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Yamini Pov

After a week

"Nice presentation miss Yamini, I'm truly impressed" the manager of our group congratulated me.

"Thank you sir" I smiled.

"Give me a copy of the designs you made and lets head to the conference room" he said and walked out of the room.

It has been a week since I saw my parents. I thought they would be angry at me but they understood me so well. Dad was literally jumping around the house since I arrived. I was so happy to see my dad this happy after months. As expected, Arjun was dead angry at me. I wanted to talk to him but he's throwing too much attitude at me. I can't believe he was my friend once who now started calling me names.

I sent an email of all my designs to my manager's official mail id and went to the conference room with my team. There are just two members in my ram while the other teams have five. But my team has one of the best members and I'm proud of my team. I can't wait to show our first work in front of everyone. I personally put in a lot of effort along with my team and the outcome is amazing.

"So let's start" it was Shayam who instructed us to begin. The groups one by one showed their designs on the slide through the projector. They explained their designs and everyone was very interested in it. Finally it was our turn. As the designing head of my group, I came forward and presented the designs, explaining the design properly and even our choice of colours at the required places. It took me quite sometime to finish it and when I'm done there was a huge round of applause. I was very happy and looked at my team members with happiness in their faces too. I smiled and sat down in my seat when the remaining groups presented theirs.

"I'll go through them again and will personally call you all to further proceed if your designs are selected" Shayam announced and we all left the room.

"I'm sure ours will be selected" our group manager grinned. I smiled back. He's very optimistic and supportive.

"If not all but atleast some will definitely be" one of my group mate said and that made me so happy.

I went to my cubicle and started doing my remaining work till it's lunch time. I had the lunch which Aditi prepared for me. Shanaya called me and I talked to her for a while. I got a call from the intercom and it's Shayam asking me to come to his cubicle. I told Shanaya that I'll talk to her later and hung up the phone.

Taking my notepad and a pen, in case he instructes me and I have to note it down. I took the lift and went up to the top floor where his cabin is situated. I saw his PA coming out of the room. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Really very creative designs" he complimented and I smiled widely.

"Thank you" he nodded and waved a bye. I waved back and stood in front of the door. I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in.

"Good afternoon sir" I greeted him and that's when he looked up from the file he was reading. He smiled.

"Good afternoon miss Yamini" he greeted back and I smiled, clutching my notepad to my chest.

"Please have a seat" I took a seat across him, on a black chair. I concentrated on him when he again went back to the file he was reading.

Why did he call me for?

I waited patiently for a couple of minutes till he spoke.

"You made it better than this" he pointed at the file he as reading.

I peeked into it to see my designs I made for ASA fashions before I quit. It suddenly brought back the memories of Arjun. I don't know why I can't get angry at him even when I heard him taking about me behind my back. I got to know about it from my friends. He cursed me and went on saying rubbish. Though when I met him I wasn't angry but reminding myself how he called me names makes me want to kill him.

He cancelled the engagement and announced it officially when he was spotted kissing another girl at some party. When asked by the media, he said that we had some issues and realised we aren't meant for eachother. I don't know why this hurt me so much until I cried the whole night and couldn't concentrate on anything. I so badly wanted to hold him by his collar and shout saying we never gave it a try.

To be honest, even though I got to know he had so many flings, I couldn't hate him. I tired so many times but it's not in me to hate him. What surprised me was he was never hooked up with anyone when I was in his life. When I worked in his office for sometime, I heard his office mates and colleagues speaking that he's changed a lot and it's for good. He's more focused in his work and started treating them kindly. It's like his real form is out after his cruel heart break. He was very friendly and funny around me when we were in good terms.

I never wanted to agree this but I can't help it when I see memories of us looking at the designs I made for his company. I can never think of him as a friend. He's more than just a friend. I started smiling more often and feel very comfortable when I'm with him. It's like my whole life has got a meaning. I tried to notice if he has such changes, but I couldn't see any. That disappointed me but I over came those, atleast that's what I think. I want to hate him but I can't.

"Yamini" I came back to reality when Shayam hit on the table lightly in front of me. I realized I was zoning out and quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine. I called you to say that ten out of fifteen designs of yours have been selected" he said with a smile and I had a grin on my face. My eyes widened and I clapped my hands unknowingly. He chuckled and I realised what I was doing. I slapped my forehead lightly and he shook his head with an amused expression.

"Thank you sir"

"Since your designs are leading, I'm appointing you as the head of the recent brand we are coming up with. I hope you'll not make us regret our decision" he said smirking. I smiled even widely.

"Sure sir, I'll do my best" I smiled. He stood up from the chair and wapkd to me.

"Since I have you such a big post, though you don't have much experience, I want a favour from you" he smirked. I gave a confused look and his smirk widened.

"Come as my date for the upcoming party" I gasped.

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