

I quickly called someone and waited for that person to answer the phone.


"We need to meet Siddharth"

"Well, I have some conditions"

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