9) Interview

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Yamini Pov

I quickly took my bag and made sure everything I need is in my bag. I took a last look of myself in the mirror to see myself dressed in a black pencil skirt and a white top. I took a stole and covered my neck with it. Applying some light lipstick, I'm all ready to go.

I grabbed my CV file and rushed downward to find my mom and dad talking to the event manager about the preparations of my engagement which is three weeks far. It's useless cause I'll somehow find a way to stop this.

My mom called me but I ignored her, making my way to the kitchen. I quickly made a toast and ate it. Gulping down a glass of water, I ran to the door ignoring my parents.

My Ola cabs was already at the door step. I got into it and drove off to ASA fashions. I was shocked to know Arjun is the CEO of ASA. But that will never stop me form reaching my dreams. I want to open my own clothing line with my own investment. That's my long time ambition and I'm a very determined about it.

"Mam, we are here" I quickly payed for the cab and stepped out of the cab. The building was fifty storeyed and was made of glass completely from outside. The design was unique and I already loved it.

Taking a deep breath in, I walked to the reception.

"How can I help you mam?" The girl at the reception asked.

"I'm here for the interview" I showed my interview letter and my id.

"The interview is at the seventh floor mam. Take a right and walk to the fifth lift" she answered and I smiled politely. I entered the seventh floor to find many girls already seated with nervousness all over their face. They were all very panicked and I started to panic too. I smiled as I found some of my college mates. Unfortunately I'm not that close to them.

I sat on an empty chair beside a brown hair guy. The interview started and one by one went inside. Everyone returned with a fuming face or a disappointed one. Is Arjun the one taking their interview? Gosh! I'm so nervous.

I'm sure he won't let me in just like that. I'll have to prove myself compatible for this job. We may know eachother but since I know him a bit, he seems very professional and perfect in his job. I too don't want to take any advantage of it. Hope I get this job.

I realised they were calling my name. I gripped my file and placed the stole in my bag. I walked in, praying to God continuously.

I knocked on the door and heard a clear yet husky "come in."

I opened the door to see Arjun sitting on the CEO chair, looking deeply at some file. He was wearing a brown suit within a white shirt. His hair was messy but still he looked very handsome. He has a clear 5o' clock shadow jaw and thin beard. He looked more handsome in this office attire.

God! What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking about my boss like this. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

Finally he looked up to see me. His eyes widened but he soon composed it with a blank look.

I smiled politely and sat on the chair in front of him. I have him my CV and he was carefully going through it.

"So tell me something about yourself" he asked, his eyes were still stuck at the file.

"You have my CV in front of you. I expect you to go through it. So I'll tell you something that's not there. I love Shahrukh Khan and Deepika. I'm a hardcore fan of Justin beiber. I love south Indian food and my favourite colour is blue. I occasionally play guitar and I'm an athlete too. I love AR Rahman more than anyone else and I'm-"

"That's enough" he cut me off.

I nodded and looked at him intently.

"Why do you want to join here?"

"I'm well aware that this is one of the top most companies world wide and this will help me to improve my skills. I want to reach great heights in this field and working here will make it easy" I said confidentially.

"Nice. So tell me, why should we hire you when you don't have any experience?" He asked professionally.

"I may not be experienced and I'm very new to this field. New minds always have fresh ideas and it cannot be compared to experience. I didn't mean to say experience is not worthy or something but fresh minds give creative ideas since we just graduated and it'll help your company to gain more consumers" I said.

"Can you explain me this design which you mailed us?" He turned his laptop see show me one of the designs I made.

I explained him everything clearly and he seems to listen to me intently. As far as I know I have given it my best shot. I hope to get this job but if I don't, no worries. I'll get myself prepared for the worst.

He asked me few more questions and I answer them up to my knowledge in full confidence. Though a part of me was nervous cause I know him personally but I didn't show it outside and acted all professional.

"Ok Miss. Yamini, you may go. You'll receive a mail if you're in. All the best" I shook his hand and suddenly felt some sparks. I ignored it and walked outside thanking him politely.

I immediately called up Shanaya and Lekha and told them about the interview. They were sure that I'll get into it. Let's just hope for the best.

Author's note

Try 'Stealing his last name' by shiningbright_3. She's just started writing let's encourage her to write more.

Will take time for the next update.

See you all, till then take care.

Menaka ❤

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